Politics and Religion

Back when he won the New Hampshire primary. Another turn toward Fascism. eom
nuguy46 433 reads
1 / 10

with the mainstream media acting as an arm of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, journalism became a profession ceasing to exist. A result.....look for the end of the country As we knew it ...and the beginning of a Third World nation in 2042.....so says Pat Buchanan.


JakeFromStateFarm 138 reads
2 / 10

Then what's your excuse?
Over the past few election cycles there are about 35 documented cases of voter fraud out of more than 8 BILLION votes cast.
But enjoy your alternate reality.

saltyballs 187 reads
3 / 10

....as Ana Navarro a GOP political strategist so eloquently stated "it’s rigged when a billionaire pays no taxes and gets away with it."

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 201 reads
5 / 10

He's was the Howard Stern shock jock of politics. All the free air time he gets just for saying whatever fuck up thought that came through that pea brain..and the media covered it, BIG TIME. And he became news worthy....So yes it's rigged that they bought him up, now the media is going to take this mother down. Party is over, the free gravy train has left the station...Trumps time of fame will soon be over....can he get back The Apprentice...or soon he'll be on Dancing with the Stars....lol

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 162 reads
6 / 10


Posted By: Laffy
He'd come across as a complete fool and his ego wouldn't be able to handle it.....especially when he'd end up losing early.  
 There's a cool mobile billboard going up and down the Strip.  It has a big picture of Trump looking at his hands with the caption, "Don't Grope.  Vote.  Paid for Republicans for Clinton" in yuge letters.  

JakeFromStateFarm 88 reads
7 / 10
Hpygolky 205 Reviews 108 reads
8 / 10

His followers would flood the line just like they do his internet polls. One USC/SUC poll has him in a landslide....still.

-- Modified on 10/18/2016 5:53:50 PM

borabora 15 Reviews 92 reads
9 / 10

For some people, the first obvious symptom of dementia is psychosis in the form of paranoid/persecutory delusions as they do a good job of hiding and denying their memory decline.

In the case of nasty characters like Trump, their racist and xenophobic paranoia is accentuated with dementia.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 137 reads
10 / 10

Paranoia and authoritarianism might be conjoined traits. Trump accuses the the DNC of "sending" protestors into his rallies. Maybe there is a group somewhere meeting up beforehand and going together to protest, but probably it's not the the DNC nor any official organization. A bunch of students. A church group in the common room after services. Not really organized. Or just an individual or him and a support buddy.

But Trump demands non-disclosure agreements from all his minions, orchestrated everything he can control about every move made, excerpts total control over his underlings. He cannot imagine any corner of the world where anyone acts independently. If they aren't under his control, they must be under someone else's.

So everything that happens to an authoritarian narcissist simply MUST be the result of someone very high up directing it to happen. Can't have one without the other.

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