Politics and Religion

A few of

IMHO, you are a prime example of a two bit righty hypocrite.


Posted By: followme
hilwhoreys co-workers  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

GaGambler167 reads

yeah, I guess I have to concede this is a PRIME example of a "righty hypocrite" whether he is "two bit" or not I will leave for others to judge.

Like the Hildabeast or not, criticizing hookers not for supporting Hillary, but just for being hookers is as hypocritical as you can get on a fuck board.

bigguy30151 reads

So maybe you need to find a new hobby.
If you have a problem with what these woman do!
I knew something was always strange about your comments. Lol


Posted By: followme
hilwhoreys co-workers  
 2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

followme179 reads

Typical lying lefty

I never said, implied, indicated, suggested or stated in any way shape or form that I had or have a problem with what these ladies do, in my OP or any other post.  

This is just another (of many) examples of a lefty lying, distorting and trying to misrepresent what I post.

You are just upset because laffy borrowed your she-wee and has not given it back, I’m sure the backstabber and Honda have extras they can loan you  

You’re welcome
2016 = GOP All The Wa

and it sounded like you had a problem with it.
You should have had posted it like this...

(hateful name for the candidate) is being supported by providers. I don't care I'm just informing you.
But whatever. I just don't like her because she's not part of my political thing.  Even if she was a hooker herself,
it doesn't mean I have to like them all.
I hope she loses the elections.

You're welcome
2016 = GOP all the way

...but I hear followme is into that.  He hasn't posted any reviews in 9 years so I guess they don't allow reviews of pooch providers.

thisbud4u178 reads

.... Bunny ranches are legal in Nevada, a business and those who work there are workers.    They certainly have a right to support a candidate that best understands their interests, as women first and their trade as secondary.

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