Politics and Religion

are you saying you'd continue to let him shit on you if he were a lib?
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 684 reads

sorry maddy but the guy sounds like a moochy dickhead REGARDLESS of his politics.

I am ridding myself of a friend, politics was the last straw.  He ruined my dinner last night and it got really ugly, but was already leading up to that point because I absolutely hate arrogant alcoholic, die hard republicans that have no problem sitting on their fat ass drawing disability because a corporation destroyed his body, then threw him to the curb.  This ass clown, believes someone like me that pays taxes doesn't deserve to have affordable health care.  He argued that the rich shouldn't have to pay their fair share of taxes because they are the job creators.  And I argued that how could he (yes he is younger than me) draw Social Security and vote for those rich assholes that give themselves loopholes and become extremely wealthy, and they are trying to put his poor ass on voulchers...and what you going to do when daddy dies because you can't make it on your own?  

Then it dawned on me, that I know his type of republican very well.  He is a fucking racist pig that hates democrats because of President Obama, he is brainwashed from corporations he previously worked.  And the real kicker, just like every Republican I know that gets benefits from the government....wait for it.  They don't want anybody else to benefit.

So as of today, I want this argumentative alcoholic user out of my life.  He comes to my house and drinks all my liquor (I don't even drink liquor but I like it there if I decide like twice a year to make mixed drinks)  He smokes all my weed with me, and his poor ass can't ever buy any because he is on disability and lives with daddy.  His fat ass sleeps all day, and he doesn't have enough respect for me to keep that god-damned facebook phone away while I eat dinner.  "I am just checking in"  Fuck you and don't come back to my house, play on your facebook with your fake ass friends.  Drink somebody elses liquor and smoke somebody elses weed.  Better yet, have a glass of kool-aid.

Hard to believe it took politics for me to realize he is no friend, and he wouldn't care if me or my spouse got a disease and died from not being able to afford care.  We don't have daddy and daddy government like him and can afford a fucking grand a month for healthcare.  Which by the way, I have long waited until Nov. 15th this year to sign up and get my government subsidy.  never taken a hand out in my life, and look at this like it's my taxes helping people like me instead of the fucking rich.

Anybody let go of a political asshole friend that rubbed you so wrong, you can't stand to look at their face anymore?  Damn good thing I ain't on Facebook anymore!

sorry maddy but the guy sounds like a moochy dickhead REGARDLESS of his politics.

of 19 years grew up with him, he was actually pretty cool at one point in his life.  I only put up with his skanky ass because of my spouse.  Which he is now tired of him arguing for the sake of being argumentative.

He is a cock-blocker anyway and just shows up at my house without calling.  Good riddance!

There was more than enough reason to kick him to the curb, many many moons ago, separate from how he votes. Question for you is, what were you getting out of the relationship?

not even one vegetable out of his garden his daddy still plants every year.  Thank you for helping me see that he is spoiled rotten.  His feeble daddy cooks every meal, cleans it all up, pays all the bills, and chauffeurs his drunk ass back and forth to my house while talking to his own daddy like he is a dog. Why would he talk to me any different

If you find yourself stuck in a relationship that you are not getting anything out of, it's a good bet that you're replicating a past relationship, that you got very little out of, but could not leave it.

that makes perfect sense to me.  :)

JackDunphy530 reads

You dumped him because he is douche, not because he is an R.

If he wasn't a cheap fk, an alcoholic and had more respect for you, you would tolerate his views, imo.

RaymondDonovan716 reads

I mean that's the last straw..fuck his ass!!! But all kidding aside, if he smoked my weed and or drank my liquor and was funny or pleasant. I won't mind it. So if he was actually good company then I'd let it slide, no beef. But if he was bitching about this and that, in this case politics and I got tired of hearing it, then I'd hide the weed and liguor.Anyway, he sounds like an angry fuck that wouldn't be happy even if you fronted him 1k for a hooker.....

but he loved his corporation so much that he worked until his hip collapsed.  They don't even know his name now after used him up.  And he still LOVES them.  I guess I would be angry too if the highlight of my day was posting pictures of God-awful amounts of food I eat while being a fat lazy fuck that wouldn't lift a finger to help my own feeble father that was in worst shape

Those are my favorite hypocrites. They vote for numbskulls who pound the Bible and then smoke your weed, snort your coke, drink all your booze and hobby whenever they get the chance.

Your reasoning is defeasible, when claiming a person is a political hypocrite. Over the correlation of their behaviors to their views.

bigguy30542 reads

The dumb racist shit coming out of your mouth was proven false already and it's old!

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 7:08:35 AM

Hey bigguy30. The way you parrot the left's bullshit, the 30 must signify your IQ. Think for yourself! Guess I'm a racist now....

Tiny penis!!!

Posted By: jrwayne
Hey bigguy30. The way you parrot the left's bullshit, the 30 must signify your IQ. Think for yourself! Guess I'm a racist now....

... of course BG30 is only making 40.674538449 N m

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
... of course BG30 is only making 40.674538449 N m
Or 30 pound-feet in mouth?

Posted By: ed2000
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
... of course BG30 is only making 40.674538449 N m
 Or 30 pound-feet in mouth?

bigguy30673 reads

Also it does not take much thinking to be in a GOP party of hateful lying anti governement scum! Lol

Besides, my political affiliation is "disgusted." Hence my comment about "thinking for yourself." You study the last 50 years and you will know that the difference between the two parties is one is headed for socialism at 100 mph and the other is headed there at 50 mph.

DamienScott765 reads

No wonder you have zero reviews in five years.  

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I am ridding myself of a friend, politics was the last straw.  He ruined my dinner last night and it got really ugly, but was already leading up to that point because I absolutely hate arrogant alcoholic, die hard republicans that have no problem sitting on their fat ass drawing disability because a corporation destroyed his body, then threw him to the curb.  This ass clown, believes someone like me that pays taxes doesn't deserve to have affordable health care.  He argued that the rich shouldn't have to pay their fair share of taxes because they are the job creators.  And I argued that how could he (yes he is younger than me) draw Social Security and vote for those rich assholes that give themselves loopholes and become extremely wealthy, and they are trying to put his poor ass on voulchers...and what you going to do when daddy dies because you can't make it on your own?    
 Then it dawned on me, that I know his type of republican very well.  He is a fucking racist pig that hates democrats because of President Obama, he is brainwashed from corporations he previously worked.  And the real kicker, just like every Republican I know that gets benefits from the government....wait for it.  They don't want anybody else to benefit.  
 So as of today, I want this argumentative alcoholic user out of my life.  He comes to my house and drinks all my liquor (I don't even drink liquor but I like it there if I decide like twice a year to make mixed drinks)  He smokes all my weed with me, and his poor ass can't ever buy any because he is on disability and lives with daddy.  His fat ass sleeps all day, and he doesn't have enough respect for me to keep that god-damned facebook phone away while I eat dinner.  "I am just checking in"  Fuck you and don't come back to my house, play on your facebook with your fake ass friends.  Drink somebody elses liquor and smoke somebody elses weed.  Better yet, have a glass of kool-aid.  
 Hard to believe it took politics for me to realize he is no friend, and he wouldn't care if me or my spouse got a disease and died from not being able to afford care.  We don't have daddy and daddy government like him and can afford a fucking grand a month for healthcare.  Which by the way, I have long waited until Nov. 15th this year to sign up and get my government subsidy.  never taken a hand out in my life, and look at this like it's my taxes helping people like me instead of the fucking rich.  
 Anybody let go of a political asshole friend that rubbed you so wrong, you can't stand to look at their face anymore?  Damn good thing I ain't on Facebook anymore!

what my last five years have been like for me.

hopefully you learned and dont ever have another "friend" like that again
he is a user and not a friend

if people only take from me and never bring over a bottle
or their own bud.

I stop inviting them over.
if they cant afford it.

find new friends that are more like you.  
more successful people

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