Politics and Religion

And DC and NoVA are
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 320 reads

Two of the wealthiest areas in the country in this era of a widening wage gap? Please explain that one to me? Aren't Dems/Libs/gubmint for the 'little guy?'

bigguy301834 reads

I don't mind people getting help if they really need it.

We just need to stop with the stereotypes in this country

This link is a bit dated, but not certain that much has changed. And, it may be a good reason why Food Stamps are seen as a Black, not a White problem. Notice there's nothing about Hispanics or Asians. Not certain if it's just lazy research or that their numbers are too insignificant to deal with.

bigguy30432 reads

Just remember white people are the majority in America right now with Hispanic people second.

So I do agree that the other races should have been included but google this area.

I wonder why some white people cannot see the truth?

When black people in this country only make up a little more than thirteen percent of the population.

It's more about keeping sterotypes going than facts!

Posted By: mattradd
This link is a bit dated, but not certain that much has changed. And, it may be a good reason why Food Stamps are seen as a Black, not a White problem. Notice there's nothing about Hispanics or Asians. Not certain if it's just lazy research or that their numbers are too insignificant to deal with.

bigguy30324 reads

So clueless clown stop assuming and learn some facts.

Also making a comment on the truth is not racists.

Just stop throwing out words you don't understand! Lol

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 6:46:48 AM

There is not one fact in that article you 0bama worshipping pajama boy.

Posted By: bigguy30
So clueless clown stop assuming and learn some facts.  
 Also making a comment on the truth is not racists.  
 Just stop throwing out words you don't understand! Lol  

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 6:46:48 AM

bigguy30359 reads

So again you clowns can't run from the facts.  

I will let this link provide more proof and this is not the only state either!

Posted By: User1994
There is not one fact in that article you 0bama worshipping pajama boy.  

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 10:40:40 AM

Quit moving the goal posts, pajama boy!

Posted By: bigguy30
So again you clowns can't run from the facts.  
 I will let this link provide more proof and this is not the only state either!  
Posted By: User1994
There is not one fact in that article you 0bama worshipping pajama boy.  

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 10:40:40 AM

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 6:35:55 PM

Addresses the issue more clearly than your first post.

"Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to have used this benefit during their lives (31% vs. 15%)."

bigguy30460 reads

So you seem to forget that white people are the marjority in this country.

Also it's a fact the white people in the red states use food stamps at a higher right!

According to 2010 U.S. Census data, blacks comprise only 12% of the U.S. population, yet make up 26% of SNAP recipients. These figures are sometimes cited by conservatives to argue that blacks are “oversubscribed” in the food stamp program relative to their numbers in the overall U.S. population – notwithstanding that blacks are hardly the largest recipients of food stamps. 49% of SNAP benefit recipients are white, and 20% of recipients are Hispanic.

U.S. Census Bureau poverty thresholds, a family of four earning $22,314 or less is considered to be living in poverty. Comparing the percentage of blacks living in poverty (27%), to the percentage of black Americans (12%), it is clear that if African-Americans are oversubscribed to anything, it’s poverty. That 26% of the people who receive SNAP benefits – which includes not only food stamps, but school lunch programs, among others – are black, appears consistent with the figures showing 27% of blacks living in poverty. Indeed, if one compares participation in the food stamp program to poverty levels, it appears white people are “oversubscribed” to the food stamp program, since less than 10% of white Americans are living in poverty, yet 49% of SNAP benefit recipients are white.  

The real facts are it's more poor white people in this country using food stamps!

Posted By: mattradd
"Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to have used this benefit during their lives (31% vs. 15%)."

bigguy30247 reads

Just notice the arrest picture and what everybody has in common.

Posted By: mattradd
"Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to have used this benefit during their lives (31% vs. 15%)."

It's your own little world, big pajama boy!

bigguy30411 reads

The fact is some of the poorest areas in this country are white rural areas and in the south.

So guess what they vote mostly for the GOP base on sterotypes and lies.

They are in no better position than some black folks either.

 It's about feeding these stereotypes in the media etc.

Posted By: User1994
It's your own little world, big pajama boy!


-- Modified on 2/17/2015 2:15:14 AM

But now it turns out, at least in your worldview (at least today), that the poor segment is white Republicans on food stamps. RAIFLMFAO.

I'm sure the Democrats would love millions more just like you! And I'm not just saying that...

Posted By: bigguy30
The fact is some of the poorest areas in this country are white rural areas and in the south.  
 So guess what they vote mostly for the GOP base on sterotypes and lies.  
 They are in no better position than some black folks either.  
  It's about feeding these stereotypes in the media etc.  
Posted By: User1994
It's your own little world, big pajama boy!

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 2:15:14 AM

Two of the wealthiest areas in the country in this era of a widening wage gap? Please explain that one to me? Aren't Dems/Libs/gubmint for the 'little guy?'

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