Politics and Religion

Are you Syriaous?
Robertini 4 Reviews 1614 reads

I have nothing to follow that with? I just wanted to type that as in "are you serious?"

But we can still make it a thread as in, How long you think this mess will last once it starts?

Are you Syriaous Kerry ,WTF did you do to your face ?  
Herman Munster now looks like one of the muppets.  

No wonder Assad and Putin  laugh at the SP. All this shit going and his Sec of State is out getting a facelift.

The breathtaking incompetence of barry and his toadies will just continue in this area as in so many others. He is going to do something stupid next week which will trigger an attack on Isreal by Syria (and by extension Iran and Hezbollah) Yeah its just gong to go on and on.  

Yeah...Hope and Change! Everybody happy so far? Just wait..more of the same is on the way!

What do you folks think?  I for one find myself just saying over and over again, WTF is our government doing.  Majority were against the healthcare law.  Majority were against invasions of Af.  Majority are against bombing Syria.  And I suppose we could go on and on here.

Our government constantly spouts off about how we want democracies instead of dictatorships.

Our government says, the people should decide so we spread that claim all over the world, backed up of course by warships every damn where.

WTF?  Are all those who hate us actually right?  Are we just the damn world bully?  Where in the hell is it written that we are the world cop, imposing our will on anyone who doesn't act the way we think they should.

mrnogood305 reads


This post proves, not only our government is a big bully,but that MOST of the people in our country are one too... And while our threats of violence, and violence has worked to control people in the past.. The world is drawing a "red line " on us now... They have had enough of our violence...

followme302 reads

Once again obama is not respected by any world leader. obama cannot get one world leader to go along with him in his desire to attack Syria.  

Obama has fucked up foreign policy beyond belief. Hilary and Kerry are two major fuck-ups too.  

There is no doubt that obama, The Loser-in-Chief, will go down in history as the most clueless, incompetent and worthless president in the history of the USA

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