Politics and Religion

Smile, God loves you...eomteeth_smile
Chowder I Cant Hear You 3175 reads


There is a biological and evolutionary explanation for why human beings experience love.


As a social species, we experience love as a means to enhance bonding between individuals. On a biological level, love (and every other emotion for that matter) is the result of complex brain chemistry.

Since popular conceptions of God is that of a non-physcial creature, who would be absent a brain, much less of the hormone oxytocin, then it would stand to reason that God, even if he exists at all, would have no physical ability to love anything at all.

Furthermore, since it's proposed that God exists as a solitary deity, he'd have little use for love since he's lives alone. He'd have no need (or ability) for peer bonding. Love would be about as useful to a God as being born with eyeballs next to your asshole.

It's supposed that God created us in his likeness. But if he didn't have to have a physical form, then why in the fuck would he have legs? What planet would he use these legs on? If he could just hover around in space, then wouldn't he more likely be shaped like an amoeba?

And lastly, how can anything exist in our universe that can choose whether it's composed of matter, or if he feels like it, nothing at all? When God appears as say, a dove, does he has reserve body suits laying around, or does he act as a temporary body snatcher of doves?

The greatest likelihood here is that human beings have falsely attributed one of our own characteristics onto something that is not human. It's simply a mistake to do so, just as it's a mistake to believe that snakes can talk.

He even loves you, liar that you are.

Think about it, that should be good news to you.

The purpose of being male is to transfer genetic material to a female to begin the process of reproduction.

Therefore it follows that if a God is a "he", then there would also be a "female" God for him to reproduce with. The purpose of a deity reproducing seems a little absurd, then God is supposedly immortal, and is viewed as a lone deity.

Therefore, God being a he would be as useful as being born with nostrils next to your asshole. If God existed at all, he would most likely be an "it".

GodsTruth1347 reads

I shocked you don't recall me from my most recent appearance.

I frankly never intended to refer to Him as The One With Penis. So your arguement is rendered stupid. You should have asked me what I mean before rattling on with your psuedo-intellectual strawman arguement. You probably could'nt help yourself though.

Therefore, ergo, in conclusion, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, have a nice day.

God even loves the deniers.

Afterall, HE made you.

I am the product of my parents fucking. I'm pretty damn sure neither one of them were deities. And without knowing you, or having witnessed the event, I'm pretty damn sure you're the product of your parents fucking too.

...what was your argument again?

These were also products of your parents fucking. Was one of you created everytime your parents fucked? Musta been a crowded house.

But you must be refering to the miracle of human creation that God has created. Isn't it incredible but once conception has taken place in the manner that God created, NOTHING but a human being is the result? Not a soiled sheet, not an orgasm, not a goat or a pig. No, once concieved, ONLY a living, breathing, thinking, caring feeling, HUMAN BEING is the result.

What was your arguement again?

Wait a second, are you saying that when human beings reproduce only human beings are the result, and therefore that proves God's existence? That's fucking retarded.

You might as well say, when paramecia divide, they only produce paramecia, not a goat or a pig. Therefore, God did it!

What kind of bullshit argument is that? Well, since it's God who's making sure semen is making it's way to an egg, couldn't It be bothered to make sure that children aren't born with horrific deformities? Google "Iraqi children" and "depleted Uranium". Fair warning: it might ruin your lunch.

and then proceed with an attempt to shoot down that arguement, it's a technique called a "strawman arguement".

You may not be aware that this is fallacious. I rather doubt it, considering your selfproclaimed intellect. Chances are greater your just full of shit.

Google "strawman arguement".

Your picture is there.

Chowder, did you not say:

"But you must be refering to the miracle of human creation that God has created. Isn't it incredible but once conception has taken place in the manner that God created, NOTHING but a human being is the result? Not a soiled sheet, not an orgasm, not a goat or a pig. No, once concieved, ONLY a living, breathing, thinking, caring feeling, HUMAN BEING is the result."


I assumed you meant was that it is a miracle of God that reproduction happens at all, and that when it does happen, goats don't fly out of lady's vajay-jays.

If that's NOT what you meant, then please clarify.

However, that this "proves the existence of God" is what you said, NOT what I said.

It is only my opinion. I claim no scientific proof, upon which you so heavily rely.

You based your rebuttal upon words YOU said, not me. Thus creating the textbook strawman arguement in which you engaged.

Therefore, your arguement goes on the shitheap.

Try again.

What was your question?

You were trying to make a scientific claim about evolution by bringing up God, and then admit you have no scientific proof of God.

And now you're criticizing me for looking at real evidence to ascertain what the fuck reality is.

I'm beginning to suspect you're a loony.

i started out just trying to brighten up the day.

For some reason that made your skin crawl and felt it necessary to engage in all sorts of silly arguements and put words in my mouth. I never claimed proof, I just stated my belief.

Q: If your shit your pants and no one smells it, does it stlll leave a stain?

Dont think too long.

trying to brighten up my day by calling me a lair? Who exactly is the lair here?

Like I said, for some reason you decided to take issue with it.

I called you a liar because it's well known here that you lie.

You should take that up with yourself as to why you feel the need to do that.


Smile, God loves you.....still.

BTW, it's LIAR, not LAIR.

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