Politics and Religion

Are you saying the DNC is not a joke? (eom)
FatVern 131 reads


... now granted it does not mean the claim is false, but it would certainly make for a more (wait for it) "fair and balanced" report were it to include the opposing perspective, instead of being written by a Megan sycophant.

In the classic movie, The Big Chill, People magazine is best explained:

People magazine has only one editorial rule. You can't write anything longer than it takes your average person to take an average crap. Every article can be read in the can. You can read Dostoevsky in the can, but you can't finish it in one sitting.  

You'll have to do better, 30 (that's a journalism pun you probably won't get)

Posted By: bigguy30
This is funny and I believe her too.

bigguy30187 reads

The GOP is a joke and no one should take them seriously either.
Just like what I do when reading your bitter comments. Lol

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... now granted it does not mean the claim is false, but it would certainly make for a more (wait for it) "fair and balanced" report were it to include the opposing perspective, instead of being written by a Megan sycophant.  
 In the classic movie, The Big Chill, People magazine is best explained:  
 People magazine has only one editorial rule. You can't write anything longer than it takes your average person to take an average crap. Every article can be read in the can. You can read Dostoevsky in the can, but you can't finish it in one sitting.  
 You'll have to do better, 30 (that's a journalism pun you probably won't get)  
Posted By: bigguy30
This is funny and I believe her too.

...People was merely quoting an article that was published in Vanity Fair.  But since you sniffed at the déclassé People magazine, I suppose you'll do the same with Vanity Fair.  

How did you determine that the article was written by a "Megan sycophant" when you didn't even get the magazine right?  Maybe you shouldn't be tossing around the sobriquet IQ30 so easily.  It seems to fit you as well.

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