Politics and Religion

Barack is pretty busy searching for a job
pwilley 59 Reviews 138 reads

Barack is fairly tied up trying to memorize his lines in preparation for Romney to eat his lunch in the upcoming foreign policy debate.  He's trying to figure out what in the heck he will say about the embassy debacle where his administration's incompetence helped kill four employees with no US response except to buy ad space in Pakistan apologizing for a video.

He's busy trying to figure out what he will say to defend his training policy in Afghanistan that has resulted in the killing of over 50 American's by the trainees.

He is busy trying to figure out what he will say when asked why he broke the law and sold guns to drug cartels that resulted in the death of American agent.

He is trying to figure out how he will explain turning his back on Israel.

He is trying figure out how to explain what special deal he has made with Russia that can't be discussed until after the election.

He is trying to figure out what in the hell he has been doing for the last four years in foreign policy that has made any postive difference in the world.

He is trying to figure out how he can claim credit for killing Osama without giving intelligence credit for finding him to Bush.

I suppose when he gets that all done, he will still be too busy because he'll be looking for his own new job on the streets of Chicago.

Timbow220 reads

Posted By: mattradd
they made public, what should have been discussed behind closed doors, not on C-SPAN.
-- Modified on 10/10/2012 5:14:04 PM
It is a lot of hyperbole by Dana to say the CIA was outed.  
Quote :
Among the more than two dozen American personnel evacuated from the city after the assault on the American mission and a nearby annex were about a dozen C.I.A. operatives and contractors, who played a crucial role in conducting surveillance and collecting information on an array of armed militant groups in and around the city.

“It’s a catastrophic intelligence loss,” said one American official who has served in Libya and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the F.B.I. is still investigating the attack. “We got our eyes poked out.”

-- Modified on 10/10/2012 5:58:04 PM

I don't need C-Span or any web site or Wapo or NYT for this one. And you don't either.
I know because of an experience I had who really could have changed the security at the embassy and I know that while we're all in a paradigm to micromanage faults of the other party with the election this close --security for any embassy is normally handled efficiently by someone and something far away from Obama and most people have never heard of it and die never hearing of it.

When an embassy needs escalated security up to and including more marines, this is done by State interfacing with about a dozen offices in the Pentagon--anyone of them and unless Issa has brain damage he damn well knows this because he and his committee are given this instruction early on when they are appointed.

State has DSS and they are a huge sub agency with offices in most major US cities and abroad.  That's the Diplomatic Security Service and I didn't have time to read about the hearings and I don't really give a damn about them. DSS has considerable power (google them they have a bureaucratic website) and a large hierarchy of people.  They don't need Clinton's permission to operate or execute at all--they're like the FBI/CIA of State.  I know a few guys who work for them, and met them completely by accident.


So if there were prior requests by anyone even lower level guys at DSS to rachet up security, and it seems that the situation was growing worse but it was fluid and there are like symptoms at a dozen places at embassies frequently you never hear about--and it's also why a lot of people at state quit when Condi's office reshuffled their assignments.  A lot of people didn't want to go to the embassies during Condi's reign because they were simply afraid to be there.

DSS is soley responsible for security of any embassy personnel--protecting them, evacuating them, racheting up security etc.

This is not something that would have gone to Susan Rice at all and she probably reported intelligence as she got it from CIA/NSA.  It sure as hell wouldn't have gone to Obama or any President.

not the least worried that is going to hurt Obama in this election. Again I'm just very sorry it happened; it's a significant hazard at embassies particularly in the complex volatile middle east, and I know for a fact from the guys I know in DSS that their top 5 brass had plenty of power to protect that embassy.  They didn't need Clinton or Obama involved and they never would have been, plus there are warnings routinely like the ones prior to the tragedy and the DSS hierarchy has the means and tools to escalate protection. Budget is irrelevant and like so many issues the politically aware/engaged somewhat savvy public on forums all over the place are taking the positions you see here but they have never heard of DSS which is a very well funded sub agency with any cuts regardless of who voted on them --they can interface with the Pentagon on their own to do it. And again beleive me if there was a fuckup DSS owns it--not Hillary or Barack.  Have a good rest of the morning.

It's fine there is scrutiny of the tragedy and appropriate but Issa like many people on either side of the aisle only more hypocritically is trying to push this because of the pending election but he and the ranking minority leader as well as all members of that committee and it's counterpart in the Senate knows damn well that DSS has ample means in working with their head for embassies and a dozen people at the Pentagon way below Panneta that the footsoldiers called taxpayers pay out the wazoo to fund and pamper. DSS is a HUGE sub agency, and the guys I know function a lot like the Secret service for rather low level  threats let alone an embassy in the middle east whose attack can reverberate and escalate to threaten stability in the whole region.

-- Modified on 10/11/2012 3:04:11 AM

So we now know that the Dept. of State withdrew two security teams in the past month.  We now know that the Embassy was told to hire local folks to support security despite the security officer's written explanations why that could not be done.  And the argument is that DSS is at fault; that DSS has authority to over ride the Dept. of State.  In essence, Dept. of State doesn't get involved in security.

Gee, somebody ought to give Hillary a call and fill her in on how embassy security works.  She is obviously missing an opportunity to tell Congress it was DSS's fault.  But it is reassuring that we've got some experts around who know all this and can set her straight.

...Republicans blowing the cover of CIA agents....where have we heard that before?

Those Republicans...real national security experts, aren't they? How many of them do you think can find Benghazi on a map?

"He shouldn't make my son's death part of his political agenda"  And the horse's ass Mitsy had the chutzpah to compare his laughable lying campaign to the SEAL's death in Benghazi.  "We go where we're needed" which is why the chickenshit Romney fled to Paris instead of fighting in Nam.

The only place an increased 100,000 troops that Romney crazily says he'd add could come is the Draft and I'm all for a draft--it's the only fair way for people to participate in the service.

And let's put Romney's putz $100,000 shit eating grin sons first in line to Afghanistan that Romney wants to fuck with after it's produced absolutely nothing but thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of neurological and orthopedic cases of paralysis, and several billion a month in the shitter.

-- Modified on 10/11/2012 5:05:12 AM

Politicizing, Profitizing ? No I didn't read the article.

and to most 5 year olds it would mean someone who was a SEAL and then stopped serving as a seal to quit or do another job.

-- Modified on 10/11/2012 8:19:18 AM

I have never heard the phrase, Retiered Navy Seal ?



Navy Seal, this is what google gave me?


I thought a Navy Seal, was an elite naval solider ? Can a Navy Seal, make officer, is that a req?

I'm also talking to Neff , that shows I have my head up my ass. :D

-- Modified on 10/11/2012 6:51:27 AM

You assume I care. Neff I'm sure your doctor told you to make your RX last.

Timbow381 reads

Quote :September 23, 2012
Among the more than two dozen American personnel evacuated from the city after the assault on the American mission and a nearby annex were about a dozen C.I.A. operatives and contractors, who played a crucial role in conducting surveillance and collecting information on an array of armed militant groups in and around the city.

“It’s a catastrophic intelligence loss,” said one American official who has served in Libya and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the F.B.I. is still investigating the attack. “We got our eyes poked out.”

-- Modified on 10/10/2012 9:34:54 PM

Even a third grader could have realized that the testimony from Dept. of State yesterday was evasive, and nothing but finger pointing.  I can't wait for the foreign policy debate. This really ought to be good.  Might make for a great comedy show.

Whatcha gonna do wingnut retirees who stay on the fuckboard all day when others work?  You are the 57% and you can't win Ohio and you lose.  Whatcha gonna bitch about now that Obama hasn't been hurt but Romney closed a little.  Head of Marist says Romney hurt by trying to abruptly change and fake his brand and identity and that Romney has gained but Obama hasn't been hurt and we have 3 more debates and early voting has heavily pollled for Obama.

So you're left to talk about the budget compromise after you bury your extremist liars.  Enjoy being chained to the fuckboard all day.  And pwilley don't start yammering about 3rd graders. They function way the fuck above your intelligence level and that's been obvious by your vacuous meaningless 1st grade posts which can be summarized as "pwilley hates the black guy but fucks the black woman."

Have you overlooked the fact that our embassy was attacked by terrorists, that people were killed, that the President and Secretary of State lied about the entire event for eight solid days to the American people, and now they are both pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.  You prefer to avoid all that and make the issue out to be a comment about a CIA agents identity?  An agent who was previously identified already before the hearings even began.  Where is the priority here?

Barack is fairly tied up trying to memorize his lines in preparation for Romney to eat his lunch in the upcoming foreign policy debate.  He's trying to figure out what in the heck he will say about the embassy debacle where his administration's incompetence helped kill four employees with no US response except to buy ad space in Pakistan apologizing for a video.

He's busy trying to figure out what he will say to defend his training policy in Afghanistan that has resulted in the killing of over 50 American's by the trainees.

He is busy trying to figure out what he will say when asked why he broke the law and sold guns to drug cartels that resulted in the death of American agent.

He is trying to figure out how he will explain turning his back on Israel.

He is trying figure out how to explain what special deal he has made with Russia that can't be discussed until after the election.

He is trying to figure out what in the hell he has been doing for the last four years in foreign policy that has made any postive difference in the world.

He is trying to figure out how he can claim credit for killing Osama without giving intelligence credit for finding him to Bush.

I suppose when he gets that all done, he will still be too busy because he'll be looking for his own new job on the streets of Chicago.

salonpas190 reads

1) Ryan's budget would slash "non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding" by "nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security."

2) House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.)

So, Hillary withdraws two security teams over the objections of the ambassador; Hillary rejects urgent requests for more security and refuses; Hillary tells the ambassador to hire local security when there wasn't anyone to hire; Hillary and Obama spend eight days denying it was terrorist attack;  people were killed as a result of their incompetence and they now resort to finger pointing.  And all you libs can do is start blaming the repubs.... my god is there no hope for even an ounce of accountability for anything Obama does?  I'm a little relieved you haven't found a way to blame Bush for this... I guess that is a little progress.

salonpas152 reads

Tank the economy. When something bad happens, blame Obama. Increase inequality, blame Obama and call him a class warrior.

It's all so predictable and obvious.

followme177 reads

Just because the State Dept. budget is cut does NOT mean that they must cut security.

The budget was cut because of waste, if Hilary was competent she should have looked into her department and cut waste within to the point that she could have increased security but obviously she is/was derelict in her duties.

You’re welcome
2012 = GOP

Yes you are again a footshort and hiding from the top 10 too.

watch what happens as the Whitehouse tries to shift the blame onto Hillary.

salonpas160 reads

Berman, NSA advisor to the President, rushed to Libya to see the Libyan President. Stay tuned!

it's too little too late.  they should have green lit  a raid months ago because as we now know the five Ws where there for all to see.

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