Politics and Religion

As you can see by the link, your definition does not cut the mustard...
mattradd 40 Reviews 2020 reads
1 / 16

Each book is constrained by the limits of understanding of it's writers. Most Biblical scholars view it as such, and that what is Inspired, in the writings, are the essential truths regarding God's and Man's nature, and the nature of their relationship.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 273 reads
2 / 16

I'll buy a Bible and start reading , if Bishop gambler agrees with you  on your comment ," Bible  writings, are the 'essential truths  regarding God's and Man's nature ".  
  I'm not a big gambler but I'm thinking of betting the ranch , the over under is 00  .
  Don't believe for a NY second I've never read the Bible . I was forced to read it often in school .
  That's another reason I'm successful  at multitasking  .
  Every time the Nuns  made me read the Bible , I was reading the words but thinking of the girls  
 in class , acting like they were listening to me , when all they were doing was lusting .    
    You'll  never know how much education you missed if you never learned first hand , how girls in Holy Roller  school , roll with boys with no fear of speaking .    
               Alleluia Sisters   :-D

Posted By: mattradd
Each book is constrained by the limits of understanding of it's writers. Most Biblical scholars view it as such, and that what is Inspired, in the writings, are the essential truths regarding God's and Man's nature, and the nature of their relationship.

mattradd 40 Reviews 297 reads
3 / 16

Regarding my statement:  the books of Scripture are about the 'essential truths  regarding God's and Man's nature,' I'm speaking about many who believe in the Bible, not those who do not believe in it.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 221 reads
4 / 16

I grew up reading the King James version of the Bible.  By the time we were doing Shakespeare in high school, I had that down perfectly!  

I won't comment on essential truths and all that jazz because I'm not up for a religious debate.

But I think there is a great deal of wisdom to be found.  Read, for example, the book of Proverbs.  It's amazing stuff.  

I also think there is something to humans having a dual nature -- both of earth and of spirit.  After all, it is only humans who suffer adverse (temporal) consequences from things defined as sinful in the Bible.  

There may be a few other animals that have an STD here or there, but only humans suffer from a veritable encyclopedia of STDs -- every one of which would cease to exist if we followed the rules in the Bible.  

Anyway, the language in many parts of the KJV Bible is beautiful and poetic -- and there is just something about words like "abomination" that make for excellent reading.

Blowing Chunks 286 reads
5 / 16

Made absolutely no sense though cuz the more I read it, the more I realized all the inconsistencies that I read have been "explained" by so called "experts" who wrote a bunch of nonsense that never really explained it.  

Case in point was the Inconsistent Geneology of Jesus in book of mathew and luke, I posted here several weeks ago.  Complete obvious bull shit of the purest form but these 'experts' cook up some more bull shit of their own to explain the previous bull shit.  

So I stopped sinking my head in that book of faith cuz I wised up and desided not to live by faith but by pursuit of finding facts.  
So I discovered SCIENCE.  It doesn't know everything but it knows a whole lot more factual evidence than bible.  
I realized that science makes a WHOLE LOT MORE FUCKING SENSE than KJV.  

KJV is full of loosely fitted stories that you have to have a pretty damn good imagination to fit together. It's an anecdotal book from several different stories from different time periods just slapped together.

wrps07 268 reads
6 / 16

If you had to pick a few books out of the KJV. Which ones would you say are the most practical ? What did you think about the book for proverbs ?

James_Connolly 297 reads
7 / 16

the bloke added some asinine twists to it and wrote himself in as the star .  

his angle was good too , sell it to brown skin people so in future generations they can down  airplanes over Maylasia and still get treated with kid gloves by white guilt in the media .  

dumb cunts like Theresa Villiers  

8439 OP 671

OSP 26 Reviews 312 reads
8 / 16

I must have missed the biblical passage stating "feel free to amend these precepts and principles, as you see fit, to accommodate your varying needs".

mattradd 40 Reviews 290 reads
9 / 16

I'm glad you take the Bible literally, and are living according to all it's "precepts and principles."   ;)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 275 reads
10 / 16

My definition of Holy Roller  1 ,  someone who doesn't change their shirt  , wearing their Religion on their sleeve every day , spreading the word with  every person they meet without asking for monetary reward  ,  in hopes to convert those that don't see the light ,   knocking on doors in the darkest alleys , trying to save the World , one soul at a time .  
  I figure they were never invited to parties when young , they are hoping for a crowd that likes them when they die  .
  The rarest of Holy rollers , HR1  are decent  people  for the most part  , though not always , and incredibly  obnoxious , they won't usually  accept money when offered to just go away .  
  Holy Roller 2 , someone who teaches  their faith for benefit of life long shelter and monetary rewards . They are not  as  committed to following  rules of their Faith and civilization like Holy Roller 1 .  
  Not too bad usually , though  I would never drop  my guard  around HR2 ,  always wary of their bad side coming out .  
  Holy Roller 3 , someone who uses their Faith as a tool to gain trust with  hope their next victim will  believe  their words are from their heart .  
   HR3's are usually  attending  Church for networking or finding inheritance from little old ladies  .  
  They are the biggest hypocrite , similar to  guys  golfing  once a week to meet new contacts , though secretly  they  hate the sport of golfing .  

 The majority of  church  goers are not Holy Roller  1 , 2 or 3 .  The majority  believes in their  Faith without feeling a need to spend  their  sober moments trying to convince  others to join  .
  The majority of  Church goers  help collect money for the poor , they  would never take a commission  from  the collection plate .
  When the the majority of  Church goers collect food for the poor  door to door , they  wouldn't keep the Filet Mignon for themselves  figuring it would be too rich for the poor person's  digestive system .  
 The majority of Church goers are decent guys and gals attending   Church , with hope  they  won't go to Hell when they  die .
 The majority of Church goers wouldn't take advantage of a young teen age girl looking for comfort and safety in their  Church by taking her to an out of town Hotel like Holler Roller 1, 2, or 3's have done  .  
 The majority of Church goers are not my idea of Holy rollers .

  DA is my idea of  HRAPS    Holy Rebel  Agnostic  Preacher Scientist   . More obnoxious when spreading their word than HR1's .
  Though HRAP's  will  often   bear false witness  for monetary gain .  
Posted By: mattradd
What do you consider to be a Holy Roller?Regarding my statement:  the books of Scripture are about the 'essential truths  regarding God's and Man's nature,' I'm speaking about many who believe in the Bible, not those who do not believe in it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 326 reads
11 / 16

regarding how most people define Holy Roller. They are Pentecostals. You may have run into some closet Charismatics in your Catholic school days (they are similar in some ways, but not nearly as demonstrative in their worship), but not Pentecostals.

-- Modified on 3/12/2014 11:59:37 AM

Pimpathy 260 reads
12 / 16

Sure, believe the word of a non-profit organization. When discussing the activities of a non-profit. :-D

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Posted By: mattradd
regarding how most people define Holy Roller. They are Pentecostals. You may have run into some closet Charismatics in your Catholic school days (they are similar in some ways, but not nearly as demonstrative in their worship), but not Pentecostals.

-- Modified on 3/12/2014 11:59:37 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 226 reads
13 / 16
Pimpathy 293 reads
14 / 16

Posted By: mattradd
Is that anywhere near Quadseasonal's definition!   ;)
No it is not. How ever you did ask him "What do you consider to be a holy roller?"

... on a side note, I recall the Wiki page header asking for donations in the past.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 361 reads
15 / 16

... I love saying stuff like "Verily, thine eyes seeest not thine own iniquities of the flesh.  Nay, verily I say unto thee that thine iniquities are abominable."

I mean, I just made that up but its cool language.

hbyist+truth=;( 285 reads
16 / 16

He feels women are second class citizens as much as the bible does. In fact, if you have read any of his drivel, you would see quite clearly this old fart is a died in the wool misogynist. On a tick board no less.

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