Politics and Religion

FBI director tells Congress agency uses drones for surveillance in US
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1799 reads

admits they are in the beginning stages of spying on us with drones.  

We sure got change.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
 We sure got change.
Thank you Obama!!!

What about farther inland....?

I support going after gangs,
kidnappers, and human

I hope they put guns
in the drones....

you're willing to give up your 4th Amendment rights?  
Are you also going to so freely give up your gun if/when asked for?

"against unreasonable searches"

Gangs, kidnappers and human
traffickers aren't given special
rights to violate other peoples
rights, and we all know that
they do.....

The use of drones is not unreasonable,
just another step further than using ground
based surveillance cameras against

Crime is not decreasing in the US,
neither is the number of missing  
underage children.  Something must  
be done to stem the tide.

Times have changed, we need to change...

-- Modified on 6/20/2013 3:03:41 AM

I would consider a flying, robotic, High Definition telephoto camera hovering silently 1000ft above my home the very definition of "unreasonable". And too have it armed with weaponry whether lethal or non offers a page straight from an instruction book on tyranny.

 "Crime is not decreasing"; Largely because a private "for profit" prison system is sending armies of congressional lobbyists to keep and expand upon "victimless crime" legislation so as to keep their cells filled and profits UP! And the individual police departments must regularly justify why they need more money for their fully militarized army of officers.
District Attorneys large and small direct the police departments under them to go after common low priority misdemeanor and "vice" shortly preceding an election cycle so they can show the potential voters their stellar record in "criminal convictions".

 Your irrational fear based, lock-step authoritarian mindset offers a disturbing beacon toward a Totalitarian Police State

on searching out normal
work-a-day citizens like
you and me....I highly
doubt they will be able
to justify a budget to use
surveillance on pooners.

They will be going after
high profile cases that
probable involve innocents
getting hurt.  Maybe serious
drug trafficking,  maybe
those people that go off
with assault weapons....

Yes and very true they are
expanding "victim-less crime"  
legislation, and during political  
cycles more prostitutes get  
arrested than normal...But
that has always been our game
of hide and seek, its been
going on for years....Maybe
they might target violent

I think I will have nothing to
worry about....

Why do you think our government has bought billions of rounds of amunition for target practice?  

If I may please remind you, that our military took an oath to uphold the Constitution.  And also Dr. King's words "It is our duty to disobey unjust laws".

They are planning a provoked revolution

GaGambler382 reads

Isn't the recent bust in Denver proof enough for you that LE isn't interested in busting violent pimps or true victimgs of human trafficking? I can't believe that you want to encourage even more of this kind of misuse of our tax dollars to wage war on not only our own citizens, but you and me, and every other hooker and john on this board in particular.

ut they don't need to use
surveillance to bust hookers
and johns.  They don't even
use street or hotel cameras
to arrest people for prostitution.

They have been using the same
techniques for years, they used
BP and P411 in Denver.  Nothing
will change for us with Drones....

I think they have bigger fish to
fry,  and hopefully it won't be
innocent families....

I can't encourage the use of drones,
I think that is coming from the Mfg's
and corporate lobbying.  There is
nothing any of us lowly citizens can do....

The sheriff ’s office here in Mesa County, ....., is weighing the Falcon’s potential for spotting lost hikers and criminals on the lam. A laptop on a table in front of Johnson shows the drone’s flickering images of a nearby highway.

A law signed by President Barack Obama in February 2012 directs the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to throw American airspace wide open to drones by September 30, 2015.  

During the last few years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, unmanned aircraft monitored Baghdad 24/7, turning the entire city into the equivalent of a convenience store crammed with security cameras. After a roadside bombing U.S. officials could run videos in reverse to track bombers back to their hideouts. This practice is called persistent surveillance. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) worries that as drones become cheaper and more reliable, law enforcement agencies may be tempted to carry out persistent surveillance of U.S. citizens. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects Americans from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” but it’s not clear how courts will apply that to drones.



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