Politics and Religion

And, isn't WSJ owned by Rupert Murdock! Not a good sign for Trump! ;)
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 3476 reads
1 / 22

So it is not CNN or MSNBC it is WSJ calling the Clown for what he really is:  "A Fake President".

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 310 reads
2 / 22

inept is more like it..

Posted By: hwy2heaven
So it is not CNN or MSNBC it is WSJ calling the Clown for what he really is:  "A Fake President".

JakeFromStateFarm 247 reads
3 / 22

And yet they write of Trump's refusal to retract his bogus assertion Trump Tower was bugged by Obama: "Yet the President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle."
A hilarious line but ultimately not funny at all.

mattradd 40 Reviews 233 reads
4 / 22

It's been reported on "Reliable Sources" that Murdock talks to Trump several times a week. In fairness, one guest said that Murdock never tries to influence anyone on the editorial staff.

JackDunphy 476 reads
5 / 22

The WSJ doesn't call Trump a "fake president" but states he COULD be IF certain things Trump is doing continues so as usual you take a little trip and sidestep the facts.

It is also no secret that the WSJ has never been a fan of Trump. The WSJ is the ultimate in the establishment conservative media and the establishment, both right and left, cant stand him for the most part.

Proof of that is cherry picking the Gallup poll, which just happens to be Trumps worst poll. Would libs here have had a problem if the WSJ wrote a glowing report of the Trump presidency but only cited Rasmussen, i.e. his best poll?

Seems to me, anyone who wanted to be fair to him would list the average of polls which once again, shows no difference in any statistically meaning way from election day.

All that being said, the piece does a decent job of pointing out Trump's pitfalls and concerns moving forward but I don't see any new ground broken here and most of it is just common sense.

DUANE 33 Reviews 298 reads
6 / 22

What they say he is in danger of being viewed by most Americans as being a fake President.  They have hardly put that label on him themselves.

"Two months into his presidency, Gallup has Mr. Trump's approval rating at 39%. No doubt Mr. Trump considers that fake news, but if he doesn't show more respect for the truth, most Americans may conclude he's a fake President," reads the editorial, which appeared online Tuesday night."

mattradd 40 Reviews 269 reads
7 / 22

I don't know about election day, but his numbers have gotten worse since being in office! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 361 reads
9 / 22
JackDunphy 291 reads
10 / 22

I'll just add that to your ever growing list of hypocrisy's. LOL

Never said I was consoled by it. I just point it out to counter your pathetic daily ignorance trying to convince everyone here that Trumps polls are "dropping" when in actuality they really haven't budged to any statistical relevant degree from election day.

But carry on with your bullshit, as I am sure you will! ;)

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 357 reads
11 / 22

He has already proved beyond a reasonable doubt he is not only a Fake President but a pathological liar as well.    On Monday the Director of FBI confirmed both of these titles on "your" President.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 450 reads
12 / 22

Yeah right.   His mental illness level has gone up by 10 points and his Russian connection level has hit the roof.

JakeFromStateFarm 384 reads
13 / 22

To describe the WSJ in its entirety as "the ultimate in the establishment conservative media" is an overstatement.  It IS true as far as the paper's Editorial and Op-Ed pages go, but NOT true for the rest of the paper.  The WSJ's news pages are not partisan and are renowned for their excellent, straightforward business journalism.
I also disagree with your suggestion the WSJ "cherry picked" the Gallup poll because it was ""Trump's worst poll."  It probably is his worst poll but using Gallup as an example isn't really cherry-picking since Gallup has also long been one of the country's most respected and reliable polls.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 410 reads
14 / 22

I sincerely hope Matt is OK, he seems to be slipping mentally the last few months.  
  Before "America First" President Trump was elected and the Democrat Party lost an enormous amount of seats from sea to shining sea,  Matt could often hold his own when debating.
   Now it seems like he's constantly Matt-erbating with nothing of substance to show for his efforts.

    I hope it's only TDS and not something bad consuming his mind.
    Jack, you know me well enough to realize I've always scoffed at polls.
  As long as President Trump is in charge I don't care what his polling numbers are. :-D  :-D  :-D

Posted By: JackDunphy
I'll just add that to your ever growing list of hypocrisy's. LOL  
 Never said I was consoled by it. I just point it out to counter your pathetic daily ignorance trying to convince everyone here that Trumps polls are "dropping" when in actuality they really haven't budged to any statistical relevant degree from election day.  
 But carry on with your bullshit, as I am sure you will! ;)

JakeFromStateFarm 422 reads
15 / 22

Please find me where Comey called Trump a "Fake President" or a "pathological liar."
I'll save you the trouble.  He didn't.
You lie so frequently you have lost the right to call even Trump a liar.

GaGambler 465 reads
16 / 22

The further the board leans left, the less rational and more rabidly partisan he becomes, especially when he has the likes of Hadji, fg and LTM&L to egg him on. When the board shifts right, or when his buddies are on "vacation" he turns back into "moderate matt" and is once again worth talking to.

I agree about the polls, the only one that counted was the one taken back last November.

JackDunphy 269 reads
17 / 22

Polling is an inexact science to begin with so why put all your eggs in just that one basket? They picked that one because they felt it help make their point better. Common sense, Jake, as people tend to try not to undermine their own argument.  

They could of just as easily pointed to the RCP average, and how that doesn't differ from election day, but that would have hurt their conclusion.

And I never claimed the WSJ's news pages were "partisan." I said they were part of the R "establishment", as the NY Times is part of the "D establishment."  

If you asked any knowledgeable person on the street if the WSJ was conservative or liberal, they would overwhelmingly state conservative. I think you would concede that point.

So at that point the only thing left to discuss is which camp in the conservative media are they in? And of course, it's establishment wing.

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 1:35:55 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 365 reads
18 / 22

And why would I care what "any knowledgable person on the street" thinks of the WSJ?  Most such people have no clue about the "Chinese Wall" that exists between the news pages and Ed/Op-Ed.   Thus, their opinion is useless.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 360 reads
19 / 22

Telling "I have information to support those wiretapping tweets" is if you translate = not true = Lies = came from Liar.

A Liar is a Fake President.

You have to read between the lines and digest the news.  Looks like you do neither.

2465305 70 Reviews 274 reads
21 / 22

CNN would report that Trump took a healthy runny shit and you would be all ears.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
So it is not CNN or MSNBC it is WSJ calling the Clown for what he really is:  "A Fake President".

2465305 70 Reviews 320 reads
22 / 22

Posted By: Laffy
over his "mis-leading headline" yet give Cheetolini a free pass when he blatantly lies his ass off about Obama wire-tapping him and throwing our strongest ally under the bus while doing it.....even though you brag and brag, "I rip Trump when he deserves it."  
 For those keeping score at home, Trumpanzees think "lying on a message board" is 498,094,874,873 times worse than their Messiah lying to the world and actually making us less safe and our country a joke.

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