Politics and Religion

Agree, a 3rd party has to win enough electoral votes to keep the D or R 3 under 270. (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 120 reads


But, I suspect Johnson will take more votes away from Donald than Hillary. But, I could be wrong! ;)

GaGambler111 reads

Which one of the three do they pick?

Speaking as a "Trump Groupie" I would be just fine if Gary Johnson ended up being POTUS over Trump. As a matter of fact I would be ecstatic.

There are a few things I like about Trump, a few things I think he would do quite well and a lot of things that give me pause, but the one thing Trump has going for him is that he is not Hillary Clinton, just like in the Primaries he was NOT Cruz, Bush, Rubio et al et al et al.

Here is a ticket I bet you Doc Gonzo could support, How about Johnson/Brown???

I think even a racist, brain dead, right wing, Trump groupie like me could get on board that ticket.

there's a good chance it would be Ryan or Romney. But, probably Ryan or the most conservative Republican they can find, which really isn't Romney.

Do you really think the House is going to "elect" a POTUS who is not even on the ballot?

Now you are off in laffy territory. What kind of odds do you want, 1000 to 1 enough?

"If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote.  

The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House."


GaGambler107 reads

A third party candidate may influence the election, but it's quite likely that any third party candidate won't get a single electoral vote. Ross Perot got a LOT more than 10% of the popular vote and was widely credited with tipping the election in Clinton's favor, but even he failed to get a single electoral vote.

Sure, I would love to vote for someone like Johnson, but it's not like he is ever going to win even a single electoral vote, which is what it would take for someone other than Hillary or Trump to end up as POTUS.

Johnson/Brown (as in Jerry?) Yes I could support that ticket. And YES, I know he opposes foreign aid to Israel as he does all foreign aid. It's fundamental to the Libertarian oeuvre and that's fine. It's not a deal breaker for me.

Won't come to this though. Gonna be fun to watch it all unfold though. Chaos in Prime Time!

Trump has been doing a pretty good job of mending fences and getting the GOP to fall in line behind him, despite what the Anti Trump crowd has hoped for.

Any third party run is not going to keep one of the two major candidates from reaching 270 as there is not anyone out there, well no one willing to toss his career into the shit can at least, who could win so much as a single electoral vote.

The most the Never Trump crowd could accomplish would be to split the GOP vote by running a "real conservative" and hand the election to Hillary, proving Trump was right all along and effectively gutting the GOP as a viable political party. Which wouldn't be so bad if what we were left with was something better than the Dems.

that I saw in this scenario. And yes, I could be very tempted to vote for a Johnson/Brown ticket, however I guess he may have picked a former MA governor, William Weld, who I see as a very good choice.

I thought I'd read, a while back, in a speculative piece, that if it was to go to the House, there was hope Ryan could be elected president. Guess they, and I are wrong. ;)

but only if he were the third party candidate.

and he is one of the VERY VERY third party candidates that would have even a prayer of getting so much as single electoral vote, obviously Ryan is MUCH too smart to throw away such a promising political career on such a career ending gambit as the sitting Speaker of the House running against his own party. NOBODY is that dumb, much less a smart guy like Ryan.

Romney or Ryan won't be in the picture.

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Posted By: mattradd
there's a good chance it would be Ryan or Romney. But, probably Ryan or the most conservative Republican they can find, which really isn't Romney.

...are working on a plan to stop Trump in the general election.  The plan is to deny both Trump and Clinton the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, which would mean the House of Representatives would choose the next president.

Randy Evans, the chairman of the Republican National Lawyers Association, is not part of any anti-Trump effort. But he told Fox: "When I looked at the deadlines for the states and then at the polling data in terms of the number of people who are not satisfied with either of the nominees, I realized this is not a cockamamie plan. It could actually work if it had the right amount of funding."


-- Modified on 5/24/2016 5:28:39 PM

He won't get more than 5% anywhere except maybe NM, and win a grand total of ZERO electorial votes.

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