Politics and Religion

Romney imploding ?!
Priapus53 2608 reads
1 / 12

Sure looks that way. As predicted by the board's oracle ( some might say orifice----LOL ! ) Priapus Nostradamus , Gingrich has surged ahead in Florida leading Mitt by a fucking 24 points.
Even Romney's sizeable lead in New Hampshire is starting to shrink, down 10 points  ( from 26% to
16% )

Adding to the indignity, get a load of the merciless grilling by Brett Baier on Fox, of all places. If he can't handle questions on "friendly territory" how's he gonna handle "slings & arrows" by such skilled debaters as Gingrich & BHO ?

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 7:01:31 AM

Priapus53 1647 reads
3 / 12

Btw, you must be one happy dude, because you're always smiling------:)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1579 reads
4 / 12
pwilley 59 Reviews 2028 reads
5 / 12

I have a lot of contact with folks who live in Boston, and they are nearly unanimous that as governor, he was nothing more than a liberal in republican clothing.  His actions when in office, were nothing like what he said during his campaign.

The newspaper article you referenced seems to be precisely what is happening... Romney doesn't really have any position on major issues that he is willing to state precisely to the public.  Kudos to Baer for pushing him to be "clear" and showing his inability to do so.  He is so much like Obama that it makes me cringe at that the way they both attempt to swamboozle the public... and their policies as evidenced by what Romney did as governor, seems frighteningly similar to what Obama has done.

I really wish Cain had been better understood because he does have some great ideas but he never really articulated them very well.  Now that it seems he likes to fuck ugly women, a lot, I think he is toast and best he go quietly into the night.

If we have the opportunity to get Newt into office, I really believe he will turn things around very quickly in terms of foreign affairs, economy, and energy.... for that he gets my vote; however, I would expect that one day we will hear him say something like, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"...

Timbow 1625 reads
6 / 12

But Newt cannot beat Obama in a general , no way .

Who is the real RINO?

Who bragged about being a moderate with this comment, “There is a new synthesis evolving with the classic moderate wing of the party, where as a former Rockefeller state chairman, I’ve spent most of my life”? Newt

 Who starred in a 2007 global warming commercial with Nancy Pelosi that was sponsored by Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection? Newt

Who was paid $312,000 by ethanol interests and then said ethanol is good for national security and for the economy? Newt

Which candidate went on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and called Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan “radical” and “right-wing social engineering”? Newt

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 4:10:05 AM

Timbow 992 reads
7 / 12

Quote :
Herman Cain withdrew from the Republican presidential race today, a move that resulted in millions of pro-adultery voters shifting their support to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The shift in support is significant because pro-adultery voters represent the single largest voting bloc in the Republican Party, experts say. :)

Note this is  The Borowitz Report ;)

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 4:21:41 AM

RRO2610 51 Reviews 1107 reads
8 / 12

And now they’re gonna hitch their wagons to a flaw addled, mean spirited, greedy grinch like Newt Gingrich.

Meanwhile the ONLY three candidates worth listening too (Paul, Huntsman, and Roemer "they won't even let Buddy debate because he wants to get the MONEY out of politics) don't get a lick of respect or air time.

  If EVER a party paraded a bunch of ubiquitously despised political stereotypes too win the favor of the public it is THIS election cycle.

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 9:55:31 AM

pwilley 59 Reviews 1910 reads
9 / 12

When you get right down to it, there is very little difference between Romney and Obama.  They both have lied like crazy in their campaigns, just saying whatever they think the polls want them to say.  Neither has an immigration policy.  Both have religious issues.  Both passed Obamacare/romneycare.

So, the argument that Romney is only one who can beat Obama is useless.  They are the same, just a different darn color.

Those who actually want Obama beat ought to be hoping that Newt, or whomever can articulate policies that are understood by Joe the Plumber, and Suzy homemaker, such that they gain the necessary support.

But in the end, anyone but Obama is still preferable to having Obama again.

Timbow 1777 reads
10 / 12

Posted By: Priapus53
Btw, you must be one happy dude, because you're always smiling------:)
Probably should be on some posts  :D  

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 5:36:37 AM

Timbow 1355 reads
11 / 12

8. Which candidate has consistently supported the type of individual mandates for health insurance that conservatives are trying to overturn through court challenges to Obamacare? (Trick question: Two of three are correct answers.)

A. Mitt Romney  -- check  yes

B. Newt Gingrich ----check yes

-- Modified on 11/30/2011 5:41:02 AM

JLWest 2506 reads
12 / 12

Name one, just 1 fucking politician who hasn't fliped floped. Lets be honest here. There up and down on issues more that a french whore. At least with a French whore you get something when you get fucked.

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