Politics and Religion

Anaheim California: Police fire on a crowd of women and children
mrnogood 2304 reads
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with rubber bullets, fter these people gathered to protest a police shooting in their neighborhood that happened earlier..Mind you, these people didn't know the police were firing rubber bullets, and rubber bullets are VERY dangerous...Think back to that marine that was shot in the head by cops with rubber bullets during occupy Cleveland


Fuckin disgusting!!! I guess we're not even allowed to protest their brutality any more..They shot at women and kids...They're fuckin animals


Near Riot Breaks Out After Officer-Involved Shooting In Anaheim

Deadly officer-involved shooting leads to violent clash between witnesses, Anaheim police By The Associated Press July 22, 2012

A nation of sheep, soon begets a Government of wolves

If you want to support the disarming of the American people, understand you WILL become slaves to the state

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 3:23:09 PM

no_email 3 Reviews 248 reads
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I wonder if the 911 caller is also a protester?

mrnogood 265 reads
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which is what EVERYONE should do when the police do this crap...Instead of just taking it, and allowing the police to do ANYTHING they want to..

They came together as a community to protest the injustice...

I guess fighting for our rights , isn't cool anymore..and I guess only babies have rights to conservatives when they're in the womb...

THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD ALL BE DOING! Standing up to injustice..

Snowman39 278 reads
4 / 30

the video below shows protestors rushing and attacking police officers. Imagine my suprise when I discovered it was an Occupy Wall Street crowd.

BTW, watch the coverage of ANY G8 or G20 meeting and you can see it as well.

Lying is a totally different subject and I dont think relevent here. I think we are talking about protestors and how the police handle them. In regards to lying, I haev always said anyone who does not lawyer up is an IDIOT.

mrnogood 332 reads
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however, I doubt if the one who called the police was also one of the protesters..Obviously the ones protesting understood the threat this particular police department was to liberty, and life..

This reaction from the police amounts to nothing more than a

"shut up slaves, obey your masters" from the police force... We'll shoot who ever the fuck we want, and if you don't like it, we'll shoot you too..

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 291 reads
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apperantly, some in the crowd did'nt think of that.

pretty fucking stupid dontcha think?

mrnogood 311 reads
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they were in their neighborhood protesting police violence..FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR KIDS, and their kids sakes...What it should of done is told the police they were no threat, instead the police put the slave in their place..

You guys do not stand for freedom and limited government, NOT EVEN CLOSE...

This protest was a COMMUNITY coming together to protest an earlier police shooting, I guess kids aren't a part of the community?

I swear to God you right wingers only think you promote liberty and limited government..You guys support the police and their jackboot tactics at every stage of this police state, and you support EVERY war you see..

I don't know HOW IN THE FUCK you guys have lost your way so bad..

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 6:27:04 PM

marikod 1 Reviews 469 reads
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"murderers, pigs, goons" and then begin throwing bottles and rocks at the entrapped officers, according to the police.

        The officers then fired rubber bullets into the ground and used pepper spray - precisely as they are trained to do as a riot control measure. This effectively breaks up the crowd, no one is killed or seriously injured although anyone who is a hit by a rubber bullet bouncing off the ground undoubtedly has pain and an abrasion.

      Tell me again which ones are the "fucking animals, Mr.Nogood. Is it the cops who had nothing to do with the earlier shooting about which the crowd was complaining, or the rock and bottle throwing crowd?

And had you been in command of the encircled cops, you would have told them "just grin and bear it."?

Really, do you ever consider both sides of the these police citizen encounters?

marikod 1 Reviews 277 reads
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mrnogood 260 reads
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Mari, I'd be more surprised if the police did ANYTHING that you couldn't support... You even support them when the raid the wrong house, and kill the wrong person...

I can't believe how far gone some of you ARE, to think ANY of this police shit is ok...

How do you believe this is what freedom looks like?

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 343 reads
11 / 30

respect for police officers.  Maybe he should live somewhere that has no police.  Maybe he should try to protect himself, his family and his community with no civil authorities.

Face it Mari, the guy is an idiot on this subject and we're wasting our keystrokes even acknowledging what he is writing when it comes to the police.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 385 reads
12 / 30

Cops working those neighborhoods should get double pay for the SHIT they put up with from people living there.

I'd never be a cop. I don't let anyone scream in my face, call me pig, throw rocks at my car, and shoot at it while I drive down the street but it happens there to cops, alot.

The SHIT they do to each other is far worse than anything the cops do to them. I'm sorry innocent kids got hurt but their dumbassed parents put them in harms way. The same parents that will be beating the shit out of each other later tonight, when the cops get called on a domestic....

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 244 reads
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you need to visit an actual police state.

then come back with your retraction.

no_email 3 Reviews 241 reads
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DA_Flex 337 reads
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Stood for the ideals they spout out their mouths for a very long time. They're all about control...from disparaging the 99percenters, to supporting garbage like the patriot act, to supporting wars we shouldnt have ever started, to controlling a womans vagina. They shout freedom until they're blue in the face but give a rats-ass about it.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 451 reads
17 / 30

it fucking blows. It's like getting hit, full swing with a goddamned baseball bat.

The simple fact of the matter is that a lot of people who join the police force are just a bunch of right wing trigger happy lunatics. They're not there to protect you.

I guess Mari's got to be a shit lawyer, because apparently it's never dawned on him that the police lie. If you're a cop, and you want to beat the shit out of someone, without having to deal with the consequences of it, you just say that someone attacked you first.  

I have never seen anyone do anything remotely harmful to a police officer, but I've seen plenty of cops beating the shit out of people.

no_email 3 Reviews 305 reads
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St. Croix 313 reads
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Ooops I forgot, Rodney King was drinking and smoking weed all day and all night, then decided to take a swim in his pool. I'll say it for Rodney, "no podemos llevarnos bien todos".

And you are right NDtBF, that is one shit hole of neighborhood. Other than that, Anaheim is actually a fairly well run city.

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 8:49:36 PM

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 344 reads
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Every friggen person in charge in that city is a Democrat including the Police Chief!

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 357 reads
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Liberals are fascists. Always have been, always will.

Snowman39 329 reads
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who think the only freedoms you should have are those that the government decides you should have. Now THAT is some scary stuff!!!

Snowman39 221 reads
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So I guess you are ok with me saying Obama voters are mostly welafre recipients who have no work ethic except they do not want to work and who have kids they can not afford  from men they barely knew.

I mean hey, since its ok to broad brush...

So you have never seen anyone do anything harmful to a police officer. Well its because like most things, you only see what you want to see. I find it amazing how you can find so many articles about things that will support your liberal beiefs but you can not Google "cops killed in the line of duty".

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 270 reads
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have you ever seen a group of protesters attack the police?

You can't charge a cop with brutality or assault if he says you hit him first. He gets to break the law if he lies. It's as simple as that. It happens all the time.

Snowman39 288 reads
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Since that woman cares so little about her child I would hope DFACS would take the child. Really ?!?!?!
Putting your child in an environment like that?

Secondly, the dog is REALLY COOL!!

What I find amazing is how there seems to be NO FOOTAGE of what lead up to this. So convenient they never show people acting like animals, throwing rocks and bottles at the cops. BTW, the reporter said something earlier that caount my attention. He said the protestors were blocking the street.

Like I have said before, I will totally back your right to peaceful protest, but when you start getting pissed off and decide because you are your rights trump everyone elses and start blocking the streets, throwing stuff at the cops, then may attitud becomes FUCK YOU!! I hope the cops FUCK YOU UP!! Looks like exactly what happened here.

I say again, the dog was REALLY COOL!!!

-- Modified on 7/23/2012 3:49:43 AM

marikod 1 Reviews 291 reads
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cameras, and maybe even private video cams, the police are going to "lie" about whether tehy had good cause to use non lethal riot control measures?

      And the reason they actually used rubber bullets and pepper spray is because they just love to hurt people they don't know, even though they know they be investigated by their own apartment and maybe the DA and when that  is all over they will probably be sued individually by anyone who was injured?

       And let's not forget that when you made this charge against the DC police - unaware that they had been monitored by DOJ for the use of excessive force during the relevant time period - I asked you to put up or shut up and the only example you give was a private encounter you allegedly witnessed that was never reported to the police or the media.

    Come back when you have some facts Dude.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 277 reads
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the cops were just doing a poor job of crowd control, and then started swinging nightsticks.

no_email 3 Reviews 243 reads
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Then I saw the word vagina. Liberals conservatives they all look the same.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 262 reads
30 / 30

Every single time I had it coming.

When I stop being an asshole I stop getting hit..

More people should try it

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