Politics and Religion

Bibi The Landlubber?regular_smile
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1975 reads

Bibi's many years in the USA have infected him with many of the bad habits of America's politicos, and here we see that the Churchill for the new milleniun almost took a little spill into the drink as he tried to position himself for an interesting photo op.  His briefly unaccomplished mission was to inspect a ship suspected of smuggling weapons to the Pallys which was intercepted by the Israeli navy.

How embarassing would an actual dip in the drink have proven to that monstrously overbloated ego of Bibi? Would he have started denoucing anti-Semitism and Pally Islamofascist terror?  would he have sent an assassination team out after Robert goldstone?  Demanded yet another US veto in the UN Security council for the benefit of Israel?  Started several thousand more illegal West Bank settlements? At least the Pallys could have gotten a small laff out of it.  God, those pathetic wretches need any morale boost they can get. POTUS Obama might have also experienced a momentary frission of schadenfreude at Bibi's putziness.  Which of course would not in any way make up for the beating the POTUS has taken at Bibi's hands in the last few weeks.

It's amazing, Bibi shows such an unearthly surefootedness and feline-like agility, grace and sinuousness when he games the US political system 24/7/365.  Afloat, he's just another bozo without sealegs.

I would have held out for photos of seasickness-induced projectile vomiting, but, no such luck.

Ya know, at least Dubya managed to land that damn jet on the aircraft carrier, or at least the  co-pilot did.  Bibi here appears to have trouble putting one foot in front of the other, unless it's to deliver yet another deadly, crushing blow to the throat of Pally "freedom" [figuratively speaking, of course.]

Stiil, lemonade from lemons time?  Will Israel's numerous acolytes, adepts, lickspittles and outright toadies in the USA-based MSM try to claim that Bibi was showing respect for the Islamic faith and in the final image he was on both knees and pointing toward Mecca?

Alas, we also did not get the answer to this question - Is Bibi so stupid that he cannot even hit water when he falls out of a boat?

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