Politics and Religion

Bird Brain Of The Year. (eom)
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What positive effect does marijuana have on the human respiratory system?


and I'm not somebody to count calories, sugar or fat contents. LO

Hindu Gods, Greek Gods, Egyptian Gods.... All the same fkn structure. Virgin mary. Christmas birth. 12 disciples...  

I don't even bother to go to Buddhism cuz they are all too obviously a BS if anyone really believes we'll be reincarnated into frogs.  Now if Buddhism claimed that we'll decompose back into fundamental elements and then be born again in some other form - without - the same consciousness and memories, then I may give them more credibility but only a little bit more cuz I still don't see the need to tap that noisy ass instrument every half a second all day long.  The fat ass needs to get off his ass and lose some weight too cuz he reminds me of Jabba the Hut from star wars. Lmao


    African mythology

        Anyanwu, Igbo god believed to dwell in the sun
        Magec, Tenerife god of the sun and light
        Mawu, Dahomey goddess associated with the sun and the moon
        Ngai, Kamba, Kikuyu and Maasai god of the sun

    Australian Aboriginal mythology

        Gnowee, solar goddess who searches daily for her lost son; the light of her torch is the sun
        Wala, solar goddess
        Wuriupranili, solar goddess whose torch is the sun
        Yhi, Karraur goddess of the sun, light and creation

    Ainu mythology

        Chup Kamui, a lunar goddess who switched places with her brother to become goddess of the sun

    Arabian mythology

        Malakbel, god of the sun

    Aztec mythology

        Huitzilopochtli, god of the sun and war
        Nanauatzin, god of the sun
        Teoyaomicqui, god of lost souls, the sun and the sixth hour of the day
        Tonatiuh, god of the sun and ruler of the heavens
        Xiuhtecuhtli, god of fire, day and heat

    Baltic mythology

        Saulė, goddess of the sun and fertility

    Basque mythology

        Ekhi, goddess of the sun and protector of humanity

    Brazilian mythology

        Meri, folk hero and god of the sun


        Marici, goddess of the heavens, sun and light

    Canaanite mythology

        Shapash, goddess of the sun

    Celtic mythology

        Áine, Irish goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty, associated with the sun and midsummer
        Alaunus, Gaulish god of the sun, healing and prophecy
        Belenos, Gaulish god of the sun
        Étaín, Irish sun goddess
        Grannus, god associated with spas, healing thermal and mineral springs, and the sun
        Lugh, Irish deity sometimes regarded as a sun god
        Mug Ruith, Irish deity sometimes regarded as a sun or storm god

Statue of the goddess Xihe charioteering the sun, being pulled by a dragon, in Hangzhou

    Chinese mythology

        Xihe, sun goddess and mother of the ten suns
        Zhulong, dragon deity of daylight.

    Egyptian mythology

        Bast, cat goddess associated with the sun
        Horus, god of the sky whose right eye was considered to be the sun and his left the moon
        Amun, creator deity sometimes identified as a sun god
        Atum, the "finisher of the world" who represents the sun as it sets
        Aten, god of the sun, the visible disc of the sun
        Khepri, god of rebirth and the sunrise
        Nefertem, god of healing and beauty, who represents the first sunlight
        Ra, god of the sun
        Sekhmet, goddess of war and of the sun, and sometimes plagues and creator of the desert
        Sopdu, god of war and the scorching heat of the summer sun
        Ptah, god of craftsmanship, the arts and fertility, sometimes said to represent the sun at night
        Khnum, god of sunset

    Etruscan mythology

        Albina, goddess of the dawn and protector of ill-fated lovers
        Thesan, goddess of the dawn, associated with new life
        Usil, etruscan equivalent of Helios

    Germanic mythology

        Sól (Sunna)

    Greek mythology

        Apollo, Olympian god of light, the sun, prophecy, healing, plague, archery, music and poetry
        Helios, Titan god of the sun
        Heracles, the "solar hero", whose entire story has been interpreted as a sun myth, and whose labors are often associated with the Zodiac signs.
        Hyperion, Titan god of light
        Alectrona, goddess of the sun, morning and waking up
        Eos, Titan goddess of the dawn
        Phanes, protogenoi of light and life, described with "golden wings", surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac and equated with Mithras.



        Agni, god of fire, associated with the sun
        Aryaman, god of the sun
        Mitra, god of honesty, friendship, contracts, meetings and the morning sun
        Ravi, god of the sun
        Saranyu, goddess of the dawn and clouds
        Savitr, god of the sun at sunrise and sunset
        Surya, god of the sun

    Hittite mythology

        Arinna, goddess of the sun
        Istanu, god of the sun and judgment

    Incan mythology

        Inti, god of the sun and patron deity of the Inca Empire

    Inuit mythology

        Akycha, solar deity worshipped in Alaska
        Malina, goddess of the sun found most commonly in the legends of Greenland

    Japanese mythology

        Amaterasu, goddess of the sun

    Lusitanian mythology

        Endovelicus, god of health and safety. Worshipped both as a solar deity and a chthonic one.
        Neto, claimed to be both a solar and war deity.

    Māori mythology

        Ao, personification of daylight
        Tama-nui-te-rā, personification of the sun

    Maya mythology

        Ah Kin, god of the sun, bringer of doubt and protector against the evils associated with darkness
        Kinich Ahau, god of the sun
        Hunahpu, one of the Maya Hero Twins; he transformed into the sun while his brother transformed into the moon
        Tohil, god associated with thunder, lightning and sunrise

    Mesopotamian mythology

        Shamash, Akkadian god of the sun and justice
        Utu, Sumerian god of the sun and justice

    Native American mythology

        Wi, Lakota god of the sun

    Norse mythology

        Baldr, god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness
        Dagr, personification of the daytime
        Freyr, god of fertility, sexuality, peace and sunlight

    Persian mythology

        Nahundi, god of the sun and law

    Polynesian mythology

        Atanua, Marquesan goddess of the dawn
        Atarapa, goddess of the dawn

    Roman mythology

        Apollo, the Greco-Roman god of light, music, knowledge, and the sun

    Sami mythology

        Beiwe, goddess of the sun, spring, fertility and sanity

    Slavic mythology

        Belobog, reconstructed deity of light and the sun who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
        Dažbog, god of the sun
        Hors, god of the sun
        Radegast, god of hospitality, fertility and crops, associated with war and the sun, who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
        Zorya, two daughters of Dažbog
            Zorya Utrennyaya, the morning star, who openes the palace gates each dawn for the sun-chariot's departure
            Zorya Vechernyaya, the evening star, who closes the palace gates each night after the sun-chariot's

    Turkic mythology

        Koyash, god of the su

I still what you to address my pot question.

GaGambler996 reads

but not this time, Sorry Vern, that was one of the dumbest things I have heard for a long, long time.

Like last time he said "TBRT" . What the fck is a tbrt? Thought  maybe he meant the brutal truth but still not sure cuz the acronyms don't match up.  

At least RT is easy to read lo

What kind of nonsense are you smoking?

Folks who smoke with me see that I'm not affected til I take that 10-15th puff out if a pipe.  Some people are naturally immune to cannabis.  is this a surprise for you?

If you aren't capable of conveying your thoughts clearly, do me a favor and stop responding to my posts

GaGambler812 reads

I have no idea as to whether or not there is any merit to this, but here it is. Happy now?

Even if this turns out to be total bullshit, there are plenty of other, well proven benefits to marijuana for medical use. Not to mention as a recreational drug it has far less negative consequences than other drugs such as alcohol.

Now quit being dumb, and please go back to being enigmatic.

I recall you once saying you don't like using marijuana, because it made you paranoid.

Certain strains put me at ease, while others make me paranoid.

Most people I know who smoke pot for medicinal purposes, still use other chemical compounds as well. Why would a pot smoker, still need xanax, and cymbalta?  

The science is still out on the long term respiratory benefits of MM.

Posted By: GaGambler
I have no idea as to whether or not there is any merit to this, but here it is. Happy now?

Even if this turns out to be total bullshit, there are plenty of other, well proven benefits to marijuana for medical use. Not to mention as a recreational drug it has far less negative consequences than other drugs such as alcohol.

Now quit being dumb, and please go back to being enigmatic.

GaGambler937 reads

It was always my opinion that it was bad for your respiratory system, but doesn't nullify all the good things it does.

I answered your question, why don't you answer mine, Why the obsession about any respiratory benefits MM may or may not have?

and FWIW most pot smokers I know don't do Xanax, etc. some do, but they are chronic drug abusers, pot is probably the healthiest thing in their lives.

I asked the science guy a question that is relevant here, on earth.  

Science can't provide me an answer to this. How is science going to explain the universe?


I'm not going to promote, or discourage the use of pot. People are getting all worked up about pot use, like  it's taking money out of their pockets.

I just smoke em and that's about the only interest I have.

Why this prejudice against "pot"?

  Clearly alcohol has proven far more injurious both in immediate affects and well as long term. And 2/3 of the drugs advertised on television by Big Pharma are physically addictive, can eat holes in one's liver, and often can cause "suicidal thoughts".  

  Finding health or moral reasoning against Cannabis is blatantly hypocritical on every level.

I've tried other drugs when I was younger and did not like them at all.  

Pot on the other hand,  does not affect me much.  Unless I take more than ten to fifteen hits,  I don't feel anything at all.  

But when it hits me, I feel relaxed ...  And fkn hungry.  Lma

I understand your confusion however; because you're as stated; "drunk".  

For me personally, it treats sciatica pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia that are all related to pain.  My coffee is more addictive than Cannabis

I like marijuana, but we should be honest about it's positive & negative conequences .

I heard it best explained in this Time magazine article: The myth that will not die

"The problem here is that correlation isn’t cause. Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang members are probably more 104 times more likely to have ridden a bicycle as a kid than those who don’t become Hell’s Angels, but that doesn’t mean that riding a two-wheeler is a “gateway” to joining a motorcycle gang. It simply means that most people ride bikes and the kind of people who don’t are highly unlikely to ever ride a motorcycle."


-- Modified on 2/28/2014 11:43:06 AM

Which is actually sugar cane, of course today it's mostly synthetics.

Does that make me “Mr. conservative” ?

No need for combativeness, or implied epithet.

-- Modified on 2/28/2014 1:15:57 PM

I was talking about your defensive nature regarding my inquiry of pot on the human respiratory system.  

That's why I called you a liberal.

but why does that make me a "Liberal"?

Posted By: bigvern
What positive effect does marijuana have on the human respiratory system?
Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
Why this prejudice against "pot"?  
  Clearly alcohol has proven far more injurious both in immediate affects and well as long term. And 2/3 of the drugs advertised on television by Big Pharma are physically addictive, can eat holes in one's liver, and often can cause "suicidal thoughts".  
  Finding health or moral reasoning against Cannabis is blatantly hypocritical on every level.  

True, I could have labeled you a Conservative just as easy. In this instance, which would have been the more appropriate title?

like a bird brain, and the OP. That's how liberals act

are abstrusely cryptic, incomplete, poorly composed, incongruent, and indicative of ADD. You regularly demonstrate a mental myopia apparently born of ignorance, and quickly resort to snide epithets whenever successfully challenged.  

  Is mouth breathing common in your family; bv?

Every Religion recorded by man ?

... or the marijuana you ingest ?

GaGambler937 reads

as it could quite likely be the cause of the end of life on this planet as we know it. Pot has next to no impact on my life.

You can't go anywhere with seeing religion and the impact it has on all of our lives, pot smokers pretty much get baked and leave the rest of us alone.

Another horse shit religion loosely based on Christianity and Judaism.  
They believe Jesus was a black pot head and that Africa, the land of HIV and mass murder, is the chosen land 'Zion'.  LMAO  Oh yeah, they are officially a hate group cuz they don't like white people

I'm not the person here obsessing about the beliefs of others.

... or the irrational fear of those beliefs. I was giving an example where marijuana and spiritual belief, crossed paths.


Posted By: Drunken Asian
Another horse shit religion loosely based on Christianity and Judaism.  
 They believe Jesus was a black pot head and that Africa, the land of HIV and mass murder, is the chosen land 'Zion'.  LMAO  Oh yeah, they are officially a hate group cuz they don't like white people.    

And how many % of all religions are on pot?  One single case.  Vast majority of the bible thumpers and zealots are not on drugs.

That was harsh.   Funny though. Harsh but funny.

-- Modified on 2/28/2014 1:32:56 PM

causes you to believe every video any dip shit up loads is evidence. Side effect—> turns your brain into nuclear waste.

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