Politics and Religion

They're printing pizza, solar panels AND HUMAN CELLS NOWred_smile
mrnogood 2886 reads

You guys better get ready... a new world is coming in to view.. and the current system we have today WILL NOT be around much longer...




THIS, is more than likely why they will put microchips in us to sell and trade things..It would be the ONLY way they could control things..


Soon well just print EVERYTHING we have, from home, and ONLY digital money makes sense in this new world

mrnogood1153 reads

and for someone who is as heavily invested as you are.... you may wanna look over this wikki page..


    Three-dimensional printing makes it as cheap to create single items as it is to produce thousands and thus undermines economies of scale. It may have as profound an impact on the world as the coming of the factory did....Just as nobody could have predicted the impact of the steam engine in 1750—or the printing press in 1450, or the transistor in 1950—it is impossible to foresee the long-term impact of 3D printing. But the technology is coming, and it is likely to disrupt every field it touches.

    — The Economist, in a February 10, 2011 leader[27]"

ALL of the patents on this technology have expired, and this technology is LITERALLY on the cusp of being EVERYWHERE


mrnogood1129 reads

correct? Just making sure we're on the same page?

It's safe to say then, you're already invested in this? On the TV side? or you own one already?

This 3D shit is the way of the future! Almost everyday now, I'm seeing another news story about something else being 3D printed... It blew my mind, I'm just finding this shit out..

What's blowing my mind, is how much these printers will change the world.. this technology will change the way we do everything soon...

Posted By: marikod
and you will see why I'm not worried.
-- Modified on 5/22/2013 9:36:45 PM

mrnogood1101 reads

a company that will make some device to put 3D on 2D devices?

While the tv aspect is cool, it's not gonna change the world like printing furniture, and breasts from home will..

we will even see our doctors online, and they'll write us an order for some shit we can just print out

their will be no reason to have stores.. it's mind boggling the kind of change 3D printers will bring about

mrnogood1081 reads

this is a programming tool that will encompass way more than TV, even our internet, and be able to keep it up, and evolving with new technologies? ALL new technology not just TV, or tablets/ phones...

Clearly I'm researching trying to understand this... ALL of this stuff is very interesting...

new technologies across the board are going to make ALL of our futures very different from our past, and this company will help merge old technologies to run smoothly with new, and more cutting edge ones...

and this is why your not worried...  

Posted By: marikod
and you will see why I'm not worried.

that makes 3 d printers and provides related services. Bought 100 shares at $30 and now regret I did not buy more.  

As Spades has pointed out, the cost of a 3 D printer has been astronomical; hence only big companies can really afford one. But  
3D is working hard to get that price down and when they do you are going to see this technology - and the stock - really take off.

If you believe your own posts, Mr.Nogood, you should be buying DDD today.

mrnogood1352 reads

you'd see, I plan on going dark, and getting off the grid...

I don't believe in this system

however, thank you for the reply..  

Posted By: marikod
that makes 3 d printers and provides related services. Bought 100 shares at $30 and now regret I did not buy more.  
 As Spades has pointed out, the cost of a 3 D printer has been astronomical; hence only big companies can really afford one. But  
 3D is working hard to get that price down and when they do you are going to see this technology - and the stock - really take off.  
 If you believe your own posts, Mr.Nogood, you should be buying DDD today.
-- Modified on 5/23/2013 6:11:41 AM

mrnogood1083 reads


2,700$ which isn't all that bad, considering... because ALL patents expired they are cheap now, even the wiki page says since the patents expired they have been getting cheap...

and the new york times says we'll ALL have one in 10 years, and I'm willing to go as far as 20 years..but still, that is not a long time


Posted By: mrnogood
you'd see, I plan on going dark, and getting off the grid...  
 I don't believe in this system  
 however, thank you for the reply..  
Posted By: marikod
that makes 3 d printers and provides related services. Bought 100 shares at $30 and now regret I did not buy more.    
  As Spades has pointed out, the cost of a 3 D printer has been astronomical; hence only big companies can really afford one. But    
  3D is working hard to get that price down and when they do you are going to see this technology - and the stock - really take off.  
  If you believe your own posts, Mr.Nogood, you should be buying DDD today.
-- Modified on 5/23/2013 6:11:41 AM

But mrnogood, should we allowed them to brand us with the mark of the beast?
Would you accept the chip?

Welcome back. At least you come and go as you please. Unlike that Jesus character

mrnogood1045 reads

reservation... grow real food with nutrition, and stay in the old world..

the implications on this are huge...soon most humans will be bionic, printing eyes, breasts, penis enlargements, and ear drums...

You can literally type just about ANYTHING in your search bar with the word 3D printing afterwards, and see they're ALREADY doing trans-human shit, EVERYWHERE

If you think the market for flesh lights are big, imagine what will happen when some genius uses human stem cells collected from Jenna Jameson, to make a real flesh and blood replica of her naughty bits?

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