Politics and Religion

Article : The Herman Cain Cult
Priapus53 5695 reads

Many on the right, with some justification, talk about an "ObamaMessiah cult", but will they point out the nauseating TP gushing adulation for "Mr 999" ? It's enough for one to reach for the vomit bag.

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 9:35:07 AM

FistFullOfFifties1435 reads

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

You dislike reform.  Everybody agrees the current system is "broken" but whenever anybody proposes real reform people like you(the majority) always marginalize them.

The Joker in TDK was correct: "You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan."

The current "plan" is for this country to be bankrupt and when somebody tries to break from this plan he is mocked.

Priapus533839 reads

And even a slimmer chance of becoming POTUS. Read up on him.

Anyone wanna bet me on Cain's chances for becoming the POTUS ?

Priapus531595 reads

Is this guy a CPA from some jerkwater Ohio town ?! & he could only afford to donate $ 500 to Cain this time ? I'll betcha it'll all come out that the "advisor" to "the great white hope" is actaully a driver for a Godather pizza store---------LMAO !

Snowman391214 reads

You say you are no BHO fan, and yet ANYBODY who climbs to the top of the GOP polls you link every bad cartoon about them you can find (I can only assume because you have no talent or original thought).

Here's the real question, WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!

Always quick to criticize, but the more you post, the more you sound like an OWS flunkie.

Yes, your pissed, but you can not articulate about what and have no solutions.

Priapus532247 reads

I'd vote for Romney. Shows you how much you know.

However that scenario might not come to pass in a year; to be truthful I have no fucking clue who
I'll vote for in a years time.

Snow----let me ask you this------Since you feel BHO is a dreadful POTUS, wouldn't you want to beat him with a credible candidate ? Or are you like some "GOP lemmings" who want to go on a "Kamikazi run" ?

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 8:43:32 AM

Snowman392352 reads

On your Romney stance, I stand corrected. I would not have guessed that about you.

The problem I have with Romney is the problem I had with GWB. I think he is too old school politics and will spend as bad as GWB did if he gets in. Also, actions speak louder than words and between Romney Care and his man made global warming stances, I have a real hard time backing him.

It's not that Cain is my first choice, but I do think he is more conservative at his core than Romney. And all this stuff you are talking about being unelectable, they said about Reagan.

Here is what I do not get, what is it about Cain that makes you say he is not a viable candidate? Please back up your assertion.

Priapus531702 reads

watch him go "ballistic" about "media scrutiny".
NEVER held political office. Has NO political organization running his campaign. His "999 financial advisor" is a small town Ohio CPA.
His 9% national sales tax will NEVER fly. He consistently trails BHO by even larger margins than McCain did.

I'm sure there are more reasons, but that should be enough to sink this "flavor of the month".

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 9:09:52 AM

Timbow1778 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
watch him go "ballistic" about "media scrutiny".
NEVER held political office. Has NO political organization running his campaign. His "999 financial advisor" is a small town Ohio CPA.
His 9% national sales tax will NEVER fly. He consistently trails BHO by even larger margins than McCain did.

I'm sure there are more reasons, but that should be enough to sink this "flavor of the month".

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 9:09:52 AM

Any clown can spout off their favorite news channel.  Just exactly what about the things Cain has said are unworkable.  What about them makes them worse than what BHO has done.  In short, I'm not buying nothing you say adverse to Cain because you yourself can't even refute what he says.  All you seem to be able to do is quote somebody else's commentary.  Seem like you had WW are twins lately spouting off absolutely no original thought, or any facts to back up what you expect others to buy.

Priapus53922 reads

Try thinking with your brain instead of going with your gut & being pissed off-------I know that would be a major effort for you, but give it a try. Or perhaps you don't like Mormons---------correct me if I'm wrong on that.

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 11:42:54 AM

You accuse the people supporting the black guy of not liking Mormons. Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds?

I've known Cain a very long time and even had dinner with him a time or two and I can tell you he is one of the most down to earth, smartest, guys you'll ever meet.  He's not necessarily an eloquent preacher speaker, but you'll have a tough time staying with him one on one unless you resort the standard liberal mantra of switching the subject rather than answer the questions.

I've heard all the BS news commentators, like you, but I refuse to let some high paid TV personality put words in my mouth.  When somebody starts showing me the proof of what they say about "he can't win" then I'll be happy to listen to their opinions and weigh their proof but to just spout off that "he can't win" just because some idiot on TV says that, is pretty lame.

BTW, I only get pissed when some ho tries to charge more than her pussy is worth... LOL

I've liked him from the first time I ever heard him speak. and lame remarks like "he can't win" do nothing to change my opinion of him either.

I am not saying that as the vetting process follows it's course, something might come out that would change my opinion of the man, but simple claims of "he can't win" mean nothing to me, execpt to perhaps convince me to open my checkbook and send the man a donation to make it less likely that he can't win. lol

Yep, he certainly can capture an audience, but best of all, he just fuckin makes good sense without all the political one liners that most seem to give.  I have no illusion that it's going to be tough for him to survive and get the nomination against all the deep pockets associated with a few others, but if he somehow pulls that off and gets the nomination, Obama may as well just quit because Cain will eat his lunch over his past record and he's not going to get any smypathy votes this time just because he's black ... LOL

Priapus531770 reads

I say it will NEVER happen.

Put up or shut up.-----:)

If you accept,since I don't have vip, communiques will be handled through GaG.

No thanks.  But, I am not writing him off this early in the game just because some idiot commentators says that.  You'd be a much smarter person to analyze what Cain has to say and whether his ideas make good sense rather than just regurgitating what some asshole commentator tells you to think.

Priapus531530 reads

will unfiarly tax families & individuals making under a 100 K a year. It will NEVER fly--------& neither will Cain.

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 6:47:17 PM

Snowman391354 reads

Yes, his campaign structures seems weak, but he is polling in first place, so pretty hard to back up your point there.

In regards to his not held office, I think he answered it best. "You've been electing professional politicians for quite some time now, how is that working out for you"

Not saying he is my choice yet, but could he beat BHO, I think he can. The REAL test is if he can turn his poll numbers into campaign dollars.

In regards to 999, personally there are parts I do not like, but the simplicity of the proposal is very smart. Since people are SICK of the tax code, it is smart to get ahead of the issue.

Priapus532539 reads

Do you realize what the ensuing media scrutiny will do to this guy ?! And IF ( & this is a pretty big fucking if )he gets the GOP nod what BHO's "Chicgo mob" will do to Cain ?! Those fuckers play hardball. For a key to "Chicago mentality", click on link  below.

IF Cain gets the nod, he will lose by bigger % to
BHO than McCain did.

McCain-Cain--------GOP voters have a 1 track mind
& the train has definitely been derailed off THAT track-------LMAO !

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