Politics and Religion

Actually. I am a moderate. Left leaning but
wizard1565 3 Reviews 1667 reads

But after reading perhaps ALL of your post, it is clear that you are firmly in the far right, as most posters on this board.  

You have a particular disdain ( for a lack of a better word) for Obama.  Testimony to that is your last two OP's,  like Obama "nationalizing the states".  I did not even bother to respond, because it is so far off the reservation of rationale thought, I did not to be accussed of changing the topic

I even voted Republican, I voted for Bush in 2000 (regret like hell) and every 2 years voted for Tom Davis, a moderate Republican in the house.

But I do understand Reagan 11th ( I thought in was Commandment,not amendment) and it was that thinking that allowed Bush to cut taxes while fighting two wars.  So the Party of NO with Obama, was the party of YES with Bush.

However, my biggest fallout the the rightwingers of the world is the religious right.  As a agnostic, I believe in people having the right to worship, as protected by the 1st Amendment but having any say in any social issue based on your beliefs is wrong.  Whether its abortion,gay marriage, prayer in school, inteliigent design etc, if the response because that what the Bible teaches or( Quaaran for that matter) say.

If you stated a moderate position, I will agree like the 2nd amendment - a right to a semi automatic weapon ( I owm a few)  I moderate when right wing groups like the NRA, say you can buy a gun even if you are crazy like the VT killer.

I am awaiting a moderate position from you but I respect you because on the most part, you do not resort to the stupid name calling so prevalent on this board on both sides.

Timbow2923 reads

How about a list of his lies .
Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk

Did you see the credit card bill :)

Congress just passed this bill on Wed May 20, 2009
Has there been any bill, that was available online for 5 days before he's signed it??

It was a silly campaign promise, I will admit. It invalidates the whole legislative process in which the President's advisors have a say in anyway.  So to wait any length of time to listen to feedback from constituents that already had a say through their representatives in the first place was a stupid promise.  

-- Modified on 5/23/2009 2:23:13 PM

Tax Cuts, that was the gist of those alternative Bulls, yes I said bulls. The alternative bailout bill was never voted on during the Obama administration, so you must be talking about the budget.  The alternative budget asked for a spending freeze with the exception of defense.  I believe half the GOP caucus voted against that. A spending freeze during a recession, Herbert Hoover would not have done that

The alternative health care was to make it portable with a 5,000 tax credit but without enployee based discounts, despite the credit,  the average family would pay more - despite the credit.

-- Modified on 5/23/2009 11:24:48 AM

and we both know it.  Anything that the any President or any Congress do is politicized.  That why it called politics.

as in the respone given to my post.  Only one post had something salient to say, which I responded to honestly, something you never do if it crosses Reagan 11th amendment

RightwingUnderground1806 reads

Please point me to one post by a conservative that you think I should have criticized that was left unchallenged by everyone or unchallenged by enough people that I should have stepped in. Never speaking ill of a fellow Republican does not encompass any requirement to make criticisms of those things with which one agrees.

RightwingUnderground1184 reads

Do you prejudge everything someone may say based on their handle? Or maybe only when their handle is a reflection opposite your views or maybe just pisses you off?

But after reading perhaps ALL of your post, it is clear that you are firmly in the far right, as most posters on this board.  

You have a particular disdain ( for a lack of a better word) for Obama.  Testimony to that is your last two OP's,  like Obama "nationalizing the states".  I did not even bother to respond, because it is so far off the reservation of rationale thought, I did not to be accussed of changing the topic

I even voted Republican, I voted for Bush in 2000 (regret like hell) and every 2 years voted for Tom Davis, a moderate Republican in the house.

But I do understand Reagan 11th ( I thought in was Commandment,not amendment) and it was that thinking that allowed Bush to cut taxes while fighting two wars.  So the Party of NO with Obama, was the party of YES with Bush.

However, my biggest fallout the the rightwingers of the world is the religious right.  As a agnostic, I believe in people having the right to worship, as protected by the 1st Amendment but having any say in any social issue based on your beliefs is wrong.  Whether its abortion,gay marriage, prayer in school, inteliigent design etc, if the response because that what the Bible teaches or( Quaaran for that matter) say.

If you stated a moderate position, I will agree like the 2nd amendment - a right to a semi automatic weapon ( I owm a few)  I moderate when right wing groups like the NRA, say you can buy a gun even if you are crazy like the VT killer.

I am awaiting a moderate position from you but I respect you because on the most part, you do not resort to the stupid name calling so prevalent on this board on both sides.

Timbow1473 reads

''when right wing groups like the NRA, say you can buy a gun even if you are crazy like the VT killer.''

NRA  pushed for legislaion so that does not happen and  McCarthy’s bill, which the NRA helped draft, would require states to keep the NICS current.

And yes I am  a NRA memeber ;)

-- Modified on 5/24/2009 1:32:16 AM

which opposes sensible gun laws that would have prevented the VT Massacre ( I'll admit I am biased because I knew a victim)

Timbow1450 reads

I can understand why you feel that way . Too bad another person did not have a gun that could  have killed the Psycho .

I know when I was in college, I was a hothead and allowing me to carry might have been dangerous, for all involved.  Even soldiers aren't allow to carry unless they were on official military duty.  I believe a law was just passed in Texas allow guns on campus so I need to look at the legislation before I make a judgement.

RightwingUnderground1853 reads

I have no disdain for BHO. Not the man. Only his policies and where he wants to take the country.

Your 11th commandment example of Bush’s tax cuts is a bad example. I actually agreed with the tax cuts. A better example would be his spending (or lack of control and veto of the Congressional spending). At first it was an 11th commandment thing, but latter on I as well as many conservatives began criticizing Bush.

You seem to make the same mistake as many that somehow religious people shouldn’t be allowed to participate in politics and government.  Your statement “having any say in any social issue based on your beliefs is wrong.” demonstrates this. If social based issues are not stabilized and set by policy based on social values then exactly what is the policy based on? You simply don’t like the social values that some people base their proposed policy upon. I agree totally with you about public prayer and other things. I’m sure we totally disagree about abortion. To me it’s murder. If it’s usually illegal after the third trimester then why not at the third trimester minus ONE day? A person doesn’t need to be religious to hold my opinion about abortion. Simply because the majority religious opinion agrees with me does not mean that I can’t try to apply political pressure to gain my goals (provided my goal doesn’t violate the Constitution, unless of course I get the Constitution amended.)

We disagree on tax cuts for the wealthy since in a global economy the money does not "trickle" down into the economy, so in the overall scheme who does it benefit?    Rather indiviuals will invest in cheaper markets and will benefit a few.  As a small business owner, I do not want to pay taxes also but then again I did not benefit from the Tax cut anyway.

We will never agree on Abortion but I will say this, those who want to make women have unwanted children will they provide the services needed to support these kids, especially among the poor? I do not think so

Since you sound more like a Libertarian then  a Republican, perhaps you should change your Alias, Alias LOL

I support many Republicans, but it's a just a party. Conservatism is a philosophy.

I gladly help support unwanted children, but there's also several different veins of resposibility on the mother's side of the equation that the left doesn't want to embrace as well.

RightwingUnderground1163 reads

My request wasn’t to point out a moderate or left leaning post I’ve made. It was to point to someone else’s post that I should have criticized but didn’t. I qualified my request to only include posts from the right that needed criticizing (in your opinion) that were ignored by everyone (including me). When you or another poster here criticizes another right-winger I do not feel the need to join in. My time is limited. I post too much already. I tend to only make posts that either highly interests me or I feel the need to correct the record or someone’s error or mistake. Also, sometimes I just need to tweak Doc Gonzo.

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