Politics and Religion

Another lie attack on Trump crashes and burns
User1994 23 Reviews 187 reads

Don't you guys ever get tired of this? Don't you ever get sick of making asses out of yourselves online? You must be fed up and embarrassed by now. Maybe take a vacation from politics. I don't expect you to become conservatives, but for God's sake! There are plenty of hobbies you can do from your parents' basement.

-- Modified on 9/11/2020 7:46:30 PM

Your entire post is an attempt to make it seem as if Goldberg had disavowed his own article. He DIDN'T. All he said was questions about his use of anonymous sources are "reasonable." But he still stands by his sources.
So, yes, I DO get tired of "this." If by "this" you mean your crude distorting of reality. Don't you ever get sick of making an ass of. yourself online. You must be fed up and embarrassed by now. Maybe take a vacation from this board. You can stay in your Mom' basement.
What a pathetic POS you are, LUser.

Calm your ass down. You were wrong. You got duped... again! Then you got your ass spanked by me again. Sorry I don't let you run rampant on my message board. But you need discipline and that's what you're getting!

Look, you're just not very good at Board smak and your schtick is obvious and lame. So try not to dislocate your shoulder trying to pat yourself on the back. It makes you look ignorant, feeble and juvenile.
But that's probably over-achievement for you.

the Libs here get duped by jumping on the fake news Lie-of-the-Day, they can't resist the next one.  You can't fix stupid.

To take CDL's quote and make a few Lib / Trump switches: "No matter how many times ... the Trumpers here get duped by Trump's LieS-of-the-Day, they can't resist the next one. You can't fix stupid."  
No one and no organization can keep up with Trump's Campaign of Disinformation. There were at least 20,000 well documented false or misleading statements during Trump's first 1267 days in office or, on average, MORE THAN 15 FALSE STATEMENTS EACH DAY.  
Those numbers begin on January 20, 2017 and do not include Trump's lies during the 2016 campaign season or his years in business.  They have not been updated to include the egregious LIES ABOUT COVID THAT HE ADMITTED TO (and will probably deny) WOODWARD in more than 20 hours of recorded interviews.
"As fact checker Glenn Kessler noted in August, whereas Clinton lies as much as the average politician, President Donald Trump's lying is "off the charts." No prominent politician in memory bests Trump for spouting spectacular, egregious, easily disproved lies. The birther claim. The vote fraud claim. The attendance at the inauguration claim. And on and on and on. Every fact checker – Kessler, Factcheck.org, Snopes.com, PolitiFact – finds a level of mendacity unequaled by any politician ever scrutinized. For instance, 70 percent of his campaign statements checked by PolitiFact were mostly false, totally false, or "pants on fire" false."
"We often hear from readers wondering how President Trump's penchant for falsehoods stacks up in comparison to previous presidents. But there is no comparison: Trump exists in a league of his own. Deception, misdirection, gaslighting, revisionism, absurd boasts, and in some cases, provable lies, are core to his politics."
"Stolberg states that "President Trump, historians and consultants in both political parties agree, appears to have taken what the writer Hannah Arendt once called 'the conflict between truth and politics' to an entirely new level"
From Trump's PRE-politics days, here are just a couple: "Alair Townsend, a former budget director and deputy mayor of New York City during the 1980s, and a former publisher of Crain's New York Business, said "I wouldn't believe Donald Trump if his tongue were notarized." ... When the stock market crashed in October 1987, Trump told the press he had sold all his stock a month before and taken no losses. But SEC filings showed that he still owned large stakes in some companies. Forbes calculated that Trump had lost $19 million on his Resorts International holdings alone. ... Challenging estimates of his net worth he considered too low, in 1989 Trump said he had very little debt. Reuters reported Trump owed $4 billion to more than 70 banks at the beginning of 1990."
Nothing about Trump and his relationship to the truth has changed or will ever change. He is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. He lies and cheats in business. He lies and cheats in his marriages and family life. He lies and cheats at golf. He lies and cheats at life. He lies and cheats at everything.
Who can possibly continue to believe Trump's claims? THE UN-FIXABLE STUPIDS.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: No matter how  many times . . . .
the Libs here get duped by jumping on the fake news Lie-of-the-Day, they can't resist the next one.  You can't fix stupid.
EDIT: fixed major typo

-- Modified on 9/12/2020 9:34:15 PM

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