Politics and Religion

Agreed but it has worsened since Reagan left office.
JackDunphy 254 reads
2 / 19

were you "Yepping" when libs were calling Bush a Nazi and a war criminal?

And please, lets not go there with civility. Biden called the tear party "terrorists" in a closed door meeting with many witnesses.

As previously discussed, no man can take the high ground on being civil when they befriend a domestic terrorist, have a racist in Lowery give the prayer at O's inauguration and make Al Sharpton a racial advisor.

But carry on! lol

mattradd 40 Reviews 243 reads
3 / 19

Sounds like just a bunch of rationalizations to me!  ;)

JackDunphy 251 reads
4 / 19

Its just silly to point to who is more civil. Both sides are very uncivil. That has been a problem for a few decades now.  

Civility comes from the top down. Obama, even per the Dems, has said he hasn't done enough outreach with them so how do you think the R's feel?

But I always get a little queasy when one side claims the civil high road especially with all the baggage the Dems carry around.

Its just the height of hypocrisy, that again, both sides venture into, but its entertaining on an otherwise quiet day. lol

The Moose 26 Reviews 230 reads
5 / 19

it as ALWAYS been a fiercely divided Washington between Democrats & Republicans...

bigguy30 223 reads
6 / 19

Also stop with the bullshit that it's both sides doing it.
When the GOP supoorters run around with guns and racists statements for the last seven plus years.
Just take a look at your own newtork Jack and compare it to others.
It's not even close smart guy. Lol

Posted By: JackDunphy
Its just silly to point to who is more civil. Both sides are very uncivil. That has been a problem for a few decades now.  
 Civility comes from the top down. Obama, even per the Dems, has said he hasn't done enough outreach with them so how do you think the R's feel?  
 But I always get a little queasy when one side claims the civil high road especially with all the baggage the Dems carry around.  
 Its just the height of hypocrisy, that again, both sides venture into, but its entertaining on an otherwise quiet day. lol

JackDunphy 244 reads
7 / 19

But he was the master at reaching out. The civility then was professional and even outwardly friendly.

GaGambler 226 reads
8 / 19

The Dems back then were every bit as hostile towards Ronny as the GOP is towards Obama today.

Reagan deserves a lot of credit for still managing to "get things done" but it wasn't because there was any more "civility" than there is today and it was hardly friendly. If anything, it was even worse back then, there just wasn't any social media to keep it in your face 24/7 like we have today.

JackDunphy 236 reads
9 / 19

The speaker of the house was Tip Oneil and him and Reagan were VERY close personal friends. I could go on and on, but you are dead wrong here.

Could you ever imagine Boehner and Obama being besties? The thought is ludicrous

mattradd 40 Reviews 200 reads
10 / 19

But, it's a matter of degree.

"When was this innocent age that we trusted and listened to each other with respect? Not the 1990s, when Bill Clinton was impeached, Hillary Clinton detected a "vast right-wing conspiracy" and Newt Gingrich urged GOP candidates to label their opponents with such terms as "corrupt," "sick" and "traitors."

When did the Democrats try to hound a republican president out of office more than the Republicans did to Clinton? Where have the Democrats said that Bush, Jr. was trying to weaken our country, or was a traitor? And, the fact that Newt urged the use of the above terms, seems like a new strategy, not an ongoing one used by both sides.

I've been to organizational meetings for the right and the left, and heard the same foaming at the mouth rhetoric, on both sides. Though no one who represents me, as an elected official, has used as inflammatory, derogatory and disrespectful terminology, toward Bush, Jr., as some politicians on the right have used against Obama.

GaGambler 225 reads
11 / 19

I don't know what you have been smoking for the last thirty years, but I remember the Reagan years and the Dems were every bit as shrill as they are today.

Not to mention that Boehner for all his tough rhetoric bent over for Obama at every opportunity. Don't you find it odd that Obama got more legislation passed AFTER the Dems lost control of Congress than he did when the Dems had complete control?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 277 reads
12 / 19

...with Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin and that boat is sinking fast, Jack.  You're basing his entire 94 year life's work on the benediction he gave at Obama's second inauguration?  Don't be so glib and facile - what else you got, Jack?

BTW, Jack, which one of the comments to this Youtube video was yours?  Those are your people writing those comments.  Righty racism is always bubbling under the surface, isn't it?


JackDunphy 244 reads
13 / 19

The congressional Dems REALLY liked Reagan, personally. Very much so.

Reagan would routinely go have lunch with the Dems and they would tell stories, talk about their families, vacations, etc. Chris Matthews confirms this many times on his show over the years. It was much more than "I have one black friend." Much much more.

Of course they argued policy, that is the nature of the beast, but if you really think it is more civil today than then, you need to listen to virtually any historian, right or left, that will tell you otherwise as well as political talking heads from either side of the aisle.

Reagan, the man, was well respected and treated as such by the Dems. Reagan never viewed them as the enemy but merely as opponents, and vice versa. Of course Reagan doesn't get all the credit. Many Dems reached out to him as well and were accepted as friends.

I cant tell you your opinion is wrong but if you did some research in this area, I think you might see it differently

JackDunphy 311 reads
14 / 19

The OP linked to a man who interrupted Obama's speech and was instantly labeled a racist for doing so by many of the left.

Yes, I think a person, on a supposed day of unity, that takes that opportunity to slam white people is a racist.

What would you say if the situation was reversed?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 222 reads
15 / 19

...Chris Mathews, me and Rupert Murdoch's NY Post.  I cant tell you your opinion is wrong but if you did some MORE research in this area, I think you might see it differently.  


JackDunphy 274 reads
16 / 19

And holding his hand praying with him? Yep! Tip O'Neill

Nobody does that unless they have some kind of deep affection for someone else.

GaGambler 210 reads
17 / 19

Everyone tried to re write history when Reagan died, but I can remember for myself. This kumbaya relationship with the Dems simply did not happen. Did Reagan get legislation through? Yes, but he often did it through sheer force of will.

bigguy30 232 reads
18 / 19

Just learn a persons background smart ass before making dumb ass comments.

Posted By: JackDunphy
The OP linked to a man who interrupted Obama's speech and was instantly labeled a racist for doing so by many of the left.  
 Yes, I think a person, on a supposed day of unity, that takes that opportunity to slam white people is a racist.  
 What would you say if the situation was reversed?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 222 reads
19 / 19

...some nurse fellate Ronnie in the hospital.  She wasn't known as the Queen of the Hollywood blow job for nothing.

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