Politics and Religion

Bloomberg would destroy Hils chances in that scenario.
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 917 reads
1 / 22

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg considering independent presidential bid

GaGambler 232 reads
2 / 22

The consensus seems to be that if it comes down to a Clinton/Trump/Bloomberg race, Trump wins. Not by the landslide that Hillary most likely would come away with if Trump were not the GOP nominee and ran as an Independent. If that were to happen, there wouldn't even be any sense in having a vote. They could just crown her now.

HONDA 153 Reviews 197 reads
4 / 22

......He would represent evangelical Christian conservatives. Trump has many social conservative voters in Iowa drinking his cool-aid, he might be a fiscal conservative, I have my doubts even on that, but he's most certainly not a social conservative.

JackDunphy 207 reads
5 / 22

Look at it this way. Trump would proly take NY state!

Game....set...match.... Mr Trump. LO

mattradd 40 Reviews 223 reads
6 / 22

he's only considering it if it becomes a Trump vs. Sanders race. If so Trump wins, IMHO.

mattradd 40 Reviews 207 reads
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The social conservatives are well represented by Cruz, Huckabee and Santorum. The bottom line, for them, is to vote for anyone with the best prospect of beating the Democrat. If that's Trump, they will hold their noses, rationalized all over the place, struggle with the cognitive /dissonance, and vote for him.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 217 reads
8 / 22

...up to his neck in the Jack Abramoff scandal and still had the balls to try and run for Lt. Gov. in Georgia.  He got his ass handed to him in the Republlcan primary and laid low for a few years.  Now he's back to scamming the thumpers.

-- Modified on 1/23/2016 12:29:45 PM

GaGambler 230 reads
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Ralph Reed would be unlikely to move the needle enough to matter and even if he could, he would know he was helping the Dems, so he would have no motivation to do so.

Social conservatives might not come out in droves to support Trump, but they damn sure aren't going to do anything to help Hillary's chances.

HONDA 153 Reviews 223 reads
10 / 22

I actually think Cruz wins Iowa and Trump comes in a close second. The next question is how Trump reacts to his loss in Iowa, will he decide to call it quits or carry on to fight another day in New Hampshire. Much depends on how well Trump is polling in New Hampshire a few days after the Iowa caucus. If his poll numbers drop precipitously after Iowa, Trump will drop out of the race immediately, this scenario fits his modus operandi perfectly, he hates to be seen as a loser. At that point the real nomination contest begins. The Republican establishment will try to force the low polling "establishment candidates" to depart the race, but I doubt any will listen. They all probably feel they have an equal shot at winning the nomination. Stay tuned folks

GaGambler 213 reads
11 / 22

No way in hell does Trump drop out as the front runner. THAT would make him look like a loser.  

Trump and Cruz are a toss up in IA and Trump has a commanding lead in NH. No way does Trump drop out, I think that's just a bit of wishful thinking on your part. There is no reason for anything that happens in Iowa to cause his numbers to drop in NH. Trump has been behind in Iowa from day one, only in the last few days has he drawn even with Cruz. Trump can easily spin a narrow loss in Iowa as a victory. Now "IF", and this is a HUGE "if", but if Trump loses in NH, then and only then does Trump even think about dropping out and even in that highly unlikely scenario Trump still does not drop out immediately

HONDA 153 Reviews 212 reads
12 / 22

SCARY thought! Perhaps all this attention is getting to him. I'm now beginning to have serious doubts, this does not look like an individual mentally fit to be POTUS. I could probably say the same for Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Rand Paul and Bernie Sander's. There has to be better way to pick our Presidents don't you think?

Did Donald Trump just jump the shark with his extreme comment. This latest statement may be too much for some...

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally in Iowa.

While he may well be correct in his statement, we suspect the mainstream media will have a field day with this one as the Iowa and New Hampshire caucuses loom.

JackDunphy 197 reads
13 / 22

Recent news with Iowa gov and Palin helps Trump in that caucus and I think he is very likely now to win Iowa.

Cruz doesn't have enough time to get back from this last horrible week, imo.

HONDA 153 Reviews 207 reads
14 / 22

......I'm not so sure all Trump's Iowa supporters are motivated enough to leave home and caucus for 2+ hours in bad weather. Cruz supporters are highly motivated crazies and will go out and caucus come hell or high water. It will be close, but I think Cruz wins Iowa.

GaGambler 187 reads
15 / 22

Something along the lines of "The only way I could lose is to be caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy"  

Pretty damn cocky, but true.

The truth of the matter is that anyone who is narcissistic enough to run for the job is almost by definition someone we wouldn't want. We'd probably be better off having a draft from those who truly are our best and brightest and force them to serve for four years.

I did notice a name conspicuously missing from your list of those not fit to serve. If you were to take a poll on who the public thought was the least trustworthy of all the major candidates, who do you think would win that poll?

GaGambler 213 reads
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Bloomberg with all his billions and name recognition, plus actually having been elected to something, could have an actual impact on the election. This douchebag wouldn't have any more effect than if nuguy decided to throw his hat in the ring too.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 203 reads
18 / 22

Don't count out the mega popular Democratic Socialist. Hills ain't been coronated yet!

GaGambler 201 reads
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and fortunately there are only so many people quite that stupid as to be voting for him for anything, even down there with the inbreds.

GaGambler 202 reads
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Assuming for the moment they both win the nomination, I believe the Republican establishment will bite the bullet and support him even though they know they have no real control over him, Trump is first and foremost a businessman and they will bet that he won't do anything to fuck up "business as usual" too badly.  

OTOH Sanders is not a businessman, Wall street will be terrified of what might happen if he is elected and while he'll still get votes, he won't get any support from the Democratic establishment who will simply take their lumps this election cycle where it comes to POTUS and concentrate on trying to retake Congress. I think in a three way race, Sanders might as well be a third party candidate himself, that's how little support I think he will get from the establishment, especially if the vote is already diluted.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 215 reads
21 / 22

Posted By: gatorjimmy
Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg considering independent presidential bid  
  The GOP & DNC ruthlessly ganged up on Ross Perot and Ralph Nader for daring a strong "independent" bid. Now even if you win the vote the 'Party way' the oligarchy will impune, ignore and search for a candidate to suit THEM! That is NOT democracy; but rather a thinly veiled dictatorship.

TwoMints 184 reads
22 / 22

He's talking about what others say about him.

Reeks of desperation to imply otherwise.  
Posted By: HONDA
SCARY thought! Perhaps all this attention is getting to him. I'm now beginning to have serious doubts, this does not look like an individual mentally fit to be POTUS. I could probably say the same for Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Rand Paul and Bernie Sander's. There has to be better way to pick our Presidents don't you think?  
Did Donald Trump just jump the shark with his extreme comment. This latest statement may be too much for some...  
 "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally in Iowa.  
 While he may well be correct in his statement, we suspect the mainstream media will have a field day with this one as the Iowa and New Hampshire caucuses loom.

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