Politics and Religion

BPD is a very liberal organization.
JohnyComeAlready 262 reads

Notice how the young woman made Sargent so quickly?

Sounds like an affirmative action promotion.

bigguy301835 reads

I wonder how many DA have the guts to stand up and say enough like Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby?

The more these bad cops are called out and possibly punished for bad behavior.  

They will start to think twice before acting like thugs themselves!

So yes two wrongs don't make a right but it's time for the cops to learn that lesson too!

The States Attorney better produce some evidence.

Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder how many DA have the guts to stand up and say enough like Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby?  
 The more these bad cops are called out and possibly punished for bad behavior.    
 They will start to think twice before acting like thugs themselves!  
 So yes two wrongs don't make a right but it's time for the cops to learn that lesson too!

bigguy30409 reads

So the charges include second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault, among others, will be filed against the officers involved in Gray's arrest, Mosby said.

What did you miss smart guy?

Just learn how to read next time!




Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
The States Attorney better produce some evidence.  
Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder how many DA have the guts to stand up and say enough like Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby?  
  The more these bad cops are called out and possibly punished for bad behavior.    
  They will start to think twice before acting like thugs themselves!  
  So yes two wrongs don't make a right but it's time for the cops to learn that lesson too!

Second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter...

Why were they charged with both counts?

bigguy30290 reads

I guess she knows a thing or two about good verses bad cops!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter...  
 Why were they charged with both counts?

I don't get that one. Can someone explain that to me?

...commonly known as "wanton indifference," i.e., the driver didn't care whether or not the way he was treating Freddie Gray would result in Gray's death.

Wanton indifference is a more serious charge than manslaughter so the prosecutor has to prove that the driver KNEW that his acts were dangerous but didn't care.  It will be difficult to prove what the driver knew and what he was thinking (or not thinking).

Posted By: BigPapasan
...commonly known as "wanton indifference," i.e., the driver didn't care whether or not the way he was treating Freddie Gray would result in Gray's death.

Wanton indifference is a more serious charge than manslaughter so the prosecutor has to prove that the driver KNEW that his acts were dangerous but didn't care.  It will be difficult to prove what the driver knew and what he was thinking (or not thinking).  


CltLuvr293 reads

really cared about Baltimore you wouldn't condone the burning and looting.

bigguy30320 reads

So your conservative bullshit is really messed up right now.
You are not used to bad cops being exposed for thugs!
I get it so many of you want to paint black and brown people as thugs.
If you read my thread I clearly said two wrongs don't make a right.
It's time for the cops to learn a lesson that you cannot do wrong and not pay for it!

Posted By: CltLuvr
really cared about Baltimore you wouldn't condone the burning and looting.

CltLuvr253 reads

Cop haters like you enjoy watching rioters burn and loot.

bigguy30232 reads

When you assume without knowing any facts.
You know it makes you look like ass.
I know why you are upset and it's sad.
Just like your comments!

Posted By: CltLuvr
Cop haters like you enjoy watching rioters burn and loot.

CltLuvr232 reads

seriously WTF.  Gray is, and has been selling drugs to the kids of Baltimore for years.  Yet he's being revered as some poor innocent black dude hauled into the police wagon for nothing.

No one should die in custody, but think about what kind of person he was.

Posted By: CltLuvr
seriously WTF.  Gray is, and has been selling drugs to the kids of Baltimore for years.  Yet he's being revered as some poor innocent black dude hauled into the police wagon for nothing.  
 No one should die in custody, but think about what kind of person he was.
Having a rap sheet is not a reason nor an excuse to be treated so negligibly that a death results from it. He committed no crime punishable by death at any point.

bigguy30248 reads

I will let my comment stand for itself.

If you cannot understand it.

Then that is your problem and not mine.

Posted By: CltLuvr

I believe Marilyn J. Mosby is Baltimore City State's attorney or Baltimore’s State’s attorney.  
        OK, OK, OK ,  I'm done mimicking you all know who, could be one of two, on a minor technicality. :-D
   Regardless, being charged is no guarantee of a conviction, especially so, when LE are  the criminals with  charges against them.
       The cops who killed  Freddie Grey will have a defense  only surpassed by OJ's legal team when he was charged with killing Nicole and found not guilty.  
   I wouldn't be surprised to hear  their  sleaze bag attorneys claim, the cops threw Freddie in without buckling him up because  they had just been in the fight of their life, defending themselves from almost dying, at the hands of Freddie Grey.  
  They drove recklessly fast on the way to jail in fear Freddie would hijack their vehicle.  

 Even when   a video proves  LE's guilt, there  is no guarantee of a conviction in a Court of Law.



Posted By: bigguy30
I wonder how many DA have the guts to stand up and say enough like Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby?  
 The more these bad cops are called out and possibly punished for bad behavior.    
 They will start to think twice before acting like thugs themselves!  
 So yes two wrongs don't make a right but it's time for the cops to learn that lesson too!

CltLuvr265 reads

at being arrested, something he was quite use to.

But if the EVIDENCE shows the cops caused his death then they should burn.

The trial will have to be moved, but I don't think it will take place in BaCo. They do clear more cases in BaCo. but I wouldn't call it a conservative town.

CltLuvr215 reads

over her head with that explosive situation it's not even funny.

But she knew they were thugs (as she called them), until she got pressure from people in her community.  

What's that you say? Do you want to be re-elected Mayor?  Better change your attitude Mayor.  These are just misguided youths ... lmfao

bigguy30280 reads

You cannot handle the truth and it's eating you up inside.

I love to see a closet racist upset like yourself. LOL  



Posted By: CltLuvr
over her head with that explosive situation it's not even funny.  
 But she knew they were thugs (as she called them), until she got pressure from people in her community.    
 What's that you say? Do you want to be re-elected Mayor?  Better change your attitude Mayor.  These are just misguided youths ... lmfao!  

CltLuvr309 reads

Take a reading comprehension course bigguy.T

The only thing that's eating me up is seeing a Democratic black administration and police chief in Baltimore do nothing to better the city.  Then when an incident happens they don't know how to handle it.

It's only property right Ms. Mayor?

bigguy30364 reads

I agree if these cops did it they should burn but are they thugs too?

Posted By: CltLuvr
Take a reading comprehension course bigguy.T  
 The only thing that's eating me up is seeing a Democratic black administration and police chief in Baltimore do nothing to better the city.  Then when an incident happens they don't know how to handle it.  
 It's only property right Ms. Mayor?

CltLuvr256 reads

poor little things just out for a good time :(

"Of course it's not the right word, to call our children 'thugs,'" Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes.  These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us. No, we don't have to call them thugs."

...in 2012 and his guns were confiscated.

He was the cop who made eye contact with Freddie Gray which caused Freddie Gray to run.  Running from cops after making eye contact is not probable cause to chase and arrest someone, even though righties would love it to be so.

bigguy30309 reads

It's a tough job and not everybody can or should be doing it!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...in 2012 and his guns were confiscated.

He was the cop who made eye contact with Freddie Gray which caused Freddie Gray to run.  Running from cops after making eye contact is not probable cause to chase and arrest someone, even though righties would love it to be so.

OFFICER CAESAR GOODSON: Part time Saab mechanic ,  Drives a Saab on special occasions.  
 Would   Righties  be seen driving a Saab ?  
   LT. BRIAN RICE:   Bike Patrol    
  Better chance a City Pedal Bike Aficionado is Left Wing.
 MILLER and NERO:  Bike Patrol, mistakenly identified a small, legal, folding knife found on Gray as a switchblade.  
  Have you ever heard of  Righties  who would confuse a small Buck knife with a switch blade, and ride a bicycle while working ?    
 SGT. Alicia White : Woman ......Aren't  all women except BSC Bachman and Fox news blondes,  Left Wing ?  
  William Porter:   African American according to  Baltimore Sun.  
The odds would not  favor betting Porter is  a Rightie .      


Posted By: BigPapasan
The highest ranking cop involved was hospitalized for mental illness......in 2012 and his guns were confiscated.

He was the cop who made eye contact with Freddie Gray which caused Freddie Gray to run.  Running from cops after making eye contact is not probable cause to chase and arrest someone, even though righties would love it to be so.

Notice how the young woman made Sargent so quickly?

Sounds like an affirmative action promotion.

I guess it should be no shock since more than 40% of the force is black.  The only one charged with murder -- the driver of the police van -- is black

You may have noticed there were not any firearms involved in this case.

Posted By: inicky46
I guess it should be no shock since more than 40% of the force is black.  The only one charged with murder -- the driver of the police van -- is black.  

CltLuvr264 reads

The Baltimore Sun:

"Police Commissioner Batts says police need to tackle racism to build trust"

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts told a national task force on policing Friday that law enforcement leaders need to "tackle racism" in the community and broaden their roles to focus on issues such as literacy, mentoring and mental illness.

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