Politics and Religion

Biden does walk-backs daily . . . .
followme 386 reads
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biden has created and given to us in the past 3 + years.  

People and very possibly trained terrorists yelling “death to America” on our own soil.

Will the violence, the left so craves, soon follow?



2024 = GOP

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 12 reads
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Here’s the left doing the same thing DAILY. And yet not a peep from them.

inicky46 61 Reviews 15 reads
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Were you one of the Nazis carrying a tiki torch chanting “Jews will not replace us?”
Or are you pals with the guy you ran his car over that girl?

cks175 43 Reviews 22 reads
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Trump specifically said he wasn’t talking about violent actors and white supremacists when he talked about good people on both sides. The MSM edited out that part of Trump’s comments.

The statue removal movement is a slippery slope.  Should the Lincoln Memorial be dismantled? After all, thousands of Native Americans were killed and displaced on his watch. Liberal San Francisco has already removed his name from a school.  

There aren’t good people on both sides of the argument to vilify Lincoln? Don’t even get me started on George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

inicky46 61 Reviews 18 reads
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You actually believed Trump when he tried to walk back his first comments? LMAO. And what about when he told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by?" And they sure did, right up until Jan. 6.
Anyway, I'm talking about Willy's far-right beliefs, not the obscure arguments about Lincoln to which you refer.
Another diversion by you.

cks175 43 Reviews 20 reads
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when describing Nicky?

Trump didn’t walk back shit. The MSM edited out his comments condemning white supremacy.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 19 reads
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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads
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either on his own or through a white house staffer who explains what Biden really meant, which is even worse.  Biden should be the one doing his own walk-backs.  Otherwise, he is standing behind his constant lies to the American people.  

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
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Posted By: cks175
Re: cks175 suffers from terminal naiveté. (Is It Too Soon To Use Terminal As An Adjective)
when describing Nicky?  
 Trump didn’t walk back shit. The MSM edited out his comments condemning white supremacy.
So CKS shows icky up (as usual) being intellectually dishonest in order to disparage Trump.

Two questions ick,

1. Do you really believe that bullshit pushed by the left that trump didn’t denounce Nazis and White supremicists?

2. Please explain exactly how anything Trump did caused you any kind of harm or loss that has resulted in this rabid hatred you have for the man for the man?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 21 reads
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Which of the following two statements do you think is more extreme?

“Death to America” or “Jews will not replace us”.  

Maybe it’s the Jews thing, since that is 100% based upon a racist conspiracy theory. Right?

impposter 49 Reviews 32 reads
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Anyone yelling "Death to America" is NOT following ANYTHING that Biden has said or supports. They are protesters looking for headlines. If there are terrorists among them, they are probably known to the DoJ / FBI and being watched to prevent potential violent acts. They are not being aided, abetted, or encouraged by Biden.  
Trump is the outspoken LEADER feeding his white supremacist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic followers tropes and encouragement to act violently and promises to pardon those that do. "Root out the vermin ..." "Poisoning the blood ..." "Shithole countries ..." "Free the [pro-Trump] HOSTAGES ..."  
Trump says Jewish voters who back Biden ‘should have their head examined’
Apr 10, 2024
ATLANTA (AP) — "Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at Jewish voters who back President Joe Biden and framed this year’s election as a referendum on the strength of Christianity in the U.S., part of his sharp-edged continuing appeal to evangelical conservatives who are a critical element of his political base. ..."
Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the US.
"Donald Trump bemoaned a lack of immigrants to the US from “nice” countries “like Denmark [or] Switzerland”, offering millionaire donors at a Florida fundraiser a reprise of infamous racist Oval Office remarks about people coming to America from “shithole countries”. ..."  
What I and others hear from Trump is "MAGA, MAGA, uber Alles."  ... and that includes "uber Alles in der USA."

Posted By: followme

biden has created and given to us in the past 3 + years.    
 People and very possibly trained terrorists yelling “death to America” on our own soil.  
 Will the violence, the left so craves, soon follow?  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 12 reads
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He has managed to cram 15 years of fuckups into 3.  That's the theory behind the two-term limit . . . . a bad prez must step down before he has a chance to fuck up too many things.  Biden just proved that for some presidents, there should be a two-month term limit.  

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