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ICE Agent Shoots Self after Intensive Gun Training Bang Bang. Another pleads guilty to Child Porn
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1647 reads

Great week for ICE.

It was an embarrassing week for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. On Friday, veteran Anthony Mangione, 51, who ran the agency’s South Florida operations from 2007 to 2011 and helped investigate child pornography cases, pleaded guilty to child porn related charges.

On Saturday, an ICE agent accidentally shot himself in Miami Beach. He's recovering.
The discrimination lawsuit filed by Bassem Youssef, an Egyptian-born FBI supervisor, has been revived. A fed judge tossed the case, but a Court of Appeals panel has ruled 3-0 to let it go forward.

...if he learns proper gun grip. (see image below).

Your trigger finger should always be out side of the trigger guard, along the side of the gun. The reason for this, is because if you are surprised, your hands will involuntarily contract, which is commonly known as "flinching". If you rest your finger on the trigger you can involuntarily shoot someone.

It's for this reason that you never put your finger on the trigger until you are prepared to shoot your weapon.

There is no such thing as a gun accident. You either respect a firearm or you don't.

So gun oner's children will shoot selves thousnds of time or gun owner or someone else wil shoot the kids with the gun.

Most guns come with gun locks, and they sell gun safes that will only open with a fingerprint of the owner. They're called bio-metric safes.


...if you start prosecuting people for being irresponsible with their firearms. There's no excuse for it. You're either a responsible gun owner or your not.

to shoot cops in the foot...something about how their saftey is configuredd.

Glocks have four internal safeties. If I put a loaded mag in a Glock, rack the slide to put a round in the chamber, and throw the damn thing off the roof of a building, and it's not going to fire.

Lee Paige either put his finger on the trigger, or he used a faulty holster.


This would only happen if you're stupid enough to use a DA only weapon (sorry folks, but I fucking hate striker fire weapons like Glocks for this reason), and only if you're stupid enough to have a round in the chamber when you're in a goddamned school full of children.

Had it been me, I wouldn't have brought a Glock into the school. I wouldn't have a loaded magazine in it. I wouldn't have a round in the chamber. The gun would have been in a case. The safety would have been on.

DA only weapons like Glocks have their place. Some gun owners believe that a safety is not a good idea. If you need to defend yourself, you're often in a panic. You might forget to flip your safety. Glocks have an external safety, but it's on the trigger.

I personally don't trust striker fired weapons like Glocks. I've used them, but I still don't trust them. This wouldn't have happened with a SA/DA weapon like a Beretta M9 because the trigger pull needed to pull back the hammer is heavy enough so that holster would not set it off.

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 1:14:11 PM

Thanks for the informative response.

        But on the video it looks like he held the gun over his head and pulled the trigger once. Believing the gun was unloaded, he then swung the gun down to where it was aiming at his feet when it discharged.

      Any chance of a delayed firing?

       Given that he was demonstrating gun safety to children, it is hard to believe that he would have put his finger on the trigger and pulled it when they were all watching.

    The larger point is that it seems disingenuous to claim proper training and usage can prevent firearms accidents when we see a federal gun safety instructor shoot himself at the very tie he is demonstrating gun "safety."

As for the holster thing, I have serious doubts the holster set anything off. Cops tends to use molded plastic holsters.

It is also very much against safety protocol to dry fire a weapon (pull the trigger in an unloaded gun) around others during a safety lecture. If you're going to dry fire a weapon, you aim it at something you would normally be willing to shoot.

The first rule of gun safety is to always assume a gun is loaded. Firing into the air isn't safe either, in or out of a building. I once read about a guy who got shot from someone who had shot into the air during New Year's. The bullet had gain enough momentum from gravity that when it hit him in his shoulder blade, it went right through him, pierced his heart and stopped in his stomach. The guy died in seconds. The shot had been fired from 6 blocks away.

Yes, a delayed firing is possible too. They're called "stove pipes". They typically happen with old ammo (not likely the case here), and sometimes with cheap ammo. In the case of a stove pipe, you're supposed to keep your gun pointed for 30 seconds (in case it goes off), and then remove it from your firearm.

I would bet money that what happened is this idiot just put his finger on the trigger. The fact that the gun was chambered to begin with demonstrates that he's a careless idiot.

You can give someone proper gun training, but you can't fix stupid. You also can't force someone to respect a weapon. Sadly, a lot of people learn that lesson too late.

Here's another example of why you never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot. This is even more true with Glocks.


That guy could have blown his head off. What pisses me off more than anything, isn't this guy's fuck up, but that the camera man was laughing about this.

Gun safety isn't very difficult to learn. It's a few basic common sense approaches. Children can, and do learn it, and follow it without fail.

You can also give a driver a driving safety course too, but that person may still be a reckless driver.

You either respect a firearm, or you don't. For those who don't, I support giving them jail time, and taking away their right to own a firearm for life.

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 8:44:12 PM

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