Politics and Religion

North Carolina GOP tacks anti-abortion law onto anti-Sharia law...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2477 reads

...As if the anti-Sharia law wasn't stupid enough.  With all the important issues that need to be addressed, the GOP focuses on Sharia law and abortions.  Aren't you proud of your REPUBLICAN brethren?

-- Modified on 7/3/2013 2:39:53 AM

Sure, the idiots are eating it up and feeling smarter by the second!

1. What is a selective sex abortion? (is it as obvious as it sounds)
2. What is a "pill abortion"?

As a woman who gave a child up for adoption, the treatment that I have received from the adoptive family is appalling. Not to mention the money that is made by the drs, attorneys, the courts and the adoption agencies and the mother just gets a "get on with your life" from all parties involved. The men speaking on abortion on this board have no clue how each decision effects a woman. If I knew then what I know now my decisions would have been vastly different. This issue is not a political issue it is a patient and doctor decision. The men have no respect or regard for woman it is nothing but a control issue. What if we mandated that you men are required to have a vasectomy after you get one woman pregnant and don't marry her?

So fix the damn system. Murdering the unborn is not the answer....

Hopefully, Hussein won't get a 3rd go at the Supreme Court, and a conservative will nominate some ultra conservative judges, who can overturn Roe v Wade.

yea right they are going to fix the adoption industry when it is a 4 billion dollar industry... you be the most ignorant poster on here. You want to force all children to be born regardless if they are down syndrome, healthy or not. You want to force all children to be born disregard she was raped, or the mothers health is an issue. As long as the baby is born....

Then after these babies are born you will complain about the cost of programs that help famlilies with mentally handicapped children, you will complain about the school programs for these children, you will complain about more children and families on welfare and food stamps. Why are you so concerned with what a woman does with her body? Isnt that BIG BIG BIG  fucking government. Then you will complain about the court costs and all the other costs involved in locking up the women and the doctors who have/or perform abortions.  

So as you can see overturn roe vs wade will only allow you men to control another factor of a womans life. Instead of worrying about what a woman does, why don't you help keep families together instead of allowing adoption to destroy families in order to build another family. Your stupidity just astounds me.

You have no problem paying for instrusive ultra sounds, or other programs to control women.  

If you fuck a woman and you knock her up and you are not married, then I say we regulate your dicks so you cant propagate and contribute to the problem. We can even take this one step further, if you are not snipped then you cant register on these boards nor can you be a member. What if all the girls started demanding that in order to see us you have to be snipped.  

I suggest you leave a womans body alone and worry about yourself. You have enough of your own problems to worry about then some woman who is having an abortion.

I would rather have Daffy Duck sit on my lap and play with him.

So you backward engineered all the problems with the broken system, and came to the conclusion that abortion is a good thing? How about starting with personal responsibility, and only having protected sex, so we can prevent pregnancy in the first place....

I don't give a shit with what woman does with her body. She can rent it, sell it, or stay virgin for rest of her life. But when there is another life involved, I DO CARE...What due process are we using to take the unborn life...Humor me..

Please state where did I say abortion is a good thing? You said that not me.... looks like you engineered what I said instead of looking at the problem of maybe the men need to also take responsibility. If the men took responsibility also instead of dumping all of their responsibility on the woman maybe there would be less abortions.  

Also, another point do you remember what happened when abortions where illegal? They were still done just with coat hangers, in back allies by doctors, and also by procedures in the hospital under the disguise of a dnc. Before you spool your crap and impose your beliefs on others better look at yourself and look at the things you have done that others feel are appalling.

I, personally would never impose my beliefs on someone else, if someone doesn't believe its a life till its born that is their belief. If they chose to have an abortion they know what is best for themselves and we are not to judge. If you don't believe in abortion then don't have one and don't knock up a girl to have to deal with the situation, but don't tell me what I can and cant do legally cuz I will find a way to achieve what I want. It's the same as marijunna and illegal drugs you will never stop it just because you want it to be illegal.

Because keeping it illegal certainly hasn't stopped the murder?  

There were over 500 murders just in the city of Chicago in 2012. What amazes me is the hypocrisy in the system. If you kill that innocent little baby a minute after he/she is born its murder and you can be  put in the slammer for rest of your life, or the state can take your life for it... But there is legal way to do it before the life was born...

Its not about what you believe or not. Its about science...You really think its less valuable if its NOT born?  

You explicitly didn't say its GOOD. I give you credit for it. But by not speaking against the evil of abortion, you are essentially consenting it. And by "you", I mean it in universal tense..

-- Modified on 7/5/2013 5:02:52 PM

RealityBites662 reads

he shouldn't force a woman to do so. No, abortion isn't ok in my book.... but I am a real man who pays for what happens.  

Anyone but the "mom" has nothing to say on the matter unless someone else wants to go through the 9 mns of carrying the baby.  I can want my kid all I want or want to give it to a loving home....  but I am not the one carrying the baby and unless I am going to pay her to do the such for me, I got nothing to say.

Of course a female who gets preggers by me, if I got to pay you to carry and give the kid to me, fine. I wear protection and keep an eye out for whom I have been with. I hope none have slipped through the cracks!

look every legal expert and the way the laws are written is from society norms. Society has accepted the fact that its not a life. Usually only the religious people believe its a life from the start. People like myself who are not religious believe that if the woman wants to have an abortion then its her right. If she choses to have the child and continues to nurture it while pregnant than its a life. So your definition is not the way the law choses to apply "murder".  

Once again, it's not up to you to impose your beliefs upon others. If you believe its murder that is your right. If I believe its not murder that is my right. When you talk about "murder" society has accepted that societal law. Just as society has accepted abortion. You want to make things black and white and life is not black and white. I have never understood why it is always the majority of white males that have to impose this "murder" standard on a group of cells. I have never seen woman be as vehemently opposed to abortion as white males. To this day I believe its a control issue.

are getting lamer and lamer by the hour. Looks like you want to be in the run for SPOTM award...

And for God's sake, please click on right post when replying. You sound like you are replying/talking to yourself...

-- Modified on 7/6/2013 8:16:41 AM

Once again all you did was attack me and tell me what to do.... the exact same thing you want to do with women and abortion.. Keep up the good work curly, the more you denegrade me and bark out orders to me the more it just shows how disrespectful you truly are to women

I didn't know that I had to click on your response each time so you knew it was me responding to your idiotic rants. I was trying to keep the post organized and not go to where it was one word showing on my screen. But then again you wouldn't understand that....

Oh thanks for barking out the rules to me. If you don't want people to find out about you then don't tell the forum about your hunt for your perfect ebony woman.

I was just trying to tell you the proper way of posting, so you don't look like a senile 80 yr old, talking to yourself.

-- Modified on 7/7/2013 4:54:59 PM

GaGambler791 reads

If you are going to make yourself captain of the Grammar/Spelling police, you should at least use proper English yourself.

and just what's wrong with a hunt for the perfect ebony woman, or asian, or white or what ever else floats his boat?  Whatever he is looking for, it's damn sure not you, that's for damn sure.

"aren't is improper grammar also, I guess you never went to college or took an English class.... your stupidity astounds me.

Curly... you just keep proving how ignorant you are on a daily basis...

stupidest is improper grammar like I pointed out to someone else on another post. Proper grammar is more stupid or most stupid. But I guess men who are more concerned with controlling a woman's health choices doesn't need to educate himself, after all republicans don't believe in educating themselves.

SPOTM or SPOTY. Go argue with inicky46 or GaGambler. I didn't come up with the name of the award..

And you do qualify....

-- Modified on 7/8/2013 3:14:57 PM

what do those acronyms stand for.... is this what you rely on when you are wrong?

In my view, each bill should be vote on it's own. Amendments should have direct connect to the bill.

In this case, legislator who voted against this law, could have their opponents say that they were for Sharia law.

GaGambler841 reads

It's like the Sandy relief bill, those who voted against it were villified, but it wasn't Sandy relief they voted against, it was the 2 Billion dollars in pork that was attached to it. The list of bills like that are endless, there is almost no way to tell a politician's intent when voting on almost anything because of all the ammendments.

I initiated a thread linking a news article criticizing several Republican congressmen for not voting for that bill. I thought they had every right to do so without being accused of withhold aid for Hurricane Sandy.

The absurd thing(if I'm right?) is Sharia law would limit pregnancies(in theory)

After all the laws founded in the name of Christianity (IE one Man+one Woman=marriage) has put a dent in unwanted pregnancies/abortions.

The same thing is happening in the House of Representatives. They need 39 votes against health care, but can't be bothered to vote for the farm bill.

It's almost as if these people don't understand that they've been elected and now have real responsibilities to represent their constituents. All they seem interested in is tossing plenty of red meat to their base.

The only problem is that their base is crazy and stupid. And we're not talking just your average passive stupid. We're talking AGGRESSIVELY stupid.

Really, at this point the GOP is indistinguishable from Bug-Eyed Earl.

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