Politics and Religion

Good old Bill Oteeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 2878 reads

Now even more people will become aware that none of the Republicans, invited to participate in the 50th anniversary of Dr. Kings march on Washington, accepted the invitation. I wonder what people of color will make of that when thinking about the Republican party.   ;)

After seeing the events of this week, I have to ask was there any way Obama, wouldn't have been elected President?

People of color might think the political system is un fair. Based on the fact the Democrat party projects themselves as the monopoly on. What is best for every black American.

Reference something from Armstrong Williams.

Hey Matt, did you see that episode of Moyers journal, the one you linked with his commentary about Washington?

There was a little clip of Bill O, laughing at Obama's jokes

...David Hunt and Lt. Col. Ralph Peters made O'Reilly look like the uninformed chicken hawk that he is.

O'Reilly never served in the military even though he was in his early 20's during the height of the Vietnam War.  O'Reilly gave an acceptance speech for an award by a military support group for his charitable efforts for wounded vets.

O'Reilly said: "I never served in the military; I was on a different career path."  No Bill, you CHOSE a different career path, you coward.

He also said about his non-service: "It didn't happen for me."  That's because you didn't MAKE it happen by volunteering to serve.  Fucking loser.

and military intervention in Syria?

Sure let us talk about what a bad man Jon Stewarts's BFF is.

what Obama's plan since neither he or any of his closest advisors have served one day in the military.  The key players are making strategic moves with war ships in the Mediterranean and Bosphorus Straits.  Please pray for the USA and our troops

salonpas758 reads

Tomahawk missiles will be launched from ships that will destroy a few of Assads air bases, airfields and aircraft. It won't do a thing to alter the balance of war because no one wants Syria to become an Islamist state ruled by Al Qaeda. Obama has only himself to blame for this mess, if he had trained plus supplied arms to moderate rebel groups they would be in the forefront fighting Assad and also much stronger than all the other Islamist rebel groups. It's really a mess in the Middle East right now.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
what Obama's plan since neither he or any of his closest advisors have served one day in the military.  The key players are making strategic moves with war ships in the Mediterranean and Bosphorus Straits.  Please pray for the USA and our troops.  

Over throwing Assad will create an Islamist state. (I believe) How else would it play out?

I think if missiles are launched at Assad's military infrastructure, boots will most likely be on the ground. The missile strike will not disrupt Syria's civil war.

mrnogood915 reads

It is only about 20% radical islamist, .. Honestly this whole civil war they're having is foreigners..Syria does not have the numbers of radical islamist, that lets say egypt has.. Most of Syria's sunni population is only conservative, not radical..

Egypt is one of the most radical countries in the middle east.. They have the highest numbers of radical islamist, but what gives the non radical islamist a majority in that country is egypt's HUGE coptic christian community.. But once the copts are taken out of the equation egypt is almost half radical islamist, and half conservative...

Their is a huge difference between just being a conservative muslim, and being what would be considered radical

Just for shits and giggles Iran is shia, which is secular, and Iran won't even let radical islamists in their country... So we really have NO REASON to fear Iran, and radical muslims... This is why Iran doesnt wanna see Assad fall... Because they know an islamist government will replace him


-- Modified on 9/1/2013 10:59:05 AM

mrnogood960 reads

Iran is ONLY intolerant of radical islamist..Iran has the largest jewish community inside the middle east outside of Israel  

Their is not ONE sunni mosque in Iran, but their are SEVERAL churches and synagogues

Timbow737 reads

Quote :
Organizers of Wednesday's 50th anniversary March on Washington did not invite the nation's only African-American senator to speak at the civil rights commemoration, his office said, a sign of the complicated politics of racial equality.

Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina was appointed to the position in January, is currently the only black senator and is one of only eight African-Americans to ever serve in the U.S. Senate.

-- Modified on 8/29/2013 9:11:09 PM

...He was invited to attend, as were all 535 members of Congress.  If Sen. Scott had been allowed to speak, his topic would have been: "Let's make it harder for blacks to vote."

How do you suppose that would have been received?

-- Modified on 8/29/2013 10:14:32 PM

A black man, making it harder for blacks to vote.

The Senator should have still been invited to speak, regardless if his views were not that of the majority.

...tonight.  Last night, he emphasized the point about Republicans not being invited several times at the BEGINNING of the show.  That's the equivalent of a newspaper making a mistake in a front page headline and issuing a retraction the next day in a small blurb on page 30.

After his admission, he mispronounced the Word of the Day - puerile.  He pronounced it "pware-ill."  It's pronounced "pure-ile."  He should know better - most Republicans are puerile.

Conan the Grammarian he ain't.

He announced at the very front of the show that he had made a mistake the previous night and he would explain his mistake as part of his "Tip of the Day", which always appears towards the end of the show.

I think this would be analogous to the newspaper's front page headline stating the retraction description can be found on page 30. Nothing hidden about that.

O'Reilly apology was quite sincere. It was no "small blurb". He blamed no one but himself for making an assumption based on who spoke. He also chastised the Republicans for not accepting the invitations although it would have been best had he named who they were.

pot/kettle860 reads

Probably 99% of what you libs post on this board is about Republicans and Conservatives.  Just can't keep them out of your minds, huh?

Maybe it's because you can't come up with anything positive to say about your own party . . . .

Is it because you just don't want to give me your answer?

Here it is again:

"I wonder what people of color will make of that when thinking about the Republican party."

Now, I think that would be a relevant question for even for a Republican, given that the Republican Party is making noise about 'expanding the tent.'

...is that all the Dixiecrats that opposed Civil Rights in the 50's and 60's are Republicans today.

Why would any Republican come to that? That's like asking Pat Robertson to attend a gay orgy. Don't get me wrong, Robertson might attend such an event, but he'd probably be wearing a leather mask at the time.  Yikes!

But this event was just a bunch of bullshit anyway. It was mostly a lot of "we're so oppressed, even though I can't explain why, but don't forget that makes us righteous".

Sure, it does. There's a lot of blame to go around for the state of the black community in the USA today, and not everything is the fault of whites.

I'll be the first to agree that we should eliminate our problem with income inequality and poverty, and that we should end the drug war. But just because you're black doesn't mean you're right when it comes to issues involving race.

This isn't a post racial nation yet, and I hope I live to see the day when that happens, but if there's any racism under the law, then explain what laws are racist. Then we can work together to change the law. But if you're going to complain about bullshit, and just say "Trayvon Martin" like it means anything, sorry. We can find common ground and still stand our ground, and protect and defend our own lives. When a significantly high proportion of the black male population stop being violent criminals, then I suspect that racial profiling will quickly become a thing of the past.

...Possession of 5 grams of crack is charged as a felony while it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine possession to constitute a felony, a disparity of 100-1.  A law was just passed to reduce the inequality but there is still a disparity.

White powder is a White collar crime while a Solid product is a crime commited bye minorities. "The color of justice is Green". $5 to those who guess who coined that.

The article did not explain this.

I would say how this law is "enforced" appears racist.

How exactly is the law itself racist?

You certainly don't see the police feeling up corporate executives and putting them behind bars for possessing cocaine. I'm all in favor of ending the useless fucking drug war. But you're not going to see the black community rally around such a common sense idea. Just pissing and moaning about crack vs. cocaine. It's the same narrow-minded, "what can you do for me" mentality that has fucked them since day 1. Instead of looking at the larger picture and working for the common good, they work for their own narrow selfish interests.

You don't see them talking much about wealth inequality or poverty either. Despite that wealth inequality harms blacks the most, it's white kids who sleep in tents and get beat over the heads with police batons trying to address that problem. A problem that also harms everyone.

Did the black community rally behind Occupy? Did they even bother to help the movement?

Every one works for their own goals first and foremost. You can't help others with out taking care of yourself first.  

I liked the idea of occupy Wall street, but I think the movement was counter productive. Then hijacked by the democratic party, if not orchestrated by them from the start.

What was accomplished by the occupy movement?

I will agree the entitlement culture in America is devastating communities, but wait a minute I thought we were both socialist. :)

...and the black people that supported occupy, would never be featured in the MSM.

Why? Main stream liberal ideology, along with everything that supports this ideology. Has become the American bourgeois.

salonpas908 reads

All part of Reince Priebus's strategy of GOP outreach to minority voters,  

Posted By: mattradd
Now even more people will become aware that none of the Republicans, invited to participate in the 50th anniversary of Dr. Kings march on Washington, accepted the invitation. I wonder what people of color will make of that when thinking about the Republican party.   ;)

O'Reilly does shoot from the hip, his concern over the export of oil products is another case where he rants and raves over something he knows nothing about.....that being said I still agree with him on the root cause of much of the racial inequality.

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