Politics and Religion

American Chemistry teacher murdered in Benghazi
Cataclysm 2175 reads

Sure why not kill him the glorious POTUS didn't do squat last time and it's no doubt the same cell of killers

...He was also jogging.  Hmmm, maybe people just don't like joggers so they murder them.  No doubt the same cell of killers is lying in wait - joggers beware!

What about those goofs who go jogging in 100 degree temperatures with 100% humidity...Now That's a death sentence.

...Likewise, the IRS spaghetti didn't stick to the wall.  Get with it - the latest trial balloon is to nuke Iran...

salonpas494 reads

Maybe he had a death wish. It's kind of selfish on his part since he leaves behind a very distraught wife and young child.  

Posted By: Cataclysm
Sure why not kill him the glorious POTUS didn't do squat last time and it's no doubt the same cell of killers.  

Cataclysm396 reads

the point. Obama and his drone strikes find their targets all over the Middle East and Africa.  Spec Ops snatch terrorists left and right BUT not in Benhjazi. Why do honestly those responsible have not been captured ? I bet I know and so do you . Now they've killed another American and it will spun the same as the Ambassador , it is the victims fault .

Obama is running scared .

GaGambler506 reads

and you can count me as one who still blames him not only for the original attack, the lack of support for those who were killed, the cover up,  AND the fact that we were only there to protect FRENCH interests in the first place.

All that said, blaming Obama for this is like blaming Bush for every soldier who ever gets killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. This is too big a reach even for me. Please don't make the idiots like Makwa and Mattgina start looking reasonable with posts so blatantly partisan. Obama has done enough real damage without blaming him for shit he has nothing to do with. Let's go back to ObamaCare where it's obvious to anyone with even half a brain, (like Makwa and AF combined) that Obama lied out of his ass.

Deen340 reads

because Bush lied to the American public to send the soldiers there (and tarnished the reputation of Colin Powell in doing so), diverted our resources from the true imminent threat, and contributed to the sequence of events that turned our national surplus into a whopping deficit.

GaGambler479 reads

You can't have it both ways. Obama also lied about why we were in Libya, no American interests were at stake, and he led a coverup where he came on national TV and lied through his teeth about Benghazi. Or are you too partisan to face facts?

Deen491 reads

mutilated and killed so many of our soldiers and helped suck down our national wealth and international power and prestige.  The recent 60 Minutes firings belie the idea that Obama covered up anything, and even if he did it pales in comparison to the huge lies that Bush told us about weapons of mass destruction as a justification for finishing his daddy's war in Iraq. And Bush did not exactly hold a press conference later on and fess up.
Look, we can agree on this:  I'm delighted that we cornered Sadist Hussein like a rat in a hole and then put him down (silver lining....).

Deen401 reads

people who were stationed in an dangerous place.  And Shrub owns the death of many thousands of soldiers and the mutilation of many more, and the near bankruptcy of America.  What a comparison.

I'm curious as to know what exactly was done?

I'm not concerned with casualties, and collateral damage, or partisan politics.

Deen408 reads

Clinton left a budget surplus and Shrub left a deficit.

How was the treasury bled?

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