Politics and Religion

Another Great Republican Contribution to the Country
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2006 reads

Every dumb action has dumber reaction.

OkHereGoes303 reads

like the Dept of Ed, EPA, Dept of Energy...

you have a significant reading comprehension problem.

1) Agency was very small which is Newt cut funding (read, highlight)

2) Paid for itself by saving billions in waste (read and highlight)

Throwing out cliche’s as an answer overtime only works with illiterate Republicans (literacy requires not only the ability to read but also the ability to comprehend and accept truth).

GaGambler368 reads

reaching back almost twenty years ago to blame the GOP for the fuckups of this POTUS is laughable, but so is AF and his little toy train of "logic".

...Jimmy Carter (in the next thread), that's OK with you, right?  You're so fair and balanced that Fox News has a job waiting for you any time you want it.

GaGambler301 reads

Do you or do you not like the fact that he is on "your team"???

...on the back about what an equal opportunity offender you are, yet you conveniently avoided answering MY post.  Instead you diverted attention like a chickenshit.

You readily agree with righties but when you agree with lefties you preface it with "I hate to agree with you" or "I can't believe I'm agreeing with you."  You want a link to an example?  Go fuck yourself!  Stop pretending you're as neutral as Switzerland.

As for AF, unlike you, I'll answer your question.  He doesn't post enough for me to know who the fuck he is.  Also, I don't have any interaction with him on or off the boards so he isn't very memorable to me.

I don't pay as close attention to the teams as you do; I don't keep track of all the players - I have a life.

-- Modified on 12/7/2013 10:50:21 PM

GaGambler410 reads

AF is not only the 4th most active poster on this board, but I asked you the question on a thread on which he was posting his usual nonsense, so you were the chicken shit for not answering then, since your only choices were to agree he was/is a moron, or defend his stupidity. Instead you took the chickenshit way out and didn't answer the question.

As for having a life, if you hadn't noticed YOU are the number one poster on this board, so take that and shove it up your fucking ass. How's that for neutral asshole???

I guess this means we are going to stop pretending to be nice to each other, GFY

...I have to answer a question I don't give a fuck about?  My answer is I don't give a fuck about AF or his posts so I don't know or care if he's a moron so there's nothing to defend.

OTOH, you portray yourself as Mr. Neutral who dishes out criticism equally.  What a load of crap as your avoidance of ed2000's post indicates.  Still no answer to ed's post?  Over thirty years ago?!?!  No wonder you went after Laffy - you didn't want everyone to know he was right about you, Righty.

bigvern criticizes everyone equally but  doesn't brag about it.  Even if I can't understand his posts, he's more honest than you'll ever be.  What a fucking phony you are!

And resorting to name-calling?  It shows how bereft you are of any intelligent argument, especially since you couldn't come up with an original insult but you had to steal it from that intellectual giant you so admire - followme.  Couldn't you post the link to the song too?  ROFLMAO!

You are totally disingenuous trying to claim unfairness in anyone's lack of being critical of my presentation of 30 year old evidence (it was actually 35 years, BTW) compared to criticism of AF's presentation of 18 year old evidence.

Whether of not it's fair to complain about the age of AF's 18 year old data can stand or fall on it's own merits.

On the other hand, criticizing my use of the 35 year old Carter data based purely on its age would have been totally unfounded. The context in which I presented it was in DIRECT response to AF's criticism of Reagan during the same 30 to 35 year old era.

To add insult to your injury, my response was all presented in the confines of YOUR original post, headlined as documenting a TIMELINE of negative political efforts in emerging South Africa going back 35 years.

So you see (or maybe don't see), mine was a critical response confined to and germane to the time frame YOU defined.

Not remembering history makes you dumb and stupid

Yeah, the GOPs sure did in Obama Care.  

He had 100% power to do what he needed to implement the law.  If one office was shut down, he could have done it under general powers, hiring who he needed.  

This is 100% passed, planned, and executed by one party and they number of ways they can find to blame the side that had nothing to do with it is amazing.

OH. You forgot to blame the person who really sabotaged Obama Care.  George Bush did it. Yeah, if not for Bush, ObamaCare would be A-Okay

I have recently heard a liberal commentator on PBS actually claim that Bush holds some of the blame for Obamacare failure and he was totally serious. He purported that it was Bush's lies that set a new standard that allowed for Obama to fall short.

Web site not working at the launch is not going to make it failure. The enrollments have risen significantly. Enrollment data should be out in couple of weeks.

I will be the first one to say, implementation was pathetic. It started with hiring a company which has screwed federal projects before.  

As all government contracts go, they hired the lowest cost bidder which required by law in government procurement.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Web site not working at the launch is not going to make it failure. The enrollments have risen significantly. Enrollment data should be out in couple of weeks.  
 I will be the first one to say, implementation was pathetic. It started with hiring a company which has screwed federal projects before.  
 As all government contracts go, they hired the lowest cost bidder which required by law in government procurement.

the point was not about the technical aspects of failure it was about blaming Bush.

BTW, the bidding process was not fully open. Obama limited the bidding to just 4 vendors. Also, they purposefully delayed the procurement process so as to not expose any problems until after the next elections. Do you think that might have hindered success (of the rollout)?

-- Modified on 12/8/2013 11:46:43 AM

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