Politics and Religion

Now a SECOND liberal elite has come forward to whistle blow against high ranking Dems.
JackDunphy 1312 reads

Obama and Hillary pressuring and manipulating their own media. WOW!

So now we know the libs don't like the First Amendment and hate the Second.

Is it the whole Bill of Rights we should do away with? LOL

Oh, I forgot. With regards to the IRS scandal (Lois Lerner) and Hills server boy, they sure do love the Fifth one! LOL

So libs please spare me about Trump and the media when you have the Obama/Clinton dirty duo manipulating and pressuring it.

Washington is not happy with your tone, either.

          So you are spot on – this is even worse than the Republican nominee/ president -elect
-revoking press credentials of members of the media who are critical of him;
-publicly calling members of the media “dishonest,” “corrupt,”and “disgusting scum”;
-publicly mocking a disabled reporter who criticized him;
-threatening the NY Times with a libel suit;

      The fact that one is “double hearsay” twice made in private, and the other is directly from the horse’s mouth in public makes no difference at all.

       Thanks for channeling Brooks for us

Me being a part of several of them. Can you focus now?

"Uygur argues that this is common practice that Democrats more commonly do in comparison to Republicans."

Why would a liberal say this about other fellow liberals? You cant play the "party card" as his complaint is inner-party in nature.

At least in Trump's defense, he has an adversarial relationship with a press that is hostile to him personally and politically.  

Do you really believe Mika or Uygur have those hostilities toward Clinton or Obama?

And what you accuse Trump of doing was all in the publics view. The two libs I mention here are saying they are/were being pressured to keep quiet behind the scenes, in the shadows, outside of the publics knowledge.

That was the point counselor. Sorry it sailed over your head.

Is your mourning over

My bad. I wonder why I thought you were talking about President Obama?

Wait-now I remember- the first and last sentence of your post:

“Obama and Hillary pressuring and manipulating their own media. WOW”
“So libs please spare me about Trump and the media when you have the Obama/Clinton dirty duo manipulating and pressuring it.”  

        You don’t even mention the Democrats in the body of your post.
But let’s take the statement that you highlighted for us anyway-

“Uygur argues that this is common practice that Democrats more commonly do in comparison to Republicans."  

     The only example he gives is the Clinton campaign “trying to silence” Mika –again double hearsay from an anonymous source- and his own experience which I have already discounted as being at least double hearsay from an anonymous source.

       Why not say “John Podesta called Andy Lack and asked him to take Mika off the air?” Then you would have a point.

BTW, the Clinton campaign is not “the Democrats.”

       Get back to us if you can name the sources, or discover that this guy conducted a media study, or relied on one, to make his “argument.” Otherwise, I think you will agree that the “point” is pretty meaningless.  




-- Modified on 12/17/2016 9:18:39 AM

Why would these two come out the way they did? No, Mari, I get it. Obama and Clinton wouldn't be found guilty in a court of law. Conceded. lol

We are talking about the court of public opinion here. What motive in the world would make them say that people they align themselves politically are pressuring and manipulating them to not say certain things or alter there speech?

If this was Dem vs. Rep, I wouldn't have even batted an eye but the compelling part about this is that these two people are well established libs.

You have one more swing.

Make it your best.

brooks5194 reads

even after I've been gone a month for being mean to libs

I am truly touched!

JakeFromStateFarm232 reads

A quick glance at the board shows a half dozen posts by you within a few minutes.  Pretty much your usual toxic shit, like your twin brother 86H, etc.  You sure have learned your lesson, brooksy. I doubt you'll be around long.  Just a wild guess.

brooks5181 reads

of my recent posts!  cmon, admit the obsession!  at least be honest with yourself.

I am making up for lost time gently ridiculing my oh so limited lib pals

please tell me what I said was "toxic"? like your lover LTFM, you won't answer the question

cuz you can't

you'll just call me some insipid, non-creative name again like LTFM

won't your butt-boy be jealous that you are defending Mari?  he might just cut you off

-- Modified on 12/17/2016 10:39:59 PM

-- Modified on 12/17/2016 10:42:47 PM

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