Politics and Religion

Obama 48%-Romney 47% in hard-fought presidential race in Florida....
Timbow 1540 reads

Obama 48%-Romney 47% in hard-fought presidential race in Florida
By Marc Caputo The Miami Herald

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/09/22/3016362/obama-48-romney-47-in-hard-fought.html#storylink=cpy

salonpas155 reads

Florida has an unemployment rate of 8.8%. Record home foreclosures. Romney should be at least 10 points ahead don't you think?

Hell, even T-Paw has quit Romney's campaign and gone to work as a bank lobbyist.

The electoral math just isn't in Romney's favor. He's got to win Florida. He's got to win Virginia. He's got to win Ohio. All three. If he loses just one of them, Obama wins.

I really don't know who gets the nod at this point.  But just being perfectly honest, Obama in no way deserves to win this.  His record sucks, and has proven to be the biggest liar in presidential history.  Not even Nixon edges him out for this honor.

Now think what you like about Romney but one thing for sure, if you just look at integrity and accomplishments, he makes Obama look like a common place thug.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

The stupidest thing Reid could have ever said.

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