Politics and Religion

And my only point is the only morals you care about in the whole affair are Issa's (eom)
ed2000 31 Reviews 357 reads

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 2:34:12 PM

...the 226 page report shows no link between the IRS and the White House, despite Issa spending 18 months and tens of millions of dollars on his inquisition.


But don't worry, righties.  The right wing media will put the best face possible on the report:


given that IRS "lost" troves and troves of emails?  

If all my emails get suddenly lost, and reviews gone.. Shit. I can claim that I never saw a single hooker.. I can even claim that I am actually a virgin..

there's nothing else of concern here. That's the entire point of your post, joined in by the NY Times etal. That's all that matters, whether or not Obama was involved? No affirmative proof of Obama's involvement so case closed, let's move on, nothing else of importance to see here. Your morals are in such good company.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 2:20:44 AM

...to Issa.  It was the main point of his investigation.

Where are Issa's morals?  Why isn't he screaming about Obama's involvement from the highest mountaintop instead of crawling away like the pissant that he is.

Aren't you upset about the millions Issa wasted in another one of his many witch hunts, Mr. Budget Hawk?  Of course not - you'll get it back by cutting food stamps.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 3:32:15 AM

But, if you're honest, you know damn well Issa and most all Republicans were hopeful in finding the Obama's administration was found culpable, as well  as in Benghazi-gate, and on and on. Issa was just going by the old Republican playbook that they used with Clinton and Whitewater. Drum up a supposed scandal to investigate, and if nothing is found in that matter, maybe get luck and uncover something else entirely. Remember Issa called called the Obama administration the most corrupt ever, and yet what has he uncovered?  ;)

Despite our differences, I wish you and your family a merry Christmas!  :)

All his and FOX Pews created scandals turned out to be hoax!

1. IRS
2. Benghazi
3. ACA and American idiot voters

Posted By: comfortzone
All his and FOX Pews created scandals turned out to be hoax!  
 1. IRS  
 2. Benghazi  
 3. ACA and American idiot voters
This is how they do it. When they THINK they've proven something they try to link everything else to it. Like the criminal Michael Brown and Eric Dyson.

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