Politics and Religion

Attention all Libs (and you know who you are). Here's a proposition.
scriptfixer 18 Reviews 3711 reads

I was thinking that maybe all of us liberals on this Board should go on a one week strike in protest of the nonsensical mudslinging and lack of rational debate by the right wingers.  What would they do if they had no one to attack personally?  

I'm suggesting that for 5 days, (beginning next Monday morning and ending Friday evening) all of us liberals make no postings whatsoever.  No initiating of threads and no responses to comments made by the right wingers.  

Doc, Puck, Zin... care to join in?  

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 1:06:43 AM

harryj1530 reads

Script: Hold the door for the Puckster so it doesn't hit him in the ass on the way out.

RE (and you know who you are).
Posted by harryj  , 11/29/2007 5:58:08 AM  

Script: Hold the door for the Puckster so it doesn't hit him in the ass on the way out.

 He already ran home screaming "Mommy" yesterday

I was thinking that maybe all of us liberals on this Board should go on a one week strike in protest of the nonsensical mudslinging and lack of rational debate by the right wingers.  What would they do if they had no one to attack personally?  

I'm suggesting that for 5 days, (beginning next Monday morning and ending Friday evening) all of us liberals make no postings whatsoever.

   And when you come back I DARE you liberals to speak rationally without personal attacks on us our President Bush and perhaps you would see more civility..
Just as in school when the big bullies beat up on me I learned quickly to fight back and most of the time the bully would wimp out ..
It works both ways with me as I can be diplomatic with a civil crowd and I also know how to fight back with unruly attitudes..
 And just because I believe Global Warming is not a issue because even if it is caused  from abuses of private jets that is no reason to get upset as we are going to run out of oil and start getting cold long before the Earth gets too warm for Human comfort zones...

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 6:29:46 AM

others idiots, or attack their reading skills... or call others a racist for merely wishing that they laws of the land are enforced with respect to national security.

Please, do as you wish.  for while i suppose that you have lumped me with the conservatives... I hold neither a universal "liberal" nor a universal "conservative" view.  I differ from the religious right in several of my thoughts and concepts, but I differ from the looney left on about an equal number of issues.  

What I refuse to buy into is that somehow because you support an organized and functional society - you are somehow stupid.  I support people taking responsibility for their own actions... something that the likes of those on the left cannot get their heads around.

While I am prochoice - I DO support the death penalty... and yea, taking a life is what happens in both instances...

I am for complete and total educational reform - starting at the top (Universities) to bottom... help to the economically distressed at the preschool level and FREE education for all - through college level.

I am for support of economic development that includes supporting nascent industries...

I am for a strong military - but NOT in favor of deploying that military unless it can be proven that it is in the best interest of the US to so do.  

While I do support limited change in medical/health care, I would offer that we need insurance and tort reform more... as a private medical practitionere often pays $100000 a year in malpractice insurance... (how do I know?  I wrote the damn check). Wanna know where your health care dollar goes?  

So yea, you wish me to accept what you say without a challenge... without removing all the qualifiers from what our politicians say... ok.  But know that you only fool yourself... if you do not parse their words carefully.  

Believe me when I say this, having been in industry... Sr. Management at several large companies that I know of, start with what they want you to believe.. and then write the text to fit what they will say, without lying.  it is awesome... which is yet another reason why I say the Clinton was one of our smartest preses... in a while, the man could lie, with a statement of truth.  And that my friends - takes planning and a high degree of effort.

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 7:58:06 AM

The things I do agree with you about: The death penalty and abortion. For the death penalty, I would limit it to serial killers and child murderer rapists. I also think it must be disciplined so that the wrong person isn't executed. For the most part, I think we agree.

Educational reform: we totally agree. About professors, am I not allowed to agree without being brow-beaten because I'm not emphatic enough? That's the way it seems.

Support for nascent industries: I agree totally.

Strong military: No, the military-industrial complex is now a great burden on us, and too easy and tempting to misuse. (Part of why Iraq happened.) I feel that this has to be reformed, and yes, the military actually scaled down. The Cold War is over. Who is going to attack us?
Canada? Mexico? Saudi Arabia?  

Healthcare: we agree about tort reform, I think if we simply change punative damages so that only a limited amount goes to the plaintiff and his lawyer. This will correct juries "Robin Hood" mentality. But I think the health system needs to be replaced by universal healthcare.

Things I just don't understand:

I don't understand why you think liberals are against people taking responsibility. I've never understood this point from conservatives. I fight against it.

I don't understand attacks on Al Gore. Yes, he may miss on a few points in "A Convenient Truth." It was hardly propaganda, though. I think he's sincere. It's not like he called for things that should wreck the economy either.

I don't understand continuing attacks on Bill Clinton and constantly finding ways to blame him rather than Bush.

I don't understand serious concern about immigration. This country has always had huge waves of immigrants, legal and illegal. Yes, it's a problem trying to document who they are and keep records on them. No, it's not a serious problem.

I don't understand how al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations can be regarded by conservatives as a real war. They are not going to conquer us. Ever. It isn't possible. Nine-11 was so successfully destructive simply because everybody had their guard down. The Cold War had been over, remember? The End of History and all of that?

I don't understand how sneeringly and suspiciously conservatives treat the possibility of Global Warming. Even if they disagree with proposals to counter it.

Finally, on a personal note:

If you feel unjustly and personally attacked, by my memory, you did it to me first and wouldn't stop despite my trying to be conciliatory with you and trying to bring the argument back to a reasonable tone.

About the nation in general, you and I both think    the tone has been "disrespectful." I just don't agree that one side would or could stop it before the other. Liberals in general think that they lost too much ground for trying to keep a civil tone in debates, while conservatives kept up low blows and eventually turned the name "liberal" turned into an insult and joke. But it was a centrist Republican, George Bush, who turned liberalism into an insult in order to grab an election. They felt also Dubya and his party took advantage when it called for unity immediately after 9/11.

That is why you're not going to see liberals becoming civil again. "We won't be fooled again."

GaGambler1782 reads

"That is why you're not going to see liberals becoming civil again. "We won't be fooled again.""

Liberals have not been civil for a long, long  time. Not that conservatives are the politest of creatures, but if you'll be objective and look back through the posts you'll find the libs starting more of the name calling than the right.

Like  BSD, I don't consider myself a lefty or a righty, but if you'll be objective(difficult task around here) you'll find the posts speak for themselves

Do you remember what happened to him?

This board is quite a bit different than what goes on in the outside world, nor does it give an overall perspective on the country in which it functions.

No parting shots.

Just a wave as I depart on my quest for the American Dream on the Flyin Lion.

"We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers [...] and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Why the ether? Because there is nothing more irresponsible in this world than a man in the depths of an ether binge."

It's 4:19... got a minute?

GaGambler2016 reads

I'm not even going to chime in on this latest little battle between the "whiny libs" and the "self righteous" right, to claim that either side has the moral "high ground" is patently ridiculous.

Don't you people (on both sides) read your own bullshit? You sound like a bunch of children. Each side, either claiming the other side started it, or that failing, claiming the other side is the bigger transgressor.

Don't you get it??? You're ALL fucking guilty!!!

I think I need to go back to Costa Rica, and finish my own binge.

Happy trails, Doc

Is this your way of saying your going to play pool for the week?
It's 3:22 Pm and I am basking in the truth listening to Sean.

Always enjoyed the game, but was never a very good pool player. Fun and different instead of a bed or piano to eat pussy or have sex

But I got to tell ya, that one antique billiard table with the carved lion heads at the four corners is stunning. Bit too expensive for me though.

P&R politicking will be a very low priority for me this month anyway, as I'll be in Vegas for the M&G, plus its my birthday, then off to Arizona for two weeks of personal business and health related activities.

Enjoy the respite while you can Pepe, if and when I return, you'll wish i was ONLY on an ether binge:)

Thanks for the link, Pepe; I hope one day you really do learn the Truth. It does set you free.

Your welcome for the link.
OMG your coming to Arizona, Oh No Mr Bill!
I have the truth now Gonzo. I used to be like you working for a labor union back east. Always knew there was something wrong but didn't figure it out until I came to Arizona 25 yrs ago and saw the light. Changed my affiliation to Republican and nerver looked back. Now that I am among the sane life is good.

Yeah, I frequent Phoenix and Tucson regularly...
will be in Scottsdale on the 14th-15th, and Tucson from 16-22, then Scottsdale for a couple days, and I drive back home on the 25th. Being Jewish, its an ideal day for minimal road traffic.

So... Pepe... wanna get a drink?

Besides, I've seen how mellow this board gets when all the gadflys take a powder:)

BS Sessions in the dorm... in the late 60s.
going to a scientific meeting and watching two old profs go at it - like jr. hi school yard bullys...

Not so fun

learning that it was more how you presented the message than the message itself -
That folks can actually lie to you - while telling the truth.
That the saying "we're from the govenment and we're here to help" is most feared by both right and left.

working with an idiots -!  and trying to make them look good.

Maybe the far lefties on this board could leave for two years and give me time to obtain my GED..That way they can't keep ridiculing me for quitting school in ninth grade..

Re:  they can't keep ridiculing me for quitting school in ninth grade..

in this one area, if my voice was among those ridiculing you for your education or lack thereof, I apologize. I disdain your politics, not your scholarship.

But with your own experiences in the system, how can you support a man who has consistently cut funding for k-12 education ?

St. Croix1857 reads

You are right. Bush is to blame for all the ills of society. Do me a favor? At least make an attempt to justify your comments with a balanced opinion. You do know that 90%+ of all education funding comes from state and local sources, i.e. sales, income and property tax. You do know that local school districts put bonds on ballot measures to offset flat and/or declining revenue sources.

Yes Gonzo the Federal Govt reduced education spending by 0.9% in 2006 and approx 3% in 2007. This  was the first reduction in over a decade.

Bush is to blame for Katrina, Global Warming, fires in So California, etc. Look, I am not thrilled with his performance the past 7 years, but at least put a little effort in your argument vs a sound byte.

Your point is well taken. In other circumstances, with other people, I might indeed go for the longer more substantive commentary.

But quadseasonal is, imho, a zealously tunnel-visioned right wing idealogue with little to no respect for opposing points of view. His seeming support of a win at any cost damn the moral compass philosophy bothers me although I will always defend his right to express his point of view, even though he thinks I'm some sort of Cracker racist.
And so I made my one liner soundbyte comment to try to goad him or irk him into a knee-jerk response because I thought it might be fun.

It's a tactic I learned from the Grand Poobah of the Right Wing Hate Machine, a fellow named Lee Atwater.

St. Croix2051 reads

I see it on both sides. Maybe we can return to earlier days when moderates ruled the political arena. Now all we can hope for is gridlock, or just incremental change.

I could live with that. Matter of fact, I remember when we did:) It was in the BM days - Before Murdoch.

And you didn't even notice ..You had already announced your solidarity with the left sabbatical for the week end but yet you could not stop yourself from responding to my post..In case you forgot why I quit school ...as I said on earlier posts I went to private Catholic schools through eighth grade and then when I went to Public school in ninth they were trying to teach me subject matter I had already learned in third grade..I am definitely for school vouchers ..

Heh... I guess you missed the part about my leaving next week.

Unambiguously, I leave for Vegas sometime early on the 7th. I'll be pimping the after party and my monthly Greydog event the following week, and on the 14th, I shall be leaving you on a mission to the Sonora desert in Southern Arizona. There the evil messenger of Satan will be exorcized (well, excised anyway), and should I survive the ritual and subsequent convalesence, I will return to endlessly hound you from the left side of the aisle. If not, I can always haunt you from the Left Side of Hell.MUHAHAHAHAH!

Be Afraid. Be Vewwy Vewwy Afwaid.

things a college grad or better would know, had a high school diploma as her highest formal educational achievement - she wound up the vp at a major bank....   my mom.

You write with some proficiency. It's not like, say Dubya, who graduated from Harvard and still sounds like a high-school drop out. Now, I find that frightening.

RightwingUnderground2496 reads

A protest strike? What gains are you striking for?

When I took a hiatus a while back it was because Jack0 was once again out of control, but I left for my own sanity. I expected nothing to happen. I expected nothing to change.

What do you hope will change? Nothing will. Or is this just another "feel good and accomplish nothing" action?

BTW, is this a closed strike of 4 or can anyone join in?

RightwingUnderground1634 reads

I am going to be about 3 weeks late as I'm going to be in Vegas for about 10 days in January. I'm going for CES primarily (and of course AEE). Then I'm staying over a few days the following week to party. I think things will be just too nuts and too competitive during the conventions week to meet all the girls in my plan.

Hey, maybe you guys will still be recovering. I could come over, step around a few "dead soldiers", brush off a place to sit down, pick you up off the floor and then start the whole thing over again.

I hope you all have a good time (even Puck). I have little doubt of same. Don't forget to bring your "Brownie" so we can all share in the enjoyment later.

-- Modified on 11/29/2007 9:02:08 PM

If you're gonna be in town, we can connect for a drink or a toke, make fun of each others politics, and then go out and have a good time with some ladies.

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