Politics and Religion

And until now...
RightwingUnderground 2210 reads

I was denied the communication about me via public OR private means.

I can not understand what women see in men and that includes me . Gross ..Hairy arm pits ,hairy asses, hairy balls,, many with nasty body odor from a three foot distance ,... Trust me if I was a woman I would definitely not have sex with a man ...Yuuuckk.. I realize everyone is different and beauty is in the eye of the beholder so to each their own. If a guy feels a attraction to another guy I couldn't care less unless the attraction is towards me and I am forced to participate.I have had a couple times in my life when a gay guy  propositioned me.. I merely said No Thanks!! I figure no sense burning bridges never know if I might change my mind.. What consenting adults do together is none of my business and I don't understand why anyone would even care... If I am the definition of Homophobic it sure is a mixed up World.

You're quite the disappointment, quad. I thought there was more to you.I guess I was wrong.

Thisis probably the PM quad refers to. I have edited out some non-relevant text, but this is the gist of the P&R topic:


Hello Quad;

 for what its worth: The US let Hitler rampage for years, and in fact, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of your President was convicted under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

From the Left:

From the Right:




Really, quad... I just don't see how intelligent people like you and RWU can be so obstreperous when it comes to the truth of these evil people.


There ya go quad.... I'm guilty of attempting to dialog with you one on one. Shoot me for trying, you son of a bitch.

RightwingUnderground2211 reads

I was denied the communication about me via public OR private means.

RightwingUnderground2632 reads

I can only assume that you are referencing the actions of others. Pardon me, but even I sometimes don't get your satire (it takes a couple of reads), and I have a very dry sense of same.

Lately, I have been posting more than usual as I am on vacation this week.

I looked back over the threads recently and saw imprints of myself that reminded me of Jack0. With him around it was like being in a room where someone was ALWAYS talking in a VERY LOUD voice, just simply hard to tune out. I need to moderate myself (or go back to work) so that I don't make that mistake.

About my posts...
I think that, except for calling Tuysan a liar, they are quite thoughtful, restrained, with no personal attacks and above all else, honest.

-- Modified on 7/7/2007 9:52:17 AM

Jerome Seinfeld1405 reads

From my late sitcom :  [George] "Remember, Jerry, it's not a lie if YOU believe it."

In honor and in the spirit  of Bizarro's tragically neglected suggestion for the "Best of..." series, I would like immodestly to throw my Ferrari into the parking lot here and nominate the above quote as the unofficial motto of P&R.  I think it works very well, and i'll waive all copyright royalties if and when it's adopted.

RightwingUnderground2723 reads

thus it is impossible to know with 100% certainty of other’s lies.

But when I asked him to paste his supporting quotes from Bush's speech, he would not. I even posted the ENTIRE speech so he did not have to go looking for it. And still he would not. He simply told me to go look up for myself the quotes from the speech that backed up what HE was thinking.

I had NO alternative than to conclude that he was being TOTALLY disingenuous about what was rattling around in his HEAD, probably not his heart but certainly his head.

I love you Doc..Thanks a lot for editing out the non relevant text.Its nothing personal but I don't open PMs or even email from guys I speak with on boards . I do always want to hear your message on the boards though because you never know...???  .If you articulate well enough I might even change my mind on some issues. Doc trust me don't take it personal as its not..If I saw you in Vegas I would be honored to buy you a drink or even a provider if I had a good day at the tables.. I actually don't open links either from anyone unless it is a link I go to from a site of my choosing. Now as far as Grand Daddy Bush I can tell you I am a realist and the realist in me knows there were lots of Grand Daddy's  in those days that did things that would shame most families now.Think of all the Northern Men who ended up fighting for the Confederate Army. Check out George Washington and you will find out he is not the angel our history  books portray him as..How  many times did they tell us George Washington "Never told a lie" .... American Native History has a completely different view on that. I am a avid History buff but not one that learns history from the school text books. When I was referring to WW11 I was making the comparison of how the President  waited until it was almost too late to get in the war and many more lives were lost..President Bush on the other hand has started a war on terror that I am conviced should not stop. Oh and Doc I wouldn't go so far as to say I am intelligient especially in the book sense testing methods ..I think of myself as more of a average person with good street and common sense. lol and I don't usually ever hang out with guys unless maybe out in the Ocean fishing..I think thats part of my street and common sense to not hang with guys because its a lot easier to stay out of trouble and its easier to meet new ladies riding solo.  Heck I don't even know what what "obstreperous" means but I am going to look it up in just a minute. Love, Quad

I've been to M&Gs in various cities, and have to say, that meeting and conversing with my fellow hobbiests, no matter their political affiliation is just one of the benefits of TER.  I find that by and large the guys are downright interesting.  so much so that while the ladies are interesting and lovely, some of the guys are really interesting people - and no, I do not mean in a sexual way, I mean - they are downright fascinating and the lives that they have and do lead are very much worth learning about.  If they contact you privately, it is a high complement.  That is, they think that you are worth talking with!

Sheese.... this is not really about anything other than communication.

I second BSD's sentiments.

The many PMs I've exchanged, even with some of my harshest critics, have all been interesting and a pleasure to read.  And whether it's about the hobby  or something else, it often gives you a very different insight into the person apart from his/her board persona.

When I go to a M@G it is only  to meet the ladies.Surely I converse with the guys I meet but not for long . So many women and not that much time. back to the PMs ...I don't have that much time to spare so I simply keep it on the boards..I am sure if I wanted to make contacts and talk PMs there are places I could find that would accomodate.. If I have a choice between interesting and interesting and lovely I always go for the lovely one.. Don't get me wrong I am sociable during the day with people I meet but  its just that I am not into the High Five comradery that most males enjoy together...Everyone is different and I have no need for male bonding at this time in my life.

I have never had to ride on the back of a bike.. It would seem weird to me. A few years back I drove to Key West for a couple months and I bought one of those little scooters to get around since it is such a  hassle to drive a car in the town of Key West.I imagine riding on the back of a bike would feel much the same ..kind of goofy . But  I would ride on back of  Docs trike.That  would be like riding on the back of a dragster ..Yes Doc your trike is also known on the East Coast ..I mean Right Coast

pssst..... when i'm not driving my huge trike, I drive a very small (and very fast) Lexus.

Sophomoric Humorist1691 reads

I've hidden this one at the bottom of this more-or-less played-out thread because it's so bad even I fear the reaction.

ROFLMAO ... Whats wrong with PMS??   Positive Mental State.... Glad I am behind the glass..

dingaling19721191 reads

Usually men who are rabid homophobes are doing so to mask their own underlying homosexual tendencies.

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 6:53:42 AM

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 6:54:40 AM

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