Politics and Religion

Agree about JFK but am amazed you would rank Obama below
marikod 1 Reviews 1456 reads


       Bush had trouble speaking even when he was reading the teleprompter. Even my hero Tony Blair comments on Bush's lack of speaking skills in his new autobiography which is a great read by the way.

Timbow5427 reads

Whoah when Chris Matthews MR. tingle up my leg for Obama says this about Obama it looks like rough seas ahead matey :)

''Chris Matthews on Wednesday laid into Barack Obama's teleprompter calling it "his menace."

Near the end of a "Hardball" segment about the President's prime time address to the nation Tuesday, the host said, "If he doesn't get rid of that damn teleprompter...He's just reading words now."

Matthews continued, "It's separating him from us."

And continued, "You go to a meeting with him I'm told, businessmen are invited to meet him at the White House, he hauls out the damn teleprompter, and he reads it to them."

"The teleprompter is a problem for this guy. I think it's his menace" :) :)


-- Modified on 9/2/2010 10:47:41 AM

Once upon a time, nearly every commentator on CNN was clearly PRO Obama... he couldn't do no wrong.  Nowadays, even these staunch Obama supporters have very few kind words for him and are now openly calling many of his policies especially related to the economy ... failed....  But even better than that, many, if not all, of those I know who voted for him are loudly opposed to him now.  Hindsight is pretty good.

Timbow1123 reads

Yea, but come  Prez election time  unfortunately they will probably circle the wagons again ;)
But it is hilarious to see Chris Matthews right  now rail about Obama and the  teleprompter :)

He is a sad excuse for a journalist to put it midlly. I too think its funny he is just now figuring out who BO is as a petson.

The example of BO reading a teleprompter to a group of business people is honestly scary. These are people who could have him for lunch, brains and experience wise, and BO and his thugs control everything their businesses do.

That will end his career.

What is this issue with teleprompter?

All speakers look notes, note pages, etc., Teleprompter is just electronic version.

He did a couple big speeches at conventions before roaring crowds.  But I remember during his Euro-tour, the European press was complaining because he would not talk to them in unscripted settings.  He had far fewer "town hall" gatherings or any event where he was not teleprompter.  The earliest complaints of the press, even when they were in his pocket, were about his lack of availability.  

He has almost abolished the press conference, where he actually faces the press and answers questions.  Rather, he makes speeches in controlled settings.

I am amazed that it took even die-hards like Matthews to realize it.

I forget who said, but someone recently commented that even though nature abhors a vacuum it may not fill an empty suit with anything impressive.  

His European tour really made me nervous.  I never trusted charismatic speakers who spoke in a loud, emphatic voice and could get huge crowds of Germans to shout and scream.  

David Brooks once wrote a column raving over the crease of Obama's pants and concluding that he would be a good president because of that perfect crease.  Now Matthews is looking inside the suit and wondering what's inside.

-- Modified on 9/2/2010 5:14:22 PM

1. Ronald Reagan - not much substance but a master of tone, voice, and inflection

2. Bill Clinton -before he started lying to us, he was a natural on his feet and that accent made persuasive and sound like he was just conversing with us

3. Barack Obama - there is nothing wrong with using the teleprompter. Not a great speaker but you are too hard on him

4. George Bush I - he developed into a competent speaker but had the bad luck to follow Reagan

5. George Bush II -will we ever see a worse public speaker? If only we could have traded him for Tony Blair.

Not a fair competition..Reagan was a actor for many years, before becoming a politician.



-- Modified on 9/2/2010 7:42:46 PM

JLWest1849 reads

actor. He just just happend to be in politics. Not saying he wasn't a good POTUS.

You forgot JFK. He had the Mick charm that brought a smile to the Little People.

I agree about Clinton.  Moon light and magnolias.  I voted for him the first time. He turned me into a Replican, but he had charm.  

Reagan had great substance. I was a Democrat in the days of the "evil empire" comment and it was an epiphany moment of honestly. The USSR was the last European power to control its old 19th Century empire, with the Tsar as king of Poland and the Ukraine.  The killed 20 million of their own citizens IN PEACE TIME.  The sent more innocent people to the Gulag than we send guilty people to prison. It was an evil empire and only one man had the guts to say it.  

The funny thing is for years everyone said Reagan was a puppet.  Now they are starting to release his handwritten notes.  In the days before computers, he was drafting the stuff himself.

Another funny thing: Before he became a member of the GOP, when he was a Dem labor leader, everyone thought he was the cat's meow.  If you read any contemporary article or review from those days, he got boffo reviews as a speaker.  Then when he switched, the pundits started saying he was a dumb puppett.

Obama will go down as worse than Bush.  That is why Obama can't face the WHite house press corp, even when they adored him.  Why can't he do 1/1 of the press conferences Bush did, and Bush was facing hostility from the git go.  

I forget if it was his acceptance speach or the one in the park where he said that this was the moment when we started healing our sick and the waters stopped rising.  HOW FUCKING EGO MAMNIAN - He thinks he is a combination of Jesus, healing the sick, and Moses, parting the waters.  

Google any of his big speeches. Count the "I"s and "me"s.  

Posted By: marikod
1. Ronald Reagan - not much substance but a master of tone, voice, and inflection

2. Bill Clinton -before he started lying to us, he was a natural on his feet and that accent made persuasive and sound like he was just conversing with us

3. Barack Obama - there is nothing wrong with using the teleprompter. Not a great speaker but you are too hard on him

4. George Bush I - he developed into a competent speaker but had the bad luck to follow Reagan

5. George Bush II -will we ever see a worse public speaker? If only we could have traded him for Tony Blair.


       Bush had trouble speaking even when he was reading the teleprompter. Even my hero Tony Blair comments on Bush's lack of speaking skills in his new autobiography which is a great read by the way.

GaGambler2186 reads

I am certainly no fan of Obama, and I think he is going to set a new low for Presidents on merit,(or lack thereof) but GWB was just an awful speaker. Even when I was agreeing with him, I would find myself cringing at his lack of speaking skills.

I don't think I said Bush was a good speaker.  

Everyone who speaks a lot in public will have bloopers, unless things are scripted to death.  And Bush had his share.  However, he also was willing to talk to people in more unscripted settings.  As a result, he will have a higher number of "misstatments," as they say.  

Obama has a score of bloopers, with a much lower number of events where he is talking in an impromtu manner.  That is why on his wnole European Tour he didn't talk to the press once.  During the campaign, he was the most scripted.   He rarely strayed to the back of the plane to talk to the press.  Even the fawning press pool never had a chance to see him off the cuff.

I forget who said it, but someone once remarked that many people are thought wise simply because they do not open their mouths.  

The bottom line, and one which his greatest admirrer, Matthews, now admits, Obama is not even able to handle press conferences.  

In England, the call the TV news people "readers."  They are not "reporters."  Obama is a reader.

Posted By: GaGambler
I am certainly no fan of Obama, and I think he is going to set a new low for Presidents on merit,(or lack thereof) but GWB was just an awful speaker. Even when I was agreeing with him, I would find myself cringing at his lack of speaking skills.

GaGambler756 reads

GWB was still one of the worst speakers in recent history, even when reading a script.

GaGambler1226 reads

and his ability to parse words was unmatched. "I did not have sex with that woman". lol

Truthfully, I wouldn`t buy a used car from him, or let him near my sister, but he was a great speaker, and not a bad POTUS IMO

JLWest1567 reads

pretty good to very good. Some of his speaches tended to be long and the masses would loose the gist of the speach when their attention span dropped. And after the sex education speach it was painfull to watch his speaches.

As far as a POTUS, at the end of the day he moved to the center and became fair plus on domestic policy, "It's the economy stupid", and budget. Fair minus on Foreign Policy. He did the Camp David, I have solved the mid-east problem, take this money.

JLWest1016 reads

As a speaker maybe. Blair in his own country has to compete against Margaret Thatcher and the gold standard Winston Churchill "We shall fight on the Beaches". Don't think he faired to well.

-- Modified on 9/3/2010 10:51:35 AM

I don't care about teleprompters.It would take too long to memorize a fifteen minute speech.Total waste of time. I didn't grade on the delivery, as I only read the text.
I can read faster and with much better clarity, than I can listen.
I am fairly certain Obama did not write the speech, although he probably gave the outline, some choice points, and words.
What Matthewes was complaining about were the words on the teleprompter that Obama read, instead of leaving out.
Here are the words Matthewes heard most loudly,copied from the text of the speech. From Matthewes perspective,
First menacing words were, "confidence and committment".{When speaking of Iraq, Matthewes would say senseless and failure }
Second menacing  words were "United States", and "sustain and strengthen our leadership".{ Matthewes thinks the United States is much too strong}
Third, "our troops having courage and resolve".{Matthewes would prefer abuse and torture}
Fourth, "our troops completed their mission".{Matthews again prefers Iraq failure since Bush was President, when war started }
Fifth, "A war to disarm a state became a fight against an insurgency".{Matthewes steamed with no mention of war for oil, or new WMDs not found}.
Sixth  "there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it".{in Matthewes mind only the war protestors were Patriots}.
Seventh "turning the page and President Bush"  should not be mentioned the same day in Matthews, piss running down his pants, mind .
drum roll....... the clincher that almost gave Matthewes,Ogerman and Madcow a heart attack.
"Yet no one could doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security"

I copied and pasted parts of the speech below, from the link I posted earlier, only leaving words that left Matthewes,Ogerman, and Madcow cringing in their panties. I figure if President Obama can upset those three with his speech, he deserves an A...or is it a A..I think its a A?
PMs accepted if you don't want to help my grammar publicly.If you are too broke to afford VIP, and not smart enough to do Problem reports, public grammar corrections are also appreciated.

   The menacing words that Matthewes heard..

"But this milestone should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the future is ours to shape if we move forward with confidence and commitment. It should also serve as a message to the world that the United States of America intends to sustain and strengthen our leadership in this young century.

..From this desk, seven and a half years ago, President Bush announced the beginning of military operations in Iraq. A war to disarm a state became a fight against an insurgency. Terrorism and sectarian warfare threatened to tear Iraq apart.

At every turn, America's men and women in uniform have served with courage and resolve. As Commander-in-Chief, I am proud of their service.

.The Americans who have served in Iraq completed every mission they were given. They defeated a regime that had terrorized its people. Together with Iraqis and coalition partners who made huge sacrifices of their own, our troops fought block by block to help Iraq seize the chance for a better future. They shifted tactics to protect the Iraqi people; trained Iraqi Security Forces; and took out terrorist leaders.
Even as Iraq continues to suffer terrorist attacks, security incidents have been near the lowest on record since the war began.

And when that government is in place, there should be no doubt: the Iraqi people will have a strong partner in the United States. Our combat mission is ending, but our commitment to Iraq's future is not.

Only Iraqis can build a democracy within their borders. What America can do, and will do, is provide support for the Iraqi people as both a friend and a partner.

We have persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people -a belief that out of the ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization. Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility.  

As we do, I am mindful that the Iraq War has been a contentious issue at home. Here, too, it is time to turn the page. This afternoon, I spoke to former President George W. Bush.

It's well known that he and I disagreed about the war from its outset. Yet no one could doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security. As I have said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it. And all of us are united in appreciation for our servicemen and women, and our hope for Iraq's future"

-- Modified on 9/2/2010 6:55:34 PM

After reading, I also give an A.

There is nothing more to say about an unnecessary war!

Thank you Mr. President for getting us out of Iraq. You are absolutely correct in saying, Iraq's people have to want democracy within their four walls. no one can force it on any people however powerful or powerless they are.

Power comes in many forms and shape and Mahatma Gandhi proved that against the mighty British Empire.

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