Politics and Religion

A college degree amounts to work papers.
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 90 reads

There are a lot of fields where a student learns very little in those colleges. But just having completed a degree shows they can follow through on a project, that they have some interest in the discipline in question, that they learned to get along with others and can deal with authority, and that they have invested enough or are enough in debt to appreciate a job.

OJT cannot instill all that, but it can easily train someone to do a job.

bigguy30661 reads

So instead they got bail out back in 2008- 2009 by us the taxpayers.
This is how you resolve a issue with old student debt

saltyballs124 reads

......this better serve as a warning to HRC and the DNC. Democratic voters will vote her out, if the cosy relationship between Wall Street and the DNC continues to the detriment of Main Street.

bigguy30114 reads

Posted By: saltyballs
......this better serve as a warning to HRC and the DNC. Democratic voters will vote her out, if the cosy relationship between Wall Street and the DNC continues to the detriment of Main Street.

FatVern108 reads

You were talking about people whom have not paid back their student loans.

Most people should not attend college.

bigguy30110 reads

So most people should not attend college?
Most people are trying to make a better life for themselves.
They are hit with high interst loan fees from the banks.
Then when the banks needed help and got bail out back in 2008-2009.
The banks got very low interest rates themselves.
This is okay with you?

Also it's okay for Trump to dodge his debts and run for President?
Well that sums up everything up about you FV.

Posted By: FatVern
You were talking about people whom have not paid back their student loans.  
 Most people should not attend college.
-- Modified on 8/20/2016 3:24:25 PM

FatVern99 reads

leave college minus a degree, or one of any use. Along with their student loan debt.

FatVern93 reads

by acquiring debt?  

If the liberal public school system, was an actual educational system, their would be no need for college.

bigguy30134 reads

This is why I pointed out how the banks are frauds earlier.

Posted By: FatVern
by acquiring debt?  
 If the liberal public school system, was an actual educational system, their would be no need for college.

bigguy3080 reads

So FV are you guys going to question Trump's VP pick too?

Posted By: bigguy30
This is why I pointed out how the banks are frauds earlier.  
Posted By: FatVern
by acquiring debt?    
  If the liberal public school system, was an actual educational system, their would be no need for college.

The way it is in the US it's college or nothing, which is not quite right.

Basically, College teaches one to work in an office, but outside the office there's so much work and good paying jobs which do not require a college degree.

Germany does a great job in offering apprenticeships to young people learning a trade and a chance at a good paying job.

Here in the US such a career path is looked down upon, but the college industrial complex does not tolerate competition

bigguy30103 reads

So college is only for people that have money now?
Some people in certain parts of this country are such hypocrites.
I know college is not for everyone but it should be a option for everyone too.

Posted By: lizepman09
The way it is in the US it's college or nothing, which is not quite right.  
 Basically, College teaches one to work in an office, but outside the office there's so much work and good paying jobs which do not require a college degree.  
 Germany does a great job in offering apprenticeships to young people learning a trade and a chance at a good paying job.  
 Here in the US such a career path is looked down upon, but the college industrial complex does not tolerate competition.  

There are a lot of fields where a student learns very little in those colleges. But just having completed a degree shows they can follow through on a project, that they have some interest in the discipline in question, that they learned to get along with others and can deal with authority, and that they have invested enough or are enough in debt to appreciate a job.

OJT cannot instill all that, but it can easily train someone to do a job.

a financial commitment OJT sure does instill all that you mentioned, and because of the investment of time they do appreciate the job

LasVegan93 reads

One of the biggest disparities is that most investment (passive) income is taxed at a lower rate and hedge fund managers apply most of their income to this rule, thereby avoiding a ton in taxes.  This rule must be changed.  As a matter of fact, the entire tax code needs to be rewritten.

No, US Marshalls cannot arrest someone for not paying a student loan. Why? Well, it is not a crime and not a federal offense. So we know this deadbeat did something else that brought the marshals to his door.

         More likely, what happened here is the creditor sued the guy, got a default judgment, the creditor subpoenaed his financial docs and guy didn’t show up in court or for a deposition to explain, and he was found in contempt of court. The court ordered his arrest until he complied with the court order, not bc he didn’t pay.

       Where the learned Congressman gets this idea that debt collectors can use US marshals to collect by arrest is a new one on me.

       Back to the Weekly Reader for this reporter who apparently relied on the deadbeat for the facts

bigguy3092 reads

Posted By: marikod
    No, US Marshalls cannot arrest someone for not paying a student loan. Why? Well, it is not a crime and not a federal offense. So we know this deadbeat did something else that brought the marshals to his door.  
          More likely, what happened here is the creditor sued the guy, got a default judgment, the creditor subpoenaed his financial docs and guy didn’t show up in court or for a deposition to explain, and he was found in contempt of court. The court ordered his arrest until he complied with the court order, not bc he didn’t pay.  
        Where the learned Congressman gets this idea that debt collectors can use US marshals to collect by arrest is a new one on me.  
        Back to the Weekly Reader for this reporter who apparently relied on the deadbeat for the facts.  

FatVern97 reads

Posted By: marikod
    No, US Marshalls cannot arrest someone for not paying a student loan. Why? Well, it is not a crime and not a federal offense. So we know this deadbeat did something else that brought the marshals to his door.  
          More likely, what happened here is the creditor sued the guy, got a default judgment, the creditor subpoenaed his financial docs and guy didn’t show up in court or for a deposition to explain, and he was found in contempt of court. The court ordered his arrest until he complied with the court order, not bc he didn’t pay.  
        Where the learned Congressman gets this idea that debt collectors can use US marshals to collect by arrest is a new one on me.  
        Back to the Weekly Reader for this reporter who apparently relied on the deadbeat for the facts.  

bigguy3086 reads

Posted By: FatVern
Posted By: marikod
    No, US Marshalls cannot arrest someone for not paying a student loan. Why? Well, it is not a crime and not a federal offense. So we know this deadbeat did something else that brought the marshals to his door.  
           More likely, what happened here is the creditor sued the guy, got a default judgment, the creditor subpoenaed his financial docs and guy didn’t show up in court or for a deposition to explain, and he was found in contempt of court. The court ordered his arrest until he complied with the court order, not bc he didn’t pay.  
         Where the learned Congressman gets this idea that debt collectors can use US marshals to collect by arrest is a new one on me.  
         Back to the Weekly Reader for this reporter who apparently relied on the deadbeat for the facts.  

...Collection attorneys are considered to be the bottom feeders of the profession.  :-D

BTW, you know even less about journalism than you do about law.  When the Texas congressman explained that the federal government has been contracting out student-loan collections to private debt collectors, who are allowed to deploy the U.S. marshals as their enforcement arm, he simply "yada yada'd" out the boring parts about lawsuit, judgment, failure to appear etc.  Likewise, the writer left out those details in order to make the story seem more interesting and spark outrage.

The writer wasn't as tedious and picayune as you are.

-- Modified on 8/20/2016 3:21:14 PM

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