Politics and Religion

Ahh you mean the people who cling to their guns and bibles . Well it's better those in the belt
randomvr301 2297 reads
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Asian Indians enjoying their culture of classical music in St. Louis, Missouri.    Educated, law abiding, minding their business, raising responsible kids and enjoying their culture.    What a difference.    They even have a classical music society and don't miss a thing they left back home.

If immigrants can do it, why not the locals?

The song in the video is praising their God for all the good things he bestows upon the devoted.

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 10:40:58 PM

86H13LTP 322 reads
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maybe they're singing rats - their reincarnated aunts and uncles - and wondering why disease runs rampant in the cities .  

If it's Elephant Head then too bad they didn't follow him into the Mississippi .  

And you mock Christians ??

randomvr301 391 reads
3 / 14

They were just praising two pieces of wood that is laid one straight up and one horizontal across

86H13LTP 289 reads
4 / 14

Cling to those guns so they don't become headless Hadjis like others . They'll be wishing they had clung to their heads .  

ISIS singalong  

Headless Hadji , Headless Hadji ,  we ate your cow and trapped your rat people .  

Do yourself a favor and make a trip to a pawn shop to trade that Elephant head statue in for a firearm .

randomvr301 331 reads
5 / 14

No I want to go to the back rooms and see what is the action going in those rooms.    I hear the total amount of lawsuits is around $13 billion!   Oh, I pity those poor young boys.

Leave those elephants alone.   They are the kindest of animals.    Me buying a firearm, not in this life

86H13LTP 285 reads
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Ainesh I'll be right over then afterwards we can get all the guys together and gang rape my sister . Oh Aabheer you are one wild and crazy guy . I will remember you when praying to Elephant head .  

-- Modified on 9/22/2014 3:46:17 AM

-- Modified on 9/22/2014 3:52:36 AM

-- Modified on 9/22/2014 3:54:14 AM

randomvr301 272 reads
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You can defend yourself but I still want to check those back rooms for holy shit happening.    I like  the NFL where they beat each other up and then go home and beat the hell out of their women!  You got to have class to play cricket and more class to watch.    They don't pick their players from dumpsters.

randomvr301 428 reads
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You are out of steam and just left with BS!   Give up and disappear.

86H13LTP 288 reads
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drink that shit thinking it helps prevent cancer  

Disgusting fuckers

randomvr301 278 reads
12 / 14

May be watching this video will make you puke and flush your head some nice place and send your hatred couple of notches north, hopefully!

randomvr301 388 reads
13 / 14

Better believe it.   Now NASA can start outsourcing its space program jobs to India.    They have highly educated space scientists who can do the same job better for 75% less.    Better NASA bosses watch out when they fire their highly paid engineers.    They can come back and do .......................... you know what happened at UPS in Alabama.

86H13LTP 337 reads
14 / 14

pissing off the entire computer using world trying to get answers from a 7-11 clerk

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