Politics and Religion

9/11 First Responders to Sen. McConnell: Stop Blocking Bill
mrhuck 15 Reviews 744 reads
1 / 43

between the RNC convention & the DNC convention, the speakers & the attendees @ the RNC had nothing but negativity to convey, & the DNC speakers were informative & mostly positive. Why would anyone want any of the people @ the RNC convention to run our country ?

countryguy8 85 reads
2 / 43

... and the Dems simply don't get it.  

The Donald gets it.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 95 reads
3 / 43

In this wide world of P4P, where people travel from city to city, bumping into alluring strangers at M&G's and street corners, often under the influence of alcohol and sometimes other mind altering substances, where even our paths might cross purely by chance, please, if we should ever meet, be kind enough to remind me never to fuck you.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 86 reads
4 / 43

I doubt any women need to be reminded not to fuck an ass-wipe like you.

saltyballs 64 reads
5 / 43

Posted By: ROMMEL
I doubt any women need to be reminded not to fuck an ass-wipe like you.
Or an asswipe like you! Just saying!

saltyballs 72 reads
6 / 43

....mis adventurism into Iraq.Those two idiots created the foundation that is the clusterfuck we now have in the Middle East. The Donald gets nothing, he's completely devoid of brain matter between his two ears.

Posted By: countryguy8
... and the Dems simply don't get it.  
 The Donald gets it.

bigguy30 69 reads
7 / 43

It's amazing both DD and Trump are in the same diverse city.
Then pull stunts like this without any regard for the whole truth.

So when brooks5, DD, FM, GaG, Jack, ROMMEL, usgrantlover.
Plus others try and call me or others racists on this site.

You have the proof, who the racists really are on here.
They try and hide it but expose themselves every time.
Then hate it, when I call them out on it.

DD I know you like to lie and play games with the truth.
This was really low even for you!


Posted By: devindavette
-- Modified on 7/27/2016 7:44:34 AM

bigguy30 59 reads
8 / 43
bigguy30 67 reads
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Posted By: ROMMEL
I doubt any women need to be reminded not to fuck an ass-wipe like you.

bigguy30 46 reads
11 / 43

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: devindavette

brooks5 161 reads
12 / 43

dumbfuck came in with Iran controlled and under enormous internal political pressure, Iraq basically stable and Syria and Lybia stable.  Now the whole region is in flames with the terror spreading to Europe AND here and Putin has taken over

then Obama and Hillary could not have fucked it up worse if they tried both tactically and strategically

Obamas "pink line" puss-out brought in Russia to show him what a pussy he was and CREATED the European refugee/terrorist invasion, fucking up SOFA led directly to the rise of ISIS out of the ashes of Al Queda in Iraq.  It was all set up by his initial "World Apology Tour" where he said, to the entire world, "I AM A PUSSY".  I believe that was a direct quote ;)

For chrissakes Obama wanted the job to fix all that stuff.  he not only didn't do it, he fucked it up more.  Brother has has 8 FUCKING YEAR

brooks5 47 reads
13 / 43

we DO call you racist

big difference

dryheat 59 reads
14 / 43

It seems republicans side with the police and democrats with minorities. Wish they had found a middle ground. So much tension and mistrust that is prevailing nowadays.

bigguy30 65 reads
15 / 43

The GOP wants you to believe that lie dryheat.

Posted By: dryheat
It seems republicans side with the police and democrats with minorities. Wish they had found a middle ground. So much tension and mistrust that is prevailing nowadays.

bigguy30 67 reads
16 / 43

This even happened last year and more proof.
The GOP are not real supporters of cops or first responders.
They kept blocking different 9/11 bills for first responders for over seven fucking years!

Posted By: bigguy30
The GOP wants you to believe that lie dryheat.  
Posted By: dryheat
It seems republicans side with the police and democrats with minorities. Wish they had found a middle ground. So much tension and mistrust that is prevailing nowadays.

bigguy30 60 reads
17 / 43

Then you can start to make changes yourself.
The problem for you is everybody knows you are a clown.

Posted By: brooks5
we DO call you racist  
 big difference

dryheat 64 reads
18 / 43

Perceived allegiances.  

Elections are won on perceptions rather than deeds.

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 6:27:45 AM

bigguy30 50 reads
19 / 43

DD will just change her apperance again.

Posted By: WickedBrut
In this wide world of P4P, where people travel from city to city, bumping into alluring strangers at M&G's and street corners, often under the influence of alcohol and sometimes other mind altering substances, where even our paths might cross purely by chance, please, if we should ever meet, be kind enough to remind me never to fuck you.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 60 reads
20 / 43

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: ROMMEL
I doubt any women need to be reminded not to fuck an ass-wipe like you.

bigguy30 69 reads
21 / 43

The GOP are a lying cult and their actions even on this site are a joke.
So former President Bush was not a smart man at times and a follower.
I never disliked him as much as I do the GOP and Trump now!

You talk about perceptions and I am showing you the reality!
Posted By: dryheat
Perceived allegiances.  
 Elections are won on perceptions rather than deeds.

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 6:27:45 AM
-- Modified on 7/27/2016 10:02:07 AM

JackDunphy 64 reads
22 / 43

You did NOTHING to counter it other than be a little boy take your ball and run home.

The DNC, Hills and you are cop haters.

Own it.

JackDunphy 65 reads
23 / 43

He had a long winded rant on the GD last week crying how hard it was to shower and shave and pick out a date.  

How sad of a fuck can you be when you make sex with hot women sound like a fucking chore?

Oh, and he hates cops too. LOL

Bored of sex and a cop hater.

Yeah, all the ingredients for a healthy outlook on life

bigguy30 50 reads
24 / 43

You already posted enough hateful comments on your own Jack.
So own it yourself and nobody is falling for your bullshit.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You did NOTHING to counter it other than be a little boy take your ball and run home.  
 The DNC, Hills and you are cop haters.  
 Own it.
-- Modified on 7/27/2016 10:21:55 AM

bigguy30 87 reads
25 / 43

Also I guess everybody is a cop hater to you old man?

Jack you negotiate price with providers youself.
The prices of your medications along with Viagra really must be hurting your pockets.  
I guess times are hard for you Trump supporters. Lol
Posted By: JackDunphy
He had a long winded rant on the GD last week crying how hard it was to shower and shave and pick out a date.  
 How sad of a fuck can you be when you make sex with hot women sound like a fucking chore?  
 Oh, and he hates cops too. LOL  
 Bored of sex and a cop hater.  
 Yeah, all the ingredients for a healthy outlook on life.  
-- Modified on 7/27/2016 10:48:46 AM

bigguy30 67 reads
26 / 43

Posted By: countryguy8
... and the Dems simply don't get it.  
 The Donald gets it.
-- Modified on 7/27/2016 10:45:53 AM

mrhuck 15 Reviews 67 reads
27 / 43

that I made to start this thred quickly turned into a personal shit fight, just because we are making these comments on a (fuck board) is no excuse, cant we at least have a peaceful discussion without all the name calling & disrespect ?

bigguy30 63 reads
28 / 43

Posted By: mrhuck
that I made to start this thred quickly turned into a personal shit fight, just because we are making these comments on a (fuck board) is no excuse, cant we at least have a peaceful discussion without all the name calling & disrespect ?

mrhuck 15 Reviews 88 reads
29 / 43

Even if you treat discussion as a win or loose game the winner is most often the side that captures the high ground.

JackDunphy 68 reads
30 / 43

..."the speakers & the attendees @ the RNC had nothing but negativity to convey" and then bitch about a peaceful discussion, I would say you are delusional or baiting people.

You know the statement you made is factually incorrect so man up, correct it, and we can move on without name calling and disrespect.

See? Simple.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 70 reads
31 / 43

Please enlighten us all with any positive messages you herd from the speakers @ the RNC convention last week.

GaGambler 75 reads
32 / 43

There are times to sit around the campfire and sing Kumbaya and there are times to admit there is a problem and face it head on instead of trying to pretend there is no problem

We watched as the EU went through the financial crisis of PIGS and still lefties wanted to emulate Europe. Now we are watching as terror attacks by radical Muslims in Europe are becoming an almost weekly event with ZERO sign of any plans to slow it down, much less stop it and still some people want to emulate Europe where it comes to open borders as well.  

Can't some of you EVER learn from the mistakes of others?

mrhuck 15 Reviews 68 reads
33 / 43

Well thank you GaG for a peaceful & coherent reply I still don't agree but at least you made an effort to bring some good arguable points to the discussion.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 59 reads
34 / 43

Thanks DD for the vid of Trumps daughters speech, with all the manure that was spread around  by the other speakers @ the RNC that night I missed her miss- guided attempt to make her father appear human.

JackDunphy 96 reads
35 / 43

If destroying ISIS, curbing our national debt, bringing back higher paying jobs, respecting police officers, etc is NOT positive, then you are either a liar or ignorant of what was said at the convention.

Which one is it?

bigguy30 55 reads
36 / 43

Posted By: JackDunphy
If destroying ISIS, curbing our national debt, bringing back higher paying jobs, respecting police officers, etc is NOT positive, then you are either a liar or ignorant of what was said at the convention.  
 Which one is it?

mrhuck 15 Reviews 71 reads
37 / 43

Neither of the choices you proposed, I chose not to recognize those points as positive because they only talk about problems we all already know we have & nothing about the solutions. The few details we have gotten from the Trump camp about fixing these problems have shown to be poorly thought out, & Mr Trump changes his mind about his statements daily, how in the world can we trust that, the republicans want us to buy a pig in a poke. I know it is quite a challenge for you Jack but why don't you try to answer without name calling & insults?

JackDunphy 74 reads
38 / 43

You asked for "positive messages" and NOW when crushed with my rebuttal you conveniently slide to "solutions." LOL

You are a hater and a dope if you don't think they were positive messages i.e. to destroy a terrorist group or honor our brave fallen police, etc.

Keep carrying the hateful far left flag!

Like I could stop you. ;)

mrhuck 15 Reviews 75 reads
39 / 43

Well Jack I guess you sure cleared things up, It seams you & I don't agree on what we see as positive or negative, of course there is also a difference in the way we each make our point & I think anyone no matter right or left thinking can see that.

JackDunphy 74 reads
40 / 43

For you to say that NONE of the HUNDREDS of speakers had ANY positive messages is hateful or just so fucking ignorant as to not warrant any more of my time.

So you either didn't watch the RNC and slammed ALL OF IT for being negative or you watched it and then lied about it.

Either way, you are a dolt.  

But keep thinking you are better than me.

That just seals the deal you are a super partisan leftist elitist.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 66 reads
41 / 43

Well Jack how many times must you prove my point?

brooks5 64 reads
42 / 43

they just act superior cuz they never seem able to support their bullshit ideas or ideology

kinda like it's enough just for nutty shit to come out of THEIR mouths

a simply fascinating mental health pathology

dryheat 54 reads
43 / 43

Cialis ads ran every few minutes during RNC.

I am yet to see one during DNC.

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