Politics and Religion

Awe how cute your sword fighting buddy to " got yo back " eom
86H13LTP 697 reads


randomvr3014004 reads

So, the unemployment rate using the same method that has been used even before President Obama took office is the lowest at 5/9%.    The number of people without health insurance is at its historical low.    Stock Market, S&P & Moody's at their historical highs.

Not bad for an "inept" President.    Can someone go back to September 2008 and paint the picture as of that month?

JackDunphy776 reads

3/4's of the country feel like we are in a recession.

A majority no longer believe in the American dream.  

The percent of Americans that think they’re in good financial shape is DOWN 50 percent from 2010.  

You're right, "inept" is not the right word. I would opt for "disastrously incompetent."

How can a lefty argue the liberal PBS source you have linked?

JackDunphy942 reads

What does that tell you? All good, honest posters that will take a shot at Obama at times. They are not going to argue the facts on this one as they know better.

They are just sticking up for Barry because they think people are "piling on."  I get it to a degree. We all do it at times.

But you are right about PBS. And I give them credit for not following into the far left "the economy is now good" bullshit that is being perpetrated by the likes of Czar73.  

An overwhelming majority of Americans think the economy sucks and with good reason.

People spending money on illicit drugs along with purchasing products which are not manufactured in this country.

There are not many things the average citizen can invest into the American economy.

The USD was gaining value which becomes a problem when an American has vast financial interests invested offshore. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, this just creates a problem for the average citizen who would like to reap some benefit to their daily spending.

But, 2 points:

1st, like when measuring something like electricity, you have an active lead, and ground and a reference lead. To state how sucky the economy is right now, without any reference, is like trying to get an electrical reading without a reference lead; Like, sucky for whom, and as compared to when. The 1% don't seem to find it that sucky, How sucky was it when Obama came into office. And, how sucky was it compared to the suckiness in other countries around the world? We don't live in a vacuum. The suckiness of the economies in other countries are going to effect the suckiness of ours. So, none of these issues, which provide reference, are addressed in your comments.

2nd, It's difficult to find Republicans who give Obama credit for anything, even Bin Laden, so your points, though having some legitimacy, just sound like more of the same.

JackDunphy742 reads

The 1% are doing VERY well under Obama, in large part. But they tend to do well no matter who controls the W.H. or congress. And of course the global economy affects the U.S. economy so no argument there either.

But the middle class (and below) in this country are REALLY struggling Matt. Big time. Its tough for them to find a job, keep a job and they can forget about getting a raise as they have actually seen their pay shrink since B.O. took office.

And for the Czar to put up employment figures for one whole month with the implication being things are good and Obama doesn't get enough credit, is asinine.  

The only people saying the economy is doing well are people that really don't give a shit about the average worker and just want to make political points to buttress Barry's talking points before an election in which the Dems may get trounced.

As for me, I give Obama all the credit in the world for getting bin Laden.  If it went bad he certainly would have taken tons of criticism.

One month does not a trend make. And, most of the people, I know, are still very much feeling the pinch, probably because of what the attached link points out.

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 4:17:45 PM

Mr. Obama’s term, your statement that the middle class have trouble finding a job, even if true, is misleading since the stats show that it is far easier to get employment now that at any time during the past 6 years. That is a 40% drop, which is amazing.

         And I don’t want to hear about the guys who “dropped out of the labor force.” They didn’t drop out bc they could not find jobs; they dropped out bc they could not find the job they wanted. There are plenty of low paying jobs out there that they could take.

         And when you look at the reduction in the long term unemployment rate this year – the most important statistic – the only conclusion any reasonable person can make is – whatever he is doing is working.

        By the way Jack how do you square the ever sinking unemployment rate with the “millions of jobs” lost bc of Obamacare. If we added those “missing jobs” jobs back in, unemployment would be historically low.


Posted By: JackDunphy
The 1% are doing VERY well under Obama, in large part. But they tend to do well no matter who controls the W.H. or congress. And of course the global economy affects the U.S. economy so no argument there either.  
 But the middle class (and below) in this country are REALLY struggling Matt. Big time. Its tough for them to find a job, keep a job and they can forget about getting a raise as they have actually seen their pay shrink since B.O. took office.  
 And for the Czar to put up employment figures for one whole month with the implication being things are good and Obama doesn't get enough credit, is asinine.  
 The only people saying the economy is doing well are people that really don't give a shit about the average worker and just want to make political points to buttress Barry's talking points before an election in which the Dems may get trounced.  
 As for me, I give Obama all the credit in the world for getting bin Laden.  If it went bad he certainly would have taken tons of criticism.

JackDunphy738 reads

Anyone can get a "job" Mari. People are looking for careers. If a guy loses his mid level management position and goes to work at Target making $12 an hour, he is considered "employed". Yeah, I am sure he is doing cartwheels.

As I have posted on many past occasions, MSNBC reported that approx half of the new jobs created under Barry are service industry jobs. That is fkin abysmal and you know it.

Even in today's jobs report you will see that wages are flatlined. There is no upward pressure on them. Now let's all think why that would be. Well... We have too many applicants for the amount of positions open. People are looking for good paying jobs and they are not there and they have to settle for lower paying ones with little hope of a raise.  

With their job prospects few and poor, and energy and food prices rising while their pay is falling, is there any wonder why 3 out of 4 think the economy is in recession? No wonder on my part

There was net negative jobs growth from 2008 thru end of 2010 when millions of full time jobs were lost.   Mergers and consolidations are a big job killer.   Look at how many full time airline jobs have been lost.   No one is looking at IBM, Microsoft, Intel, HP, Apple creating thousands of jobs overseas while cutting back here.    Basically we are talking about 4 years and if I am not mistaken US Congress has been busy with 1. Debt Ceiling Fight 2. Repeal Obamacare 3. Benghazi 4. IRS 5. Federal Government shutdown 6. CIA  7. ISIS.

How can anyone expect the economy to create full time "career" jobs?    You don't need an Economist to tell that after the worst recession and financial crisis of the century, recovery requires massive Government spending in infrastructure, manufacturing, technology and research to help the economy recover.

Not seen any of that

From what I experience is that people are "settling". I'm in the textile mgf. field and there's alot  of talent where before a position that paid 60k can now be had for 35-40k, for the same position. I can put an ad out and I will get 20-25 resumes. But because of pricing and margins that need to be made, overseas is where these jobs are going. Sad, LA had factories that employed 4-500 peolple and now, it's a ghost town as far as the apparel trade go.

There where two separate buliding projects that were put on hold for about 4-5 years. The ground was leveled and roads were build, then it stop. Now they can't build them fast enough. Five went on the marker and sold, they're buyers for theses homes. Vegas is picking up from what I'm seeing, now about the rest of the country, I don't know. Azizona, now I would like to see how that state is doing.

How would you describe this:

1. Unemployment rate 10.5%
2. Number of people without basic health insurance up by 5 million to 47 million
3. Dow Jones at its worst at 7,60

JackDunphy773 reads

The problem is you don't have the intellectual honesty to admit it sucks now.

If it sucks now for YOU, then may be you don't have the qualification and experience to get a job that pays $175,000 a year in today's job market (IT, Web Design, Telecommunications, Encryption technology, Cryptographic processors, JAVA, UNIX)   or you are in a profession where you can make $250,000 a month  (MD in Cardiology, Opthalmology, ENT, Radiology or Oncology)

Majority of those who are unemployed and who sit and complain about the economy are high school diploma holders or high school dropouts

Posted By: csekhar73
If it sucks now for YOU, then may be you don't have the qualification and experience to get a job that pays $175,000 a year in today's job market (IT, Web Design, Telecommunications, Encryption technology, Cryptographic processors, JAVA, UNIX)   or you are in a profession where you can make $250,000 a month  (MD in Cardiology, Opthalmology, ENT, Radiology or Oncology)  
 Majority of those who are unemployed and who sit and complain about the economy are high school diploma holders or high school dropouts.  
What is one to believe when they read a post like this one in comparison to all your other robinhoodesq posts.

Aren't you complaining with what you post?

That is where the jobs are and that is where people should be in today's tech age.   If you don't believe, you will sit and complain about President Obama, President Hillary ...... and on and on.

Here is a hint, may be it too technical for you to digest or understand it.

Bank of America laid off 2500 tellers who were collecting deposit checks and cash from customers at the bank counter.    You know why?    About 100 IT technicians sitting in IBM Technology Center in Hyderabad, India designed and created software / hardware that can accept cash and checks at any of their ATMs.   Who needs the tellers now?   LOL.

If you still don't believe it, you can beat your chest and blame President Obama

Anything good that happens occurred in spite of Obama.  Anything bad that happens is just automatically his fault, including droughts, global warming and Justin Bieber.

that ebola might get us, damn Obama! :

Multinational oil conglomerate, Depending on how you vote... do you want to be that partisan of an individual

1. George W Bush
2. Global warming (also know as climate change if it's cold)
3. Combination of 1 and 2

#2 proves you are an idiot because the two are not connected. Combination of 1&2 proves you are blooming idiot.

Posted By: AliquippaJones
1. George W Bush  
 2. Global warming (also know as climate change if it's cold)  
 3. Combination of 1 and 2

This article,  by a an organization who claims to be non biased,  but usually lends itself more toward a liberal base,  has this to say  (and yes I know it was done in Jan,  but the only things that have really changed,  is the downward spiral of this country)


And just in case you wish to say how "right leaning" this organization is:


As for stock market's outrageous growth,  in my opinion  (I do understand that that means nothing LOL)  it is, in large part,  due to all the company's buy backs.  Certainly not from money that we Americans have put in,  because we have warm cozy feeling about how this country is doing.


Go back and look at where key gains were made and in what age group.

IF there are a lot of gains in 18 to 20 and not many in 25 to 50, you have a lot more people saying, "WOuld you like me to supersize that?" than people in jobs driving the economy-

One of the big lies of all administrations is that "unemployment" does not relfect people not working.  If 1,000 people are unemployed and quit looking for work they are no longer listed. If 1,000 are transfered to injured, they are not working, but are not listed as unemployed.

Do research and see what per cent of the work force is not working.  Then come back and gloat.

Now,  here is a little insight from,  of all places NPR:   844,000 people stopped looking for work last month,  YIKES


And there does appear to be some consensus between the two consortiums at different ends of the right/left spectrum:


yes but what do they do all day then? how do they pay rent, eat?

Posted By: sassyfla
Now,  here is a little insight from,  of all places NPR:   844,000 people stopped looking for work last month,  YIKES  
 And there does appear to be some consensus between the two consortiums at different ends of the right/left spectrum:  

Talking point is how it is calculated by the Labor Department.

The calculation has not changed in eons for good measure.  

People who quit looking for work is mort actively in the labor force and should not be accounted. How do you accurately determine the reason for thee to exit the workforce. Yes, you can speculate based on or two TV interviews.  

Are the people quitting the work force getting any benefits? How are they living day to day? Can they afford to live without working? If they can, didn’t they make decision not to work and stopped looking for work? Is there a demand for their skill? Does it even exist today? If it doesn’t, they retrain themselves?  

When you start basing your arguments on snippets coming out of your beloved politicians and TV hosts, you look like a dummy.

86H13LTP672 reads

has failed at everything and it's fucking sad because we're all paying for his dumb ass shit  

Your glorified blog is worthless too

nonsense you speak.

if it is so bad why dont you move to another country?
 the reason is you're blowing smoke. if you choose to believe that go ahead. many people have another view.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
has failed at everything and it's fucking sad because we're all paying for his dumb ass shit  
 Your glorified blog is worthless too

86H13LTP872 reads

still have that view.  

Panetta , a loyal Dem , just ruined that POS for something everyone with a brain - not you of course - knew was going to happen .  

Now go use your Obama phone to reserve your free turkey

86H13LTP662 reads

if the night before includes Mexican food and Whiskey the smell is almost a perfect match to a bus or train in India

May be you do but comprehension is the problem, right?

86H13LTP792 reads

What are you going to do annoy now that your lefty media base isn't covering for his stupid shit anymore .  

Face it retard , Mortimore Duke was right !

-- Modified on 10/4/2014 9:43:19 AM

Keep dreaming!    If you pay any taxes which I doubt you do, you will be paying for his retirement, health care, pension, secret service protection, his Chevy Suburban, gas, maintenance, US Air Force plane when he travels outside USA.   You will be paying the same for Michelle Obama and Sasha and Malia till they get married and move out.

All you have is to call 911 to take you to the nearest ER!

86H13LTP628 reads

I'm thinking the dude behind the bar and you might be twins .

Why not challenge me with real details, facts, numbers!    Not in your genes!    Your momma only taught 4 letter words at home and never sent you to a school.

86H13LTP734 reads

You count the letters number boy .  

Here's a number for you , ONE , as in the first case of Ebola to show up in the US because ass bag boy won't put a travel ban on West Africa like France and UK have.

Fact and data show the previous one fucked up the world royally.  

If anyone is piece of shit, it would be you.

If you have validated and acceptable data to prove otherwise, please do provide. If not, you are just worthless piece of shit who is jut yelling BS

86H13LTP897 reads

the only reason you are still defending that sack of crap is because yet again YOU FUCKING FAILED in your loser life .  

Stop embarrassing yourself annoy and while you're at learn how to use flash on your IPad

Your behind must be really jealous due to all your stinking shit coming out of your mouth!   LMAO.     Can you stand on a podium and take a spelling bee question along with Asian Indian kids?    You will be eliminated with the very first word.

even though you cant trust asians they are great with numbers!

Imagine him being in a dance off with some black kids!! Or better yet, a jumping contest!

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