Politics and Religion

a ripped a few of the baseball ideas off of Carlin...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2074 reads

...but that was about it.

...okay, let me know if any of you feel the same way. But I hate sports. I mean completely hate them. Especially team sports.

I'm often puzzled why anyone gives a crap about it. I don't understand why anyone roots for one team over the other. I can see maybe rooting for your home team, but why would someone be a fan for a team halfway across the country? I don't have any friends on the team, do you?

I just don't get it.

You know what I do like though...real competition. I love watching the UFC. Nothing makes me happier than to see two meat heads beating the utter snot out of each other. Now that's class A entertainment. I like boxing okay, but it's gone downhill ever since they established that you definately can't bite someone's ear off.

And I love pro wrestling. WWE. TNA. ROH. I even love watching old tapes of WCW and NWA. And it's not the soapy back stories, it's bizarre ballot dance going on in the ring. Where else can you see someone fake having his face dragged across chain link fence material? How is that not awesome?

I think we need to make team sports more interesting. So I suggest the following rule changes to popular sports.


1) if the pitcher hits the batter, he's out.
2) every batter gets one swing. Only one strike. One ball. Just like Hitler.
3) there should be one small landmine planted in the outfield at all times.
4) fist fights are allowed in settling debates with umpires. The winner gets what he wants.
5) steroids should be mandatory for all the players.


1) no rules against traveling. If you want to hold the ball and run your ass off, then cool.
2) if you get a basket by bouncing the ball off your opponent's head, you automatically win the game.
3) allow fans to randomly trip the players.


1) get rid of all that protective gear. What are these guys? Pussies?
2) allow fans to throw marbles at random onto the field. And this will come in handy when...
3) you replace the grass with concrete.
4) if a player gets hurt he has to stay on the field for the rest of the game.

Ice Hockey

1) replace the puck with a remote controlled toy car. The goalie's job is changed to operating the remote.
2) get rid of the skates. Make these people play in their bare feet.
3) allow fans to participate in the fights.


1) require that all the players have their ankles and wrists handcuffed.
2) The net has to be replaced with a wall of flames. It doesn't make sense, but it would look cool as shit.


1) end all this hush hush crap. Allow all the bystanders to scream at the players at the top of their lungs.
2) allow homeless people to live on the golf course.
3) Keep Elin Nordegren on the course at all times, arm her with a 9 iron, and tell her that Tiger has slept with all the players.

GaGambler1525 reads

This should remove all doubt.

He is every bit the troll that Trannyboy or the Avenging fetus were. The fact that he uses complete sentences to spread his bile, belies the fact that he adds nothing of value to the conversation.

I have no more desire to engage him in conversation that I do Trannyboy on this board or liorr on the Sports board.

I wonder if we could create a "Trolls only" board? WW would certainly be my first nomination for inclusion.

it's beneath them. I think one of Martha Coakley's problems is precisely Willywonka's problem - they don't get sports, they don't understand how to have fun and because they don't; they don't want anyone else to have fun. When Ms. Coakley insulted those fans who watched the Boston Bruins in the NHL Winter Classic - she was doomed.

GaGambler1130 reads

and there is proof that men are not created equal. There are winners and losers and proof that life is not fair. All the things that are supposed to build character in young people.

Of course if liberals have their way, there will be no winners and no losers, no keeping score, and heaven forbid that we should take the chance that little Johnie (or Willie) might get hurt. Fine preparation for the real world where men(and women) play for keeps. I guarantee you the Chinese aren't teaching their youth to be a bunch of pussies and those are the people are youth are going to have to compete with in the real world.

Insulting Hockey in the Northeast??? Now if that isn't a political death wish? She sounds every bit as stupid as WW. I'm surprised they didn't run her out of town on a rail.

a lineman barreling down the field blocking for a running back who are respectively 70 and 30 pounds heavier than you and you have to make the tackle or else risk a touchdown or worse humilation and letting down your teammates; you learn to play smart fast.

In my case, I bypassed the lineman grabbed the back and waited for my teammates to gang tackle him. Sometimes, you have to admit, you need help. ....and that's Ok, as long your not a coward. I loved my football coach.

GaGambler1498 reads

blaming others for your shortfalls is not an option. It doesn't matter if the other guy is bigger, or faster, or whatever, you are still expected to do what it takes and there is nowhere to hide and/or blame others if you fail.

I don't hold it against people for failing, what I do have no respect for are people who go out with a whimper. There is alway going to be a losing team or player, but you are not truly a loser unless you give up. No one likes a quitter in sports, and I have no respect for them in real life as well. Even worse than a quitter is someone who never even tries, but that is a subject for another post. I bet you that is an accurate description of WW though.

St. Croix702 reads

I wished I had your coach sometimes. We were coached to take on that 250 lb lineman. If not, the coach was literally in my facemask. I didn't mind as it was all technique, plus the other DB's were there to tackle the back. Plus there was payback on the wide receiver on a crossing pattern. One eye on the QB, and one eye on you. I sure don't miss those 2 a-days during August.

There are lot of life lessons you can learn playing sports, especially team sports, including sacrifice, camaraderie, and 50 kids coming together for a singular purpose.

Maybe WW needs to watch the movie 'Rudy'. I think I've watched that movie 50 times. Granted he was on the practice squad, but still an important part of the team.

Maybe WW shouldn't watch it considering it's about Notre Dame football and the fact they were lead in prayer before leaving the locker room. I'm sure he would find that offensive.

I just don't see team sports as fun. What's so weird about that? If I wanna have fun I either get together with some friends over for some drinks, go to a rock concert, or go see a provider.

You can either sit through the 7th inning scretch or enjoy some RCG. Honestly, which would you prefer?

uradumbass1529 reads

Isn't the sports board right off to the left?

I think there is a one whack job per board limit

GaGambler886 reads

the only difference is WW uses complete sentences, the content is every bit as inane.

Liorrs_brother1370 reads

alright alright. i won't use this alias again. ;-)

Looks like your only joy have is calling people names for anyone who rubs you the wrong way. Not even Bruce Lee was that pissy. Go get laid already.

tjrevisted1764 reads

''I just don't get it. ''


I ain't been the same since... some say I ain't wright in the head.... the big head that is!

There was always this guy in the front row. His beard was half way down his chest and he would always hoot and holler for every match! It was priceless! I miss the Farmer's Daughter.

they eventually replaced her with another wrestler that went by the same in ring name who wasn't nearly as hot. That was the beginning of the end for GLOW me thinks.

GaGambler1077 reads

That Willie Wonka is a troll and should be treated as one.

The prosecution rests. lmao

leaders. Did you ever see that sports B-movie called: "The Replacements" with Gene Hackman. If you ever did, now they had cheerleaders.

-- Modified on 1/18/2010 9:27:38 PM

A-Hole-Gene784 reads

Now, I could be wrong and he plagiarized it like trannyboy, but I liked it anyhow.

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