Politics and Religion

A better question is when did Bush NOT lie? It's been the
Jack Daniels 2701 reads
2 / 26

Or when he lied under oath? You have the story right; you are just confused about who lied.

Capitalist’sFunctionary 2164 reads
3 / 26

Borrow...borrow...borrow, then let someone else worry about the bill when I'm dead.

kerrakles 2806 reads
4 / 26

Is there a difference between incessantly lying and lying under oath? Lying is lying.

One lied about a Bj and the other is a habitual lier that resulted in killing few hundred thousand people. Which is worse?

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2105 reads
5 / 26

Blatantly obvious bending of the truth doesn't count if you don't get "caught" and it isn't pinned specifically to you.  You can obfuscate that until the picture is so confused that the party in question still comes out unscathed, and then you can lord over the liberals that THEIR guy lied under oath about something of absolutely NO importance to anyone other than the two people involved and their immediate family members and make it seem like a bigger issue.

Ah, politics.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1874 reads
7 / 26

important TO YOU....

Hmmmm, where would they have learned that?????

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1619 reads
8 / 26

where if you like their politics then you can make excuses and even lie for them like,

"Impeached for getting a blow job"

Ask mrs selffellatio to show you the "For a blow job" article in the articles of impeachment and DISBARRMENT.......

He'll fax you a copy of it from Kinkos

Tusayan 2104 reads
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Jack Daniels 1726 reads
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I cited a documented incident where Clinton lied under oath, yet no one has responded to that specific incident. Please no hyperbole, just the facts.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 1790 reads
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I wonder how many guys on here, given the possibility of having their wives divorce them and take them for everything they had and smear their reputations with their kids, families, jobs, etc., and thinking that it would likely never be found out otherwise, would "lie under oath".

No, just the commission of a felony OF THIS NATURE, without any knowledge of the circumstances, does not make me jump up with my mouth foaming, shrieking "Off with his head" like all you Clinton-bashers.  BIG FUCKING DEAL!  He lied (under oath or not) about getting sex outside of his marraige!  Ooooooo!!!  Welcome to the fucking human race!

I think he did what a lot of men would do in similar circumstances... especially judging by how many men are honest on TER.  Adultery is a mortal sin in the eyes of GOD...a much bigger issue than the whole issue you all talk about.  Clinton eventually had to come out and deal with it.  How about all the married men on TER?  Hell, they should be championing him as their HERO, because they are the same!

That you all can hold up this technicality about something that doesn't matter even to anyone directly involved in it anymore (and it never did affect anyone not directly involved), when thousands have DIED and so many others lived have been RUINED FOREVER (let's start with the soldiers who have permanent injury damage, for example...a figure that is almost never reported in the major media)...that just says so much to me about where your values are at, and who the real "haters of America" are.

I just wonder where you were taught such amazing powers of denial so that you all can look yoursleves in the mirror anymore.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2129 reads
12 / 26

Sure most guys would lie to their wife about a affair  but how stupid does someone have to be to lie to the F.B.I.??? And he is supposed to be a Rhodes Scholar?? Not only stupid but probably a cheater at college also...I do think the blow job hunt was a waste of time though and I don't blame him for getting the BJs from Monica...Look at the alternative..Which  brings me to another thought... If Hillary was so involved  in The daily White House activities does that mean they had a three way or she was simply oblivious to something under her nose??

zinaval 7 Reviews 2614 reads
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Jack Daniels 1549 reads
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kerrakles 2289 reads
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$1 = 1.0328 Euro (Jan 1999)

$1 = 0.696 Euro (Jan 2, 2008)

Budget Surplus = ~ $125 Billion (December 1999)

Budget Deficit = $9.1 Trillion (Jan 2, 2008)

I will take Bill any day!

Case fucking closed.

All right wing morons can only talk about stupid stuff and when facts are presented you guys high-tail to the nearest dark hole!

Edited to correct errors

-- Modified on 1/2/2008 6:10:28 AM

harryj 2644 reads
16 / 26

Jack, you have to remember that pseudo-libs have a different definition of "lie". That word, to them, means "I disagree with your opinion". The word "lie" in its traditional meaning of dishonesty has no application to their culture as they believe that there is no such thing as true and false, only relevancy.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2471 reads
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our consumerism... or the attitude that a stupid concert is more important than a moral life.

That a 15 yr old gal out shakin her bootie instead of studying and growing up with realistic surroundings.... yea..... we are so far from what reality is- that we cannot even see the problem for what it really is... that our society has become so decadant that this is actually debatable.  yeesh.

RightwingUnderground 2292 reads
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zinaval 7 Reviews 2699 reads
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I didn't think they'd make up Daddy out of candle-light.

RightwingUnderground 2642 reads
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I went looking for evidence that he was in Iraq. I couldn't believe that the AP would not exploit that info for all it was worth.

zinaval 7 Reviews 2091 reads
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zinaval 7 Reviews 1790 reads
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I thought by far the bigger crime being committed was the out-of-control Ken Starr investigation of -- what? Whitewater?? Which led to Clinton being question about what??? A blow-job he received a decade later?

I'm more concerned about out-of-control prosecutors than I am about a "felony" concerning a sexual relationship that had no association to the crime investigated, but which was used just as a personal attack, which became a legal attack.

I see the felony, I pardon Clinton.

You know what good ol' Dubya would have done? He would have said that Starr had no power to make him testify. Which I think is much more damaging to the country.

strangedaze 2068 reads
25 / 26
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