Politics and Religion

Anybody with time on their hands could fish out 2 other stories completely opposite.
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 309 reads

Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.

All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.
Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

"Guess What His Race Is - White or Black?"

You will be given two real-life situations where two men were confronted by police.  You have to guess the race of each man based solely on how they were treated by the police.  Okay, it's time to play: "Guess what His Race Is!"

Let's see who's behind Door Number One...

A 63 year-old Kalamazoo, MI man was walking down the streets carrying a rifle (MI is an open carry state).  The police received multiple reports of a man wearing pajama pants carrying an AK-47.  He appeared intoxicated, was stumbling around and bumping into things.

When the police arrived, they told him to set the gun down.  He refused, and further refused to identify himself.  He asked the police (like a good hobbyist would) if he was being detained and if he was free to go.  The police said he was indeed being detained for jaywalking as well as the misdemeanor crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking).

The man's response was: "Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?"  He was belligerent, agitated and spoke of "a coming revolution."

After 40 minutes of patient police palaver, the man finally surrendered his weapon.  He was not arrested and was allowed to go home.  No charges were filed because it could not be determined whether he had brandished his weapon, which is illegal under the open carry law.

White or Black?

And now let's see who's behind Door Number Two...

A 28 year-old man was sitting in the lounge of a downtown st. Paul, MN skyway, waiting to pick up his kids from pre-school (A skyway is a pedestrian bridge/sidewalk between two office buildings).  A security guard tried to kick him out of the lounge, but he initially refused, noting he was within his rights to be there. A guard called police, who tried to question him about what the problem had been.

The man said: "There is no problem, that’s the thing."  The man declined to identify himself, and after a second officer told him he was going to jail, a scuffle ensued between the man and three cops.  The man was Tasered and arrested in front of his pre-school age children.  Police say that the man had been uncooperative, loud and declined to identify himself, which ultimately prompted them to use a stun gun in the arrest.

The man was charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstruction of the legal process, but the charges were dismissed in July because the man had been right all along - he was perfectly within his rights to sit in the lounge of the skyway.

White or Black?

Don't look up the answers until you have guessed.  The judges will know if you cheated and you will be disqualified.  Good luck!!

(This post is dedicated to the memory of the great Don Pardo.  He worked for NBC for 70 years.  SEVENTY YEARS!!)

Since I responded, I wiil play your game.

I am going with the notion that both of these gentlemen are white.

Now my question for you... if you are not white, and do not carry, own, or suppt the rights of people whom own firearms(which protect all Americans) why are you concerned?

That's what I want to know

Posted By: BigPapasan
"Guess What His Race Is - White or Black?"

You will be given two real-life situations where two men were confronted by police.  You have to guess the race of each man based solely on how they were treated by the police.  Okay, it's time to play: "Guess what His Race Is!"

Let's see who's behind Door Number One...

A 63 year-old Kalamazoo, MI man was walking down the streets carrying a rifle (MI is an open carry state).  The police received multiple reports of a man wearing pajama pants carrying an AK-47.  He appeared intoxicated, was stumbling around and bumping into things.

When the police arrived, they told him to set the gun down.  He refused, and further refused to identify himself.  He asked the police (like a good hobbyist would) if he was being detained and if he was free to go.  The police said he was indeed being detained for jaywalking as well as the misdemeanor crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking).

The man's response was: "Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?"  He was belligerent, agitated and spoke of "a coming revolution."

After 40 minutes of patient police palaver, the man finally surrendered his weapon.  He was not arrested and was allowed to go home.  No charges were filed because it could not be determined whether he had brandished his weapon, which is illegal under the open carry law.  

White or Black?

And now let's see who's behind Door Number Two...

A 28 year-old man was sitting in the lounge of a downtown st. Paul, MN skyway, waiting to pick up his kids from pre-school (A skyway is a pedestrian bridge/sidewalk between two office buildings).  A security guard tried to kick him out of the lounge, but he initially refused, noting he was within his rights to be there. A guard called police, who tried to question him about what the problem had been.  

The man said: "There is no problem, that’s the thing."  The man declined to identify himself, and after a second officer told him he was going to jail, a scuffle ensued between the man and three cops.  The man was Tasered and arrested in front of his pre-school age children.  Police say that the man had been uncooperative, loud and declined to identify himself, which ultimately prompted them to use a stun gun in the arrest.

The man was charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstruction of the legal process, but the charges were dismissed in July because the man had been right all along - he was perfectly within his rights to sit in the lounge of the skyway.

White or Black?

Don't look up the answers until you have guessed.  The judges will know if you cheated and you will be disqualified.  Good luck!!

(This post is dedicated to the memory of the great Don Pardo.  He worked for NBC for 70 years.  SEVENTY YEARS!!)  

DA_Flex364 reads

and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.

All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.

Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

DA_Flex330 reads

Of course not....but look at any objective measurement, blacks and other minorities are treated much different from the majority.

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.  
 All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.  
Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

Posted By: DA_Flex
 Of course not....but look at any objective measurement, blacks and other minorities are treated much different from the majority.  
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.  
  All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.  
Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

DA_Flex274 reads

You conservative types make it so easy.  I did just one Google query.  

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Posted By: DA_Flex
  Of course not....but look at any objective measurement, blacks and other minorities are treated much different from the majority.  
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.    
   All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.    
Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

Of course they will be arrested at a higher rate. Duh!! You libtards are thick in the skull.

Posted By: DA_Flex
You conservative types make it so easy.  I did just one Google query.    
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Posted By: DA_Flex
   Of course not....but look at any objective measurement, blacks and other minorities are treated much different from the majority.    
Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Or are you saying cops NEVER cut black people slack and NEVER improperly arrest white people.    
    All it illustrates is what the racebaiter concocted it to illustrate.    
Posted By: DA_Flex
and it clearly illustrates the difference police treat whites and blacks in some cases. The first case was a white man and the second an African American.  I would guarantee you that if that was a black man in the first scenario, he would have been shot on site.  In fact, there is a case in Ohio, where police shot a black man dead in a Walmart....wait for it...because he was holding an Air Rifle. Store surveillance video captured the incident, but it has not been released to the public.  He had bullet entry wounds on the back of his left arm and side, indicating that he may have not been facing the officers when shot.  The Ohio Attorney General has declined to release the video because it would be "playing with dynamite" and would poison the jury pool.  Seems like another Ferguson moment.

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