Politics and Religion

Budget and Defense
allthebetter 2225 reads

They continue to divide and conquer.............ONE TRILLION DOLLAR DEFENSE BUDGET.....

11  Nimitz class aircraft carriers Nimitz ........335 million for one F35.......

Our old tired F16's and F14's cost 40 million or so a copy..... better than anything else in the world...but not good enough???

Over 560 military bases in 150 countries around the world???

Our kids lose arms and legs and die defending our way of life?

Or is it the super rich's way of life????

People are worried about ruining our health care system.....????

The use of the word system implies organization.....all I see organized is how quickly my money disappears when I use it. We are the only western country WITH OUT health care.

Maybe it's because we are defending the rest of the world (cause we're just such nice guys).

Simple examination of the US budget including interest expenses Vet's benefits, homeland security, etc.  And other pieces not recognized by the DOD or GAS but actually attributable to our military past present and future will show DEFENSE SPENDING THIS YEAR at over 1-trillion dollars....a bit over half the budget.

It isn’t even open to discussion on the hill.

As we look to "BALANCE" the budget and entertain cuts to social programs and as our politicians sell out the middle class to big money and business the 400 richest in this country who hold more wealth then 150 million Americans combined complain they should only have to pay their FAIR share.....LOLOLOLOLOL

Time we did something about the robber baron death mongers and the politicians who support them driving this country to ruin.

Snowman391910 reads

you are an individual who would take money away from those who place their lives on the line defending our country, place their lives at greater risk by allowing them to use older equipment, but would very happily give it to those who can not afford some of the basics in life because they have shown no responsibility and made bad life choices....

Let me guess, your a LIBERAL....

allthebetter2999 reads

Exactly the opposite.

I would make sure the money we are spending on defense goes toward protecting those in harms way and NOT line the pockets of the rich and powerful.

And that when our men and women come home they are given the care and support they deserve because there is money enough left over to do so.

And that they first NOT be deployed for unsound reason.

Snowman392940 reads

our troops are spread to thin and we ask too much of them. We need to bring many back home.

I also think in the end, we are going to have to cut the defense budget to balance the  budget, but I would only go there AFTER Social Security, Medicare and many other entitlement programs.

allthebetter1061 reads

I paid into S.S. for 40 years and unlike most union folks I have no pension and only the savings I scraped together on my own.

No, I will/could not retire after thirty years.
No, I didn't work 9 months out of the year for 75K "for the KIDS"
No, when I screw up I get fired.
No, I am not protected when things slow down by union rules

Yes, I think I'm entitled to something I paid for.

Yes I think the more than 2.5 trillion dollars stolen from the SS fund by way of "LOANS" needs to be paid back with interest. But by who???? Politicians feathering their nests????

Yes I think the health care "system" that has wasted each year and fraudulently billed SS billions due to loop holes and incentives needs correction.

Our representatives need to start thinking of taking care of us not the rest of the world, the rich and the connected. Or vote ALL the bums out DEMS AND REPS.

We spend more today in inflation adjusted dollars on so called defense than at the height of WWll.

Snowman391833 reads

Personally, I would like to see a bill that says if Social Security goes under, ALL GOVERNMENT pension plans are forfeit since it is the governemnt that stole from Social Security.

I MAX out my Social Security contributions every year because of my income level, I never expect to see a dime of it back...

is pittance in comparison to billions pissed down the toilet on contracts and cost overruns on new weapon systems. One one always bring up personnel issues and make it look out of context.

Do you really know how many pork barrel weapons program gets funded just because it is in some senators state. Bush administration tried to cancel couple of programs, Secretary Gates recommended it, Mr. Gates also wants to make defense more agile but no, senate keeps on funding weapons program that will never be used or see light of day.

Always place label on someone, that is also out of context in this case.

You are not going to balance the budget by cutting things that cost 1%-2% of the total budget and by leaving largest expenses untouched. Go look at the federal budget and % of spending on each category. It is available at OMB, they have broken it all down for you.

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