Politics and Religion

Actually obama gets no respect
followme 205 reads
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Because he has fucked up health care.

He fucked up domestic policy  

He fucked up foreign policy

And he has record low approval rating  

Face it he is a total fuck up  

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 208 reads
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He fucked up domestic policy  - No. ACA is good for lot of people who could not afford insurance and could not get insured due to pre-ecisting conditions. Unemployment rate is falling and more people are looking for jobs again. That means people are hopeful again. Raising minimum wage to $10.15¢ will reduce food stamp spending by $4.2 Billion dollars in ten years. But GOP would not go along because they want tax payers to subsidize their rich fast food and retail store buddies.  
He fucked up foreign policy - Ending two wars and not starting more wars is not failure but a success.  

Face it GOP is a total fuck up as exhibited in the recent CPAC

2014 = Fragmented GOP and 2016 = Infighting and more infighting into oblivion

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