Politics and Religion

Biden tried & failed in '88 & '08. His tenure as VP hasn't made him more electable. (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 395 reads


If he does decide to run, I don't know how he comes back from this. He's been increasing in some polls, even though he hasn't announced. But, at age 72, and just losing his son, how would he convince anyone that he has found renewed emotional energy. And, how believable would be the catalyst for it? I suspect we won't be seeing him improving in the polls much longer. However, I've seen Kerry in the news much more often, in the last couple of days, than usual. Perhaps, I'm reading to much into it, but could he be maneuvering to run again?  ;)

GaGambler484 reads

He can always claim he it's the running he was unsure about, not the leading of the country.  

I think most people inclined to vote for him in the first place will give him the BOD.

I do agree that Kerry might be maneuvering for a run as well. The Democratic nomination is rapidly moving from being nothing more than a formality for Clinton to a complete free for all with a clown car just as full of incompetents and outright fools as the one being driven by the GOP.

Besides, wasn't Ronald Reagan like 69 when he was elected?  I seriously doubt Biden or Kerry have the charisma to pull of what Reagan did.  Then again, the media has been known to work wonders for a candidate they like.

I agree with Biden being a likeable affable fellow, but will it be enough to win.  The problem I see with Biden is that affable part, though funny at times, makes him look a bit foolish.  I get a laugh out of him slipping some colorful metaphors in there on occasion, but the leaders of other countries may not.  The Reps may also use that against him as well.  If the media plays on that part in a positive light, then yeah, I see him having a good shot at winning.

As for Kerry, he already had his shot, and it was a dud as I recollect.

As you point out, his age and him still grieving would take an unreal toll on his strength and stamina. I think he is caught between doing what his son asked him to do and just not being up for the super early mornings and very late nights, eating on the run, reading every paper, attemding every meeting.

I don't think he would make a good prez nor do I think he would win. I do think he is basically a good guy whose day has passed. He served his country and its time for him to relax and enjoy retirement or run a non profit/charity or something else that won't grind him to a pulp for the next 4-8 years.

I think the Iran deal would really hurt Kerry if he were to win the Dem nomination. The GOP would kill him with it.  

Jim Webb is the best answer and most electable if Hillary falls, imo.

GaGambler520 reads

The first is that you would vote for him, the second is that I would vote for him. Therefore, he has ZERO chance.

I believe Kerry winning the Democratic nod would be like Trump winning the GOP nomination, it would all but assure victory to the other party.

I hate to say this as I was pretty well resigned to voting Democratic in the GE, even if Hillary was the nominee, but when you take Hillary out of the mix, the Dems are even weaker than the GOP. I would actually prefer Hillary to 90% of the other candidates in the race, from both parties.

Don't get me wrong. I HATE Hillary, but to be 100% honest about it, I don't think she would destroy the country. I don't know if I can say the same about the rest of the Democratic clown car, but the last thing I want is the GOP running "everything" That prospect scares me more than having a Hildabeast in the White House.

St. Croix500 reads

so can the Democratic nomination process. This will be the tag team war of 2016.  

Hildabeast and Poodlehead vs Clueless Joe and The Sheik aka Bamm Bamm. The winner just might have to fight The Bolshevik and Pocahontas.  

Posted By: mattradd
If he does decide to run, I don't know how he comes back from this. He's been increasing in some polls, even though he hasn't announced. But, at age 72, and just losing his son, how would he convince anyone that he has found renewed emotional energy. And, how believable would be the catalyst for it? I suspect we won't be seeing him improving in the polls much longer. However, I've seen Kerry in the news much more often, in the last couple of days, than usual. Perhaps, I'm reading to much into it, but could he be maneuvering to run again?  ;)

... yes I remember his wife did lose her Senate race a few years back, but she doesn't have the name recognition Vince does.
Plus he's friendly with Donald Trump, who among other achievements, happens to be in the WWE Hall of Fame!

Trump-McMahon in 2016 - they'd have an amazingly robust demographic 100% in their corner, aka the WWE Universe.

Posted By: St. Croix
so can the Democratic nomination process. This will be the tag team war of 2016.  
 Hildabeast and Poodlehead vs Clueless Joe and The Sheik aka Bamm Bamm. The winner just might have to fight The Bolshevik and Pocahontas.  
Posted By: mattradd
If he does decide to run, I don't know how he comes back from this. He's been increasing in some polls, even though he hasn't announced. But, at age 72, and just losing his son, how would he convince anyone that he has found renewed emotional energy. And, how believable would be the catalyst for it? I suspect we won't be seeing him improving in the polls much longer. However, I've seen Kerry in the news much more often, in the last couple of days, than usual. Perhaps, I'm reading to much into it, but could he be maneuvering to run again?  ;)

GaGambler482 reads

Let us assume just for the moment that Hillary does indeed go down and the Dems have to nominate "someone" in her place, who do you think wins the nomination? Not who you think can win the GE or even who would make the best POTUS, but who do you think gets the nomination if it's not Hillary Clinton?

For my money, as unelectable as I find him, I still think with Obama putting 100% support behind him, Joe Biden runs in the GE. I also predict that unless the GOP loses their collective mind once again, whoever they nominate will most likely beat old Joe.

"I'm Joe Biden.  My wife and one year-old daughter were killed in a car accident on their way to buy a Christmas tree.  I picked myself up and raised my two young sons while serving in the Senate.  Now I have outlived the son I raised, the worst thing to befall a parent.  As your President, no challenge presented will be any more difficult than those I've already faced.  Vote for me - I'm an old man."

Timbow475 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
"I'm Joe Biden.  My wife and one year-old daughter were killed in a car accident on their way to buy a Christmas tree.  I picked myself up and raised my two young sons while serving in the Senate.  Now I have outlived the son I raised, the worst thing to befall a parent.  As your President, no challenge presented will be any more difficult than those I've already faced.  Vote for me - I'm an old man."
-- Modified on 9/4/2015 1:53:47 PM

No body is more qualified to be President of the United States than Joe Biden!

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