Politics and Religion

BTW, insulting the wrong guy doesn't hurt. (eom)
9-man 1809 reads


9-man5097 reads

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a few other authorized officials are walking the streets handing out money.

It looks like al-Maliki is just to the left of Ho Chi Minh, or maybe even Fidel Castro. Maybe he'll send some money back to us to jump-start our economy.

I don't think that's likely somehow.

-- Modified on 7/13/2008 10:22:21 AM

JW-Blue1739 reads

9-nuts, have you been to iraq? i have friends who are serving, and they are proud of what we're doing for the iraqis. ignorant people like you and BO, who haven't been to iraq, don't know what you're talking about.

9-man3127 reads

Of course I know they see things that I don't and can't. One tries to be educated about them, what they see, what they think, and how they feel. I know for a fact, after all they've gone through, that to give up and come home would be the worst thing for them.

But that's a different topic. Apparently, a politician openly handing out money, and buying his popularity by doing so, is no laughing matter for you.

9-man2342 reads

I hate to nitpick. Am I the 9th nut a squirrel hides? The 9th nut in the Planters can. If so, why is it worse than the 8th net.

9-man is a play on 8 Man. You could look that up on Google. I'd be posting under 8 Man, but it was taken.

GaGambler1680 reads

Why don't you just post under your "real" fake name?

9-man2286 reads

Second, for security concerns that I've been emphatically alerted to, I am not going post under the name I might write reviews under. Just as I am not going to use the alias 9-man on any other website, or even another board on this site. It'll be consistent here, though, unless I feel I have to take more precautions.  

I was reluctant to give any hint either way about my identity. Okay, I'm this Zin guy now. I liked him when I lurked, except on days when he was fucking insane. You originally guessed at some other guy. Keep right on guessing. There's only about 400,000 people who visit this board every day. But only half of those are regulars. (According to Quantcast). So, the odds are about 1/220,000 that you guess the right about the identity in one try. Then again, if you take just the pool of fanatics, (4% according to Quantcast) then the chances of a single guess being correct is just 1 in 16,000, if you presume I'm a fanatic, good luck.

But unless the guy is a troll, or just a heckler, I really think you should mind your business on how people manage their identities. I begin to wonder if people know hobbying isn't legal. And if RICO or conspiracy laws are brought into play, this is really high risk. Like maybe people should take steps to be more anonymous, not less.

GaGambler4405 reads

You've only got 7 reviews and you haven't made one in over 2 years. You've already admitted that you are basically a nobody, What the fuck do you have to worry about?

Now OTOH if you were rich or famous I could understand, but somehow I doubt the powers that be are going to come after your sorry, broke ass.

9-man1504 reads

I think it's better to avoid each other.

GaGambler1644 reads

I see you have created a new log in for yourself.

Why the paranoia? Drugs aren't working I gather.

GaGambler1429 reads

and I apologized to him both publicly and privately.

Toondin or whatever you want to call yourself, you are still the same old Zinaval to me.

GaGambler1366 reads

It will be almost two weeks before your next post falls off the thirty day mark.

If you are trying to keep your identity a secret you are doing a horrible job.

Really Zin, you need to do something about your paranoia or at least get better about hiding your tracks.

RightwingUnderground2693 reads

Might write reviews? You haven't written a review in over two years. By your own admission, you quit hobbying. What? Did you get a job? or hit the lottery? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Seriously though, I can appreciate your desire for an alias, but quit BSing us. Everyone here knows who I am, I don't hide it from regulars, but I don't want lurking providers to know.

"Posted by 9-man,
Second, for security concerns that I've been emphatically alerted to, I am not going post under the name I might write reviews under "..
Like maybe people should take steps to be more anonymous, not less.  

If you believe a alias protects your identity don't buy that bridge if it seems like a good price..
 Your security concerns mean nothing as there are many people who know who you are every time you post whether you use a alias or not..
 Think about a different angle ... Most of the time  all it takes is one confidential source to spill the beans
Another thought for the unenlightened in cyberspace.. Everything you say is being recorded and there is no such thing as delete..
And last but not least " Cowards may cower in fear but they still get beat up without striking a blow..

9-man1543 reads

I could tell you why you don't: because every little layer, every little measure adds just a little more to your security, and is a little more effort and time for somebody to crack it.

If I'm a coward, then most people in the hobby are cowards. Anybody who takes any security precautions are cowards as well.

Finally, I don't give a fuck what you think about it.

-- Modified on 7/17/2008 8:48:25 AM

GaGambler2064 reads

Lets make a bet between you, me and Quad. Each of us puts a grand(or some other amount) into a paypal account, we all put our personal info out for the world to see and the winner takes all.

As a side bet, I wager that Quad will have the stones to make this bet where Zin will not. I am also willing to trust Quad not to welch on his wager if he steps up to the plate. Quad, if you want to participate in the wager, your word is good enough for me. Zin, I want to see the color of your money. Do you have the balls?

Zin, you've been bragging about how financially secure you are, I am giving you an opportuinity to put your money where your mouth is. Let's see if you really have any balls, or are you as gutless as JackO?

-- Modified on 7/17/2008 5:22:41 PM

Speaking of handing out cash to buy support, a Los Angeles Times article on July 12th, page A8, reporte that Obama approved a grant of $200,000.00 of public money to Citizen's Education Fund,  an "offshoot" of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition.   According to Obama himself, as quoted in the article, he did not have the resources to "vet the merits of grant requests" that he received,  but he still gave money to every non-profit group that asked him for it.  
Is this an old-fashioned Chicago, Dailey-style politician or is it the new Iraq?  

One final thing.  The $200,000 he gave to Jackson's group is the exact amount the FEC fined the group for violations of federal law.  

RightwingUnderground4183 reads

Except for the delivery system, it looks pretty much like U.S.

As someone else said, we won’t have complete success until we see a Gay Rights/Rainbow Coalition Parade in Baghdad.

a turnpike he can start handing out the toll collector jobs like our MA Dems do.

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