Politics and Religion

tt85003 121 Reviews 4799 reads
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This should be read and understood by all Americans Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!

The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.

Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke..

Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.

War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.

Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.

The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.  

If PAST performance is any indicator of FUTURE performance, we are stupid to allow any more Governmental Programs!!!

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons. You have FAILED in every "Government Service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars and


Are you kidding?

pwilley 59 Reviews 1502 reads
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It's always depressing to me when I see this sort of stuff thrown in my face, realizing that its true, and then remembering how the majority of these crooks just continue to be re-elected time after time by a voting constituent that just doesn't seem to care...

The Mass. election was a breath of fresh air, and while your post is certainly creative, I challenge you and everyone who might read it, to send a copy of the text to every member of Congress and remind each member that you and your family vote.

It's pretty easy to post on TER, but it takes a little effort to send letters... But, it's so worth it... just look at what can happen as evidenced by our friends in Mass.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 874 reads
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BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 869 reads
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he has done nude photos of himself... and offered his daughters as "available!"  Although he did not specify as to what they are available for!!!!

Seriously, something is tragically wrong with our systme.... we have generations now who actually believe that the govenment is there to provide every last human want and need for them and that society "owes" them support.

We need to go back to the founding colonies... where they tried the communal approach... it failed, people starved and died cause they all though someone else would take care of them.  It was only after these early failures that they realized that self-reliance was not just a good thing, but a necessary thing, as it motivated people in a way that nothing else would.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 944 reads
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"It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons. You have FAILED in every "Government Service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars and"

I submit the OP is "corrupt moron", all he can do is cut and paste a right wing screed and is totally incapable of any independent thought. Furthermore, I contend that the OP hasn't read any book worth any serious thought as well otherwise he'd know that "BRAKE[sic]" in this context would be spelt "BREAK".

pwilley 59 Reviews 670 reads
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Well now, you say he hasn't read a book.... first off, prove it... second off.. do u think just because somebody wrote something in a book that this makes it true... moran...

Easy to target someone's spelling mistake to somehow discredit everything else...

Guess you've clearly made the point that Cloakly is an idiot since she couldn't even spell her own State's name....

Go back to your soap opera TV shows... bet Jerry Springer is your favorite and you probably believe everything you see...

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 811 reads
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It is called "Starving the Monkeys" and I recommend it HIGHLY for those of us in this world who are CREATORS OF VALUE.

This book describes how to starve out those who live by the sweat of OUR brows.

Now THAT is some hardcore stuff right there.

You see, Ayn Rand, as much as I like her stuff, had a very naive premise. She thought everyone was a good person and if you just gave them the right free environment, all would be well.

But the author of Starving the Monkeys jacks up the realism a few notches and works his ideas off the understanding that a lot of people are suckers/sheeple and a lot of people are parasites.

And he lays out, step by step, how those of us who are neither sheeple nor parasites can stop supporting those who are WITHOUT depriving ourselves.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1102 reads
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This is NOT a bill to have government-run health care. That is precisely the PROBLEM with the health care bill. The private sector has had the last 30 years to get this right, and it has failed. Don't think so? Then why do the majority of Americans STILL favor a public option?

As for your list, it's stupid. The USPS works pretty fucking well. No private sector business can deliver that fast for that cheap.

Social Security was and IS the most successful gov't program in our history. Without it, 50% of our senior citizens would live in abject poverty. To date, it is the ONLY gov't program that's in the black. Not only does it protect seniors, but it protects all American citizens. If anyone is hurt or becomes disabled and can no longer work, then SS will provide an income.

Fannie Mae worked just great until the Johnson administration privatized it. I'm not surprised it's broke.

Without the war on poverty Condi Rice would be a crackhead and Colon Powell would be homeless. The only reason it failed is because the program was ABANDONED. At least 1 trillion dollars was put to good use. The Pentagon on the other hand, LOST a trillion dollars.

Medicare and Medicaid is broke because BUSH broke it with Part D. If we got private industry out of the disease industry (there is no health care in this country), then Medicare would be just fine. And if not...then we could tax rich people at the same rate that everyone else is taxed for FICA.

What this demonstrates is not that government doesn't work, it demonstrates that Republicans break government when they run it.

But somehow nobody mentions just how successful other gov't programs have been. Like rural electrication. Private industry refused to spend the money to put electric lines up in rural areas. So gov't did it instead. We have the exact same issue today with the internet. Do you have FIOS in your neighborhood yet? I don't. But a friend who lives 4 minutes away does. Isn't the private sector so efficient?

Somehow nobody ever mentions our interstate highway system. We take it for granted, but I can get in a car and drive to all 48 continental states with no problem. And if you break down, the government department of transportation will come help you out. Try that in Costa Rica sometime.

And then there's always the wonderful private sector. The same one that produces health care in this country that kills 18,000 a year by not providing it. The same industry that is the number one cause of bankrupcy in this country. Then there's our wonderful private banks. The same ones that gambled with your money and led to the housing bubble and bust, and then who did they come begging to, hat in hand, to be bailed out? The government. Notice gov't didn't go to private business to be bailed out. So who's better?

I could go on, so I will. There's always the lovely private auto companies that produced a shit ton of SUVs, which made us more dependent on foreign oil. Thanks to them we all have to pay higher gas prices now.

There's the private music industry, which is so shitty that it's managed to loose money when more people than ever are listening to music. And where are all those great performers who will be bringing in money for the labels for decades to come? They hadn't bothered to sign any. Instead we get wonderful "long term investments" like Britney Spears.

Then there's the private telecommunications industry, which pisses off their customers so much that telecommunication companies are the number one complaint from citizens that local attorney generals hear about. Understandable, considering the tech guy is located in India and you can't understand him.

Then there's the wonderful private energy industry. Which somehow can't manage a way to keep producing oil without a trillion dollar subsidy from THE GOVERNMENT to secure it's oil in Iraq.

And then there's the wonderful private team sport industry. The players make millions, they're all on steroids, and yet the private owners can't seem to build a single stadium without the government paying for it. If fact, no major league sport in this country pulls a single dollar of profit without tax payer's dollars.

In private industry after private industry, we see nothing but failure. From the World Coms to the Enron's, to Tyco's to AIG. All of it a just piece of shit failure, and all of it depends on GOVERNMENT to pick up the costs it can't handle.

And just like Ford and GM would never make a dollar in profit without taxpayers stepping up to the plate and building a road to use their product on. Whether it's establishing a stable currency to do business with, or using our courts to enforce their contracts, or a million other things, not a single business in this country could survive without some kind of government handout.

And you have the gull to say government doesn't work? Jesus, we just went through 8 years of Numnuts taking a claw hammer to it, and doubling it's debt while engaged in two wars across the globe. And yet your mail still gets delivered, you still have water on tap, your schools are still open, and your trash is still picked up.

Government doesn't work? Holy fucking Jesus what a stupid thing to say. Here's an idea. Ethopia hasn't had a functioning government since 1991. Go move there, and come back and tell us what paradise is like. It should be informative as hell. I'll buy you the plane ticket.

-- Modified on 1/21/2010 8:34:39 AM

pwilley 59 Reviews 1198 reads
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OK, your essay is all right, but in this class, your grade is based on accuracy and not just the number of words.

I'll just mention a few items to get you started, but it is your responsibility to correct all the errors if you want a passing grade.

The telecom industry is not the number one recipient of complaints... credit card companies, cable television both have far more... source... BBB

Ford did not ask for and did not receive any bailout money.

The post office is bankrupt and trying to cut services or get govt. increases in subsidies to offset.. while everyone else is cutting headcount, they continue to hire even though they cannot pay their bills.  

SS is already predicted to default in the coming years... geeesh, where have you been... it's been all over the news, even msnbc that you watch.  God, it must be true if even they say so.?

Anyway, now go fix this up because all the other students are going to pass and don't want you to have to stay after school.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1106 reads
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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1114 reads
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Cable television companies are not telecoms? That's funny considering that Title III of the '96 telecommunications act covers cable television.

I did not claim that Ford got bailed out. But now that you mention it, Ford gets bailed out everyday someone drives a Mustang down an interstate.

The Post Office is no more bankrupt than the Defense Department. I'm glad they're hiring. At least someone is.

Again, SS is the ONLY thing on the gov't books that are in the black. It went into the red in the late 70's and early 80's. Funny thing, everyone still got their checks. If you got rid of the loop hole that allows rich people not to pay FICA taxes, then SS would be solvant FOREVER. It would be so solvant that you could cut FICA taxes IN HALF. Where have you been?

The other students are only going to pass because they're in a useless private school, which is actually just a day care center for children over the age of 5.

But I'm sure the other students will pass and get a nice job as an executive in corporate America, where the company will have to spend billions teaching their "brilliant executives" remedial English*. Only the private sector could find a way to make people rich who are so stupid they can not even speak their own native tongue.


CallNumber9 2 Reviews 869 reads
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I'd be more charitable if it was original thought but it's nothing more than a cut and paste that has been all over the net for the last six months or so. Any lazy POS can do it and think themselves wonderful.

And if he had done any serious reading he wouldn't have made such a sophomoric mistake of using "brake" when he meant "break".

Actually I like to watch Charlie Rose's show, much more entertaining.

And it is spelt "moron" not "moran" you moron.

Jeez, it's getting harder and harder every day to properly insult anyone anymore.

pwilley 59 Reviews 987 reads
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BreakerMorant 801 reads
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I agree with what you say. Since when did government become mama government? In Jamestown, John Smith's rule was everybody works. We all can do something to support the community and well feel better for it.

pwilley 59 Reviews 1327 reads
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Anyone is allowed to come to this school... they are free to study hard or they can fuck off, they can study English or they can sell drugs, they can do their homework, or they can watch porn at night...

BUT, there will be no support for them later in life... they get their own job based on their skills, they buy their own house, they pay for their own medical...  If they have a job and lose it, the other students will help them out, afterall, be have a bond... but they need not expect that other students are going to subsidize them now because they chose to fuck off while the rest were studying hard.

Personally, it would probably serve them right if all the "rich" just quit their jobs and thus no longer pay into SS.  Afterall, the "rich" can take care of themselves... But I wonder what all the rest of them are going to do... I know... Let's re-elect Nancy Poolshark.... she'll support them...

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1257 reads
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txtransplant 790 reads
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This reminds me on the old business axiom of:  "Do not take on other people's monkeys".

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 934 reads
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Plus, I she plays a nice game of 1 on 1.!!!!!!

don't cha just love our politicians... you cannot make this stuff up!

Below, the one that is available.  Ayla.

mattradd 40 Reviews 848 reads
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I checked on Amazon. They have only one copy. It's used, and costs 164.95. Haven't been to the library in years, but I guess that's the only place I'm going to get it.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 993 reads
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Good luck educating your kids (God help us if they think like you LOL) if you live in a major city.

Snowman39 1403 reads
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long diatribe posts full of innacuracies.

Remember, you are rebutting a guy who says he loves free speech and wants Rush Limbaugh to die.

Logic and consistency are not his forte...

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1613 reads
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...a Libertarian paradise, like I said in my original response, try Ethiopia.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 2188 reads
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are severely lacking.

If you meant Northern Virginia, you should have said so in your original post.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 900 reads
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willywonka4u"Snow, feel free to point out a single inaccurately (eom)"


txtransplant 1023 reads
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Snowman39 846 reads
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You said:

"Without the war on poverty Condi Rice would be a crackhead and Colon Powell would be homeless"

So your basic premise is that all black people would be a failure if it were not for the government.

Damn Dude, you're bordering on racist now!!!

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