Politics and Religion

81%!!!! Really! Seriously!
St. Croix 1081 reads

I guess I better get my checkbook out. When Obama was talking about "paying your fair share", "shared sacrifice", "shared responsibility", maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Am I supposed to feel guilty? Maybe just a little tug on my heart?

Nope, not feeling it! What else you got?

Will "all" those unhappy folks quoted in those polls have the balls to now go and vote their positions by voting against every single incumbant.  Who amongst the activists of this board plan to vote against anyone presently in office?

It was the biggest turnover in the history of The house and there were 7 Senate seat turnovers.  There is still an anti-incumbency feeling in the air.  

What gets me is all of the Tea Baggers were swept in on a tidal wave of shrinking the size and scope of Big Government.  But now they are "Nuts" for following their mandate by trying to cut spending and not raise taxes.  How "nutty" of them.  There must be a lot of sane people in Greece.

-- Modified on 7/26/2011 7:57:20 AM

81% of the people want higher taxes on the rich, and both Obama and the GOP are debating on how much to cut taxes on the rich.

St. Croix1082 reads

I guess I better get my checkbook out. When Obama was talking about "paying your fair share", "shared sacrifice", "shared responsibility", maybe I just wasn't paying attention. Am I supposed to feel guilty? Maybe just a little tug on my heart?

Nope, not feeling it! What else you got?

Why do you say this crap when you know the truth is out there?  Five different reports today reveal that Obama's call for all to contact their representatives and senators has resulted in the Washington switchboards being overloaded as well as their websites.  Far more calls than the switchboard can handle.  BUT, the folks calling are largely demanding that their representatives and senators reject Obama's attempt to raise taxes as part of the deficit plans.  All indications are that Obama's game bluff is being called on him by the citizens.

Priapus531029 reads

can you cite an objective link to the public response to the address last night ? I couldn't find anything on the net about it. Or, are you full of bullshit yourself ?

-- Modified on 7/26/2011 10:25:14 AM

Try a google search on "washington switchboard overloaded"  you'll have several to pick from.  Cheers.

Priapus532601 reads

Fox News links support your "assertion"; others come up with a different acount. Phone calls to Capitol hill switchbords as you've mentioned are largely jammed by left & right "advocacy groups."
Doesn't constitute a scientific survey & proves nothing.

This was found in an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll a few months back.


This was backed up by another poll that found that 77% wanted higher taxes on the rich.

Cutting "entitlements" and the deficit are low priorities for the American People. They want higher taxes on the rich by a staggering majority, and jobs.

St. Croix719 reads

if the San Francisco Bay Guardian, The Daily Kos, Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumur say so, well golly, I sure should listen.

I wouldn't cut entitlements either, and I wouldn't cut the deficit. Heck willy, the govt budget is $3.8T, and only 25% of GDP.

I'm convinced. What's the next step?

did you notice that the poll was actually conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC? A group of radical lefties for sure. ;)

Cutting entitlements is a really dumb idea. It will take money out of the economy for people who spend it. Furthermore, they don't contribute one damn dime to the deficit.

As I've said many times before, what we ought to cut is defense, national security, and health and human services. Those are the big three in the federal budget.

We also need to raise taxes on everybody. Everyone with an income should be paying income taxes. It doesn't matter if you make 1000 bucks a year or a billion. Everyone should have some skin in the game. And the fact that the top marginal income tax rate kicks in at $373k when there are many who make 7 figures is bullshit. We need a lot more tax brackets.

The fact that hedge-fund managers who make hundreds of millions (if not billions) per year are taxed at the 15% cap gains rate is ludicrous.  Their secretaries are taxed at a higher rate.  And please tell me what jobs they create?

St. Croix3318 reads

did you hear about George Soros. He is closing his hedge fund to outside investors. He said it had to do with the new financial regulations. Isn't that a hoot? The poster boy for Progressives in the finance world, and he terminates his hedge fund because of regulations.

Oh yes, I do agree that the 15% cap gains rate on hedge fund managers is bullshit. But then I don't care about them. I only care about me, myself and I.

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