Politics and Religion

America used depleted uranium in Iraq, and the birth defects now exceed those reported w/ Hiroshima
mrnogood 3926 reads

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study."


Yet, Americans who know NOTHING about the muslim world until they understand the sects, and which countries are which sects thinks we should help "rebels" over throw a government they know NOTHING about... Because they used chemical weapons on their population...

Truth is; America will too..

What?  Bombing the shit out of people with tomahawks is somehow more moral?

Syria kills syrians? So now we should go kill syrians too?

The ONLY rouge state in the world right now is America!!! OUR COUNTRY IS THE ONE INVADING AND BOMBING EVERYONE!!


Syria WILL start ww111.... Iran is NOT gonna let syria fall.. If syria goes Iran is next!

The part of ALL this that is most outraging is because you guys don't understand these countries sects you cant see what is going on over there.. Syria DOES NOT have the numbers of radical islamists to be having a civil war.. THESE ARE FOREIGN REBELS!

Most of the world knows this, all except you guys..


SYRIA IS SECULAR! You can look thru this google search of their women and see they are not in the niqab.. They wear clothes like we do in the west, and only cover their hair

If you googled turky, lebanon, and iran you would see the same thing.. Turkey and lebanon even sell liquor and wear mini skirts

http://www.google.com/search?q=night+life+in+lebanon&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=_LMkUvijDsKA2wWOnICYAg&biw=1400&bih=911&sei=CbQkUrqpKMPr2wWgyIHABw look at these women in Lebanon

-- Modified on 9/2/2013 7:52:42 AM

salonpas1435 reads

........... has done untold damage to U.S. credibility around the Middle East. It makes Obama and the U.S. look WEAK. The only thing that regional players in that part of the world understand is POWER through STRENGTH. Fuck game theory! Obama's indecisiveness so far portends grave dangers for Israel, when, NOT if, Iran gets a nuclear weapon. Can Israel depend on Obama to protect them in the event Iran gets a nuclear weapon? I think NOT!

GaGambler1374 reads

Canada and Great Britain and Australia are a few that come to mind in a world of hundreds of countries, I dare you to name even a half dozen more.

My point was you cant name a time when we bombed a white English speaking country. Nogood said we would bomb any country in the world, think the white English speaking countries are pretty safe. In fact short of Bosnia I cant name a ethnically white country we've bombed in the past 68 yrs.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Canada and Great Britain and Australia are a few that come to mind in a world of hundreds of countries, I dare you to name even a half dozen more.

mrnogood1521 reads

a time will come when they're fighting us, under the guise of Islamic holy war... This time is coming.. Where they have you folks believing jihadists are terrorizing you, here in America... The truth is OUR GOVERNMENT FUNDS JIHADIST, so if they start "terrorizing" us here in the USA, you can bet your sweet ass, it is a covert operation

They kill white people in english speaking countries more covertly, like via monsanto...

BUT, they have also bombed whites during ww2.. and so it would be Naive to think they wouldn't do it again

-- Modified on 9/3/2013 12:17:58 AM

you must be speaking about Austraila, Great Britian , and Canada. they all have some related form of Democracy to the United States. No democracy have ever fought another democracy it has nothing to do with race.

salonpas1429 reads

Not with this President! Obama is seen by our Arab allies as feckless and weak. They don't think his word can be trusted.

President Obama’s last-minute pullback to seek a vote in Congress on military intervention put some of his Arab allies in a bind, analysts meeting with Arab diplomats said. Hoping to produce a strong Arab League statement to provide cover for Washington, Arab leaders had new cause to wonder if Mr. Obama would follow through.

“He is seen as feckless and weak, and this will only give further rise to conspiracy theories that Obama doesn’t really want Assad out and it is all a big game,” said Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha Center and a former United Nations envoy in the region. “Many Arab leaders already think that Obama’s word cannot be trusted — I am talking about his friends and allies — and I am afraid this will reinforce that belief.”

On Sunday afternoon, some Arab diplomats sought to portray themselves as stepping forward to take the lead in the Syrian crisis after Mr. Obama on Saturday abruptly pulled back from any immediate military action, surprising many Arab leaders hours before they had expected airstrikes might begin.


The POTUS is but a figure head, of the administration.

Don't you think US allies, and especially the ENIMIES of the US know this?

I find it hard to believe world leaders trust their peers

salonpas1455 reads

I agree POTUS is a figurehead, but Obama does not need congressional approval to lobe a few missiles into Syria. This is not some major war offensive. When Reagan invaded Grenada he never asked for congressional approval. When Clinton bombed the Serbs in Kosovo he did not seek congressional approval. Obama's Middle East policy so far as been an abysmal failure IMHO.

Unfortunately by all his dithering it guarantees we will have American boots on the ground in the Middle East in the not too distant future. GUARANTEED!


Posted By: bigvern
The POTUS is but a figure head, of the administration.  
 Don't you think US allies, and especially the ENIMIES of the US know this?  
 I find it hard to believe world leaders trust their peers.  

Obama doesn't need Congressional approval, yet he is awaiting the approval of congress.

The Right is already asking for a more in depth and detailed approach, as in a follow up to the missile strike. I believe intervention is a done deal, unless Assad steps down. Which I doubt will happen.

Posted By: salonpas
I agree POTUS is a figurehead, but Obama does not need , congressional approval to lobe a few missiles into Syria. This is not some major war offensive. When Reagan invaded Grenada he never asked for congressional approval. When Clinton bombed the Serbs in Kosovo he did not seek congressional approval. Obama's Middle East policy so far as been an abysmal failure IMHO.  
 Unfortunately by all his dithering it guarantees we will have American boots on the ground in the Middle East in the not too distant future. GUARANTEED!  
Posted By: bigvern
The POTUS is but a figure head, of the administration.  
  Don't you think US allies, and especially the ENIMIES of the US know this?  
  I find it hard to believe world leaders trust their peers.  

mrnogood1379 reads


This quote was in your link... We should be outraged, but instead most are apathetic

So lets get this straight? Britain rushes off to the middle east to sell weapons to countries in civil war? Or close to civil war?  

I bet we don't have to dig deep to see America wasn't far behind them... BOTH America and britian have made war a big business

Always a good ida to read your link before you post about it LOL.  

          Had you done so, you would have discovered that the U.K. granted export licenses to firms that allowed them to sell chemicals to Syria that have a wide number of industrial uses, in addition to their use in sarin.

      But, hey ,since this is MrNogood's thread we are not going to worry about the actual facts, so you get a one day Get Out of the P & R Board Free pass.

UK government let firms export nerve gas chemicals to Syria  
UK ‘approved nerve gas chemical exports to Syria’  

License to Kill? UK approved sale of nerve gas chemicals to Syria ...  

Vince Cable Allowed Syria Chemicals Sale 'Which Could Be Used For Chemical Weapons'

Government allowed export of nerve gas chemicals to Syria

salonpas1607 reads

.......if Israel decide America cannot be trusted to take care of Iran, they will attack Iran and you can kiss the days of $4/gal oil goodbye for ever. A Middle East in flames will definitely require U.S. boots on the ground in large numbers for ever.

Just saying.

Kerry - who compared Assad to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein yesterday - is pictured around a small table with his wife and the Assads in 2009.

-- Modified on 9/2/2013 2:40:45 PM

....and entitlements.  

   Let us not forget, that in 2007 when the Syrian reactor was destroyed by Israel, it was with our assistance.  We cannot afford to NOT protect Israel.  If Iran gets a nuclear weapon; God help us all!


wouldn't Iran give up their valuable position as a threat to Israel?

I don't see how the elimination of Israel would benefit Iran.

"God" has NOTHING to do with this bullshit.

"A group of Israeli soldiers who took part in the Cast Lead operation in Gaza in January have published anonymous testimonies describing a range of abuses during the conflict. The activist group which gathered them, Breaking the Silence, says they stemmed from Israeli policy and rules and engagement, not just mistakes or individual soldiers failing to follow orders."  

Israel accused of indiscriminate phosphorus use in Gaza
Human Rights Watch report claims Israel committed war crimes in its use of air-burst white phosphorus artillery shells  

Amnesty calls on US to suspend arms sales to Israel
Hellfire missiles and white phosphorus artillery shells among weapons used in 'indiscriminate' attacks on civilians, says human rights group

Israel admission on white phosphorus doesn't settle larger debate

1. chromosomal abnormalities
2. single gene defects
3. prenatal environment

          Do we know how many of the Fallujah birth defects are attributable to  chromosomal abnormalities or  single gene defects? Um, no, this “study” does not tell us that, which is a problem bc of the very small sample size (84 families)

      Worldwide, 6% of babies born every year have birth defects. The Fallujah number appears higher (we don’t know how much higher – the study found 15% of all births since 2003 had defects as opposed to giving a yearly average) , so it is reasonable to assume that prenatal environment played some casual role.

      But what prenatal environment factors cause birth defects other  than exposure to toxins?

1. Poor health of the mother
2. Poor diet of the mother
3. Smoking and alcohol consumption
4. maternal age

       What can we reasonably assume about mothers in Fallujah during the war?
They had a poor diet and little access to medical care during pregnancy. Smoking and drinking and maternal age? Who knows.

        So you see your problem MrNogood. Once again, you have simply assumed causation. I do not doubt that the lead, mercury, and other toxins released into the environment caused some uptick but no one knows by how much.

      So to imply that that the birth defects caused by US bombing and other munitions used in Fallujah exceeds the staggering numbers caused by the radiation in Japan is a bit silly, don’t you think.  

       We really do not know what caused these birth defects do, we? We can only guess

mrnogood1494 reads


You're problem is you ALWAYS try rationalize the absurd..

Like check points, phone taps, american political prisoners, home raids on innocent people, spying on press, and not to forget your support for the banking system..

Timbow1479 reads

But saying it surpassed even that damage caused by radiation from nuclear bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki is really hyperbole which cannot be proven. And these are actual studies.    

Quote :
The case study of 56 Fallujah families and the metal analysis of hair samples from this population indicated public contamination with two well-known neurotoxic metals, Pb and Hg. Hair metal data from Fallujah showed Pb to be five times higher in the hair samples of children with birth defects...

Six photographs of Fallujah children and their conditions are provided in Fig. 2. Mercury and Pb, two toxic metals readily used in the manufacture of present-day bullets and other ammunition, were 6 and 5 times higher in hair samples from Fallujah children with birth defects compared to Fallujah children who appeared normal (Fig. 3).  

Present knowledge on the effects of prenatal exposure to metals, combined with our results, suggests that the bombardment of Al Basrah and Fallujah may have exacerbated public exposure to metals, possibly culminating in the current epidemic of birth defects. Large-scale epidemiological studies are necessary to identify at-risk populations in Iraq. The recognition that birth defects reported from Iraq are mainly folate-dependent offers possible treatment options to protect at-risk populations.

-- Modified on 9/3/2013 1:49:51 AM

mrnogood1265 reads

2 heads, or 50 arms growing out of their ankles..THIS IS GENETIC ISSUES caused from depleted uranium...

The retardation , and paralyses could be from other causes, but NOT the genetic issues..OK?


Timbow1353 reads

Quote :
Dr Chris Busby, a visiting professor at the University of Ulster and one of the authors of the survey of 4,800 individuals in Fallujah, said it is difficult to pin down the exact cause of the cancers and birth defects.

Does THIS look like a case of not taking pre-natal vitamins?!  

Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers

Fallujah Babies: Under A New Kind Of Siege  

Birth defects and rubble still scar Iraq's Falluja

Iraq records huge rise in birth defects  

"She said it's common now in Fallujah for newborns to come out with massive multiple systemic defects, immune problems, massive central nervous system problems, massive heart problems, skeletal disorders, babies being born with two heads, babies being born with half of their internal organs outside of their bodies, cyclops babies literally with one eye -- really, really, really horrific nightmarish types of birth defects."

Iraq War Anniversary: Birth Defects And Cancer Rates At Devastating High In Basra And Fallujah (VIDEO)  

Did the US cause Fallujah's birth defects? (Video)

The Devil's Arsenal - Depleted Uranium, White Phosphorus & Other ... (Video)

Mari, a lot of things cause birth defects, but isn't it strange that these PARTICULAR birth defects are isolated to this PARTICULAR region of the Middle East? I assume that the social environment for Iranian, Egyptian, and Kuwaiti women isn't all that different than in Iraq, yet they don't seem to suffer the kind of birth defects that Iraqi women do.

You know what else is strange? The EPA has advised that precautions should be taken in the USA, particularly at firing ranges that shoot lead ammunition. Many indoor firing ranges will not permit it's use. Weird. Maybe it's because firing ammo leaves a lot of residue. Who wouldda thunk it!

You know what else is strange? These kind of birth defects has also affected Iraqi war vets. Yes, it seems that there's some kind of link between depleted uranium and impotency, as well as their children being born with horrific birth defects.

You know what's even weirder? Iraqis have suffered from these kind of birth defects ever since the first Gulf War. One would think that it would be common knowledge by now that dU weapons cause serious harm to your health, of course if the Army admitted that, it would cost them a hell of a lot of money in veteran health claims. So it's not like the Army doesn't have a motive to deny this stuff.

Which reminds me, didn't the same Army once deny the serious harm that Agent Orange did to servicemen?

I know, I know. Move along, nothing to see here. After all, the Army would never use weapons that are effective on the battlefield, but causes the kind of long term harm that, I dunno, say an investment bank is capable of.

Remember that.

        But I'm a little hurt that Mein makes me the star of a broadway musical, while the most I get from you is "isn't it strange?" When you can cite a peer reviewed scientific study that says  depleted uranium more likely than not causes birth defect or cancer, get back to me.

Function: noun
Date: 1973
- the ability to deny something especially on the basis of being officially uninformed

"'Plausible deniability' is a term coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge.

The term most often refers to the denial of blame in (formal or informal) chains of command, where senior figures assign responsibility to the lower ranks, and records of instructions given do not exist or are inaccessible, meaning independent confirmation of responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible, that is, credible. The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions to plausibly avoid responsibility for one's (future) actions or knowledge."

-- Modified on 9/2/2013 11:22:11 PM

There studies- ripped from Wiki-they are many more - were all conducted by independent third parties.

     Plausible deniability was would apply only if the military had a study concluding that depleted uranium more likely than not caused birth defects but withheld it from the admin.

       Oh, you don't know of any such study, Hookernotyetreadyforprimetime? Then I'm afraid your post goes straight to video. Now excuse me while I sign some autographs.

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