Politics and Religion

Australia can't get you soon enough . . . . EOM
pot/kettle 309 reads


A highly qualified and experienced Medical Doctor with outstanding credentials and awards.    NRA now you can go and f*ck yourself.

make me wish that I had not been so upfront about my ethnicity....

followme371 reads

gardless of nationality obama should have picked someone whose specialty is proctology.

That way obama would have someone on staff to help him get his head out of his ass ecah day.

You’re Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and Hous

bigguy30347 reads

The low information voter and their comments.

Also more than 100 national organizations backed Murthy's nomination, and top health administration officials under Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton also penned letters urging his confirmation.

I will take my chances with a guy medical background!

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